Twilight Gear

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Twilight gear
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Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2010-12-16 11:51:53
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Lakshmi.Aurilius said:
/Sch gets haste? (Serious question my scholar is only 40)
No. But you said healer ;). And if you capped difussion you could AOE haste 5 out of every 10 min!
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Snick
Posts: 906
By Fenrir.Snick 2010-12-16 11:51:59
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Bahamut.Raenryong said:
Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Gilgamesh.Tweeek said:
I haven't been a RDM main since 2004 or 2005 on my old server so I'm not going to come in here and explain wtf they do, if you guys want to keep thinking their is no reason to ever have a RDM in your party then don't invite them i don't care.
So basically, you have no counter to points made?

There is no possible counter to points made. He's just happy with the state of WHM because he is one.
Night should tell you the time I almost wanted to level RDM cuz WHM didn't seem to have anything over it then suddenly Abyssea.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1515
By Cerberus.Vaness 2010-12-16 11:52:12
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Cerberus.Vaness said:
I have both rdm and whm to 90, rdm can cap mind as easy as a whm can and from my own experience, rdm para/slow beat whm by far.
I'm not saying they aren't better (less than an 8% increase in overall potency with full merits is not "by far" though), only that they're completely unnecessary.

But it will never be better then have a rdm dedicaced to enfeeb/
See above.

trigger grellow/

help cure/
Any job /WHM can do this just as well as a RDM. BRD/WHM anyone? And since you mentioned grellow, BLU is a better healer (not trolling, infinite MP is wonderful) than RDM and has unique grellow procs.

Takes two seconds to cast.


Is a terrible idea when you're trying to proc weakness. Afterwards, the only one that will have any significant impact on killspeed is Dia III over WHM's Dia II. Even Bio III isn't worth the merits these days, atmas put nukes well above DoT in terms of your damage output on any solo.
okay so I see you took time to try to destruct my opinion, I am very glad.

I am not saying that I would make a rdm come over a blm or a brd or w/e, I am just saying that it can help in some situation.It's not 100% useless, like you seems to say.

and hmm refresh isnt always unnessairy.Most ppl like you think that having 3x atmas make you able to spam cure 5-6 forever w/o running out of mp.I did run out of mp, quite a few time (omg surprise!).Curing DDs that just dont care about phys and mag dmg - stuff who take up to 1-2k every 4s, isnt very MP friendly.

oh but yeahhhhhhh atmas make DD gods too -they say
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kenobi
Posts: 9
By Cerberus.Kenobi 2010-12-16 11:54:08
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It's funny how this topic is titled "Twilight Gear" and all these people are just crying about overpowered jobs because they are butt-hurt that SAM isn't easily top DD anymore. I think people are forgetting how much easier Masamune empyrean path is compared to unkonvasra or verethragna and a SAM with fudo is far from underpowered. So now it actually takes some time to gear up a job and you cant just throw on some ***perle or aurore gear and be the top DD.

SE has already made the game way too easy with abyssea buffs etc for those people who always complained about endgame gear being too hard to get. Stop crying, stop being lazy, put in some work and even every gimp sam can get a masamune with a pt of 3 ppl, probably even 2, it just wont come over night.

That being said, the TWILIGHT GEAR is pretty cool, best belt for all jobs that can wear except mnk, scythe is fun but has about 5% proc rate (I've played with it on my loldrk), the helm is pure win for all jobs that can use, the body is nice too as long as you dont need the stp for a hit build, the dagger is fun to play with but not a top DD dagger choice imo, the neck is pure win for everything, the cloak is just for looks but looks really badass and the cape is pretty much an elemental obi.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Snick
Posts: 906
By Fenrir.Snick 2010-12-16 11:55:43
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Cerberus.Vaness said:
okay so I see you took time to try to destruct my opinion, I am very glad.

I am not saying that I would make a rdm come over a blm or a brd or w/e, I am just saying that it can help in some situation.It's not 100% useless, like you seems to say.

and hmm refresh isnt always unnessairy.Most ppl like you think that having 3x atmas make you able to spam cure 5-6 forever w/o running out of mp.I did run out of mp, quite a few time (omg surprise!).Curing DDs that just dont care about phys and mag dmg - stuff who take up to 1-2k every 4s, isnt very MP friendly.

oh but yeahhhhhhh atmas make DD gods too -they say
It's like you retards only read one word in someone's post (And it doesn't even have to be the person you're quoting) and just stick with it. Night never once *** said RDM was useless. In fact, he said the exact *** opposite
It's not that it's useless, it's that other jobs are more useful. It's still a strong job overall.

With sublimation, over 20mp refresh from atmas, gear, etc, temp items, there is no reason to run out of MP. Sorry, suck less.
That being said, the TWILIGHT GEAR is pretty cool, best belt for all jobs that can wear except mnk
RNG can really jump on that haste and DA!
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-12-16 11:55:55
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Cerberus.Vaness said:
I am not saying that I would make a rdm come over a blm or a brd or w/e, I am just saying that it can help in some situation.It's not 100% useless, like you seems to say.

RDM is still useful. It just isn't as useful as WHM in a lot of things. This is what we are arguing :(

and hmm refresh isnt always unnessairy.Most ppl like you think that having 3x atmas make you able to spam cure 5-6 forever w/o running out of mp.I did run out of mp, quite a few time (omg surprise!).Curing DDs that just dont care about phys and mag dmg - stuff who take up to 1-2k every 4s, isnt very MP friendly.

Wtf are you doing which involves taking so much damage? You do basically have infinite MP with 15/tick+ from Atmas solely...

oh but yeahhhhhhh atmas make DD gods too -they say

Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
Posts: 2169
By Gilgamesh.Tweeek 2010-12-16 11:56:31
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I have friends with just RDM leveled, I tell them I don't want them to come along even though we are no where near 18?

Not everyone with RDM has a DD job also leveled.

Just because you guys do nothing but low man ***does not mean everyone is doing low man ***at all times, having a RDM in a party to be flexible, help with enfeebs, backup cure etc. comes in handy.

You guys are acting like I am being forced to do something with 2 friends and that I am asking one of them to come RDM because we need a RDM to enfeeb. You people need to realize not everyone does the exact same ***that you do.

Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1515
By Cerberus.Vaness 2010-12-16 11:58:10
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Fenrir.Snick said:
Cerberus.Vaness said:
okay so I see you took time to try to destruct my opinion, I am very glad.

I am not saying that I would make a rdm come over a blm or a brd or w/e, I am just saying that it can help in some situation.It's not 100% useless, like you seems to say.

and hmm refresh isnt always unnessairy.Most ppl like you think that having 3x atmas make you able to spam cure 5-6 forever w/o running out of mp.I did run out of mp, quite a few time (omg surprise!).Curing DDs that just dont care about phys and mag dmg - stuff who take up to 1-2k every 4s, isnt very MP friendly.

oh but yeahhhhhhh atmas make DD gods too -they say
It's like you retards only read one word in someone's post (And it doesn't even have to be the person you're quoting) and just stick with it. Night never once *** said RDM was useless. In fact, he said the exact *** opposite
It's not that it's useless, it's that other jobs are more useful. It's still a strong job overall.

With sublimation, over 20mp refresh from atmas, gear, etc, temp items, there is no reason to run out of MP. Sorry, suck less.
That being said, the TWILIGHT GEAR is pretty cool, best belt for all jobs that can wear except mnk
RNG can really jump on that haste and DA!
Why calling me a retard? I am giving my opinion here.Be polite if you arent pretty
jeeze ppl
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ashman
Posts: 4251
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2010-12-16 11:59:16
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It's like the telephone game. by page 10 the discussion will be theories on magian trials for puppetmaster.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-12-16 11:59:43
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Gilgamesh.Tweeek said:
I have friends with just RDM leveled, I tell them I don't want them to come along even though we are no where near 18?

Not everyone with RDM has a DD job also leveled.

So if I have a friend with only PLD leveled, this makes PLD good?

Just because you guys do nothing but low man ***does not mean everyone is doing low man ***at all times, having a RDM in a party to be flexible, help with enfeebs, backup cure etc.

If you're not lowmanning, with the vast majority of mobs you could throw a bunch of braindead monkeys at something and still win. That doesn't make WHM less overpowered.

If a friend only has RDM leveled, cool. In the above situation (read: almost any situation) they would be more useful if they only had a DD leveled etc.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Snick
Posts: 906
By Fenrir.Snick 2010-12-16 11:59:49
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Gilgamesh.Tweeek said:
I have friends with just RDM leveled, I tell them I don't want them to come along even though we are no where near 18?

Not everyone with RDM has a DD job also leveled.

Just because you guys do nothing but low man ***does not mean everyone is doing low man ***at all times, having a RDM in a party to be flexible, help with enfeebs, backup cure etc.

You guys are acting like I am being forced to do something with 2 friends and that I am asking one of them to come RDM because we need a RDM to enfeeb. You people need to realize not everyone does the exact same ***that you do.

We aren't arguing that. We're arguing efficiency. And when you come in here and spout BS like that, of course we're gonna jump on you. People are free to do whatever the *** they like, but don't pretend it's the best way to do ***or try to convince others it is.

I myself don't do things the most efficiently. I know for a fact Nightfyre doesn't either, and I can make a pretty strong assumption Raenryong doesn't either.

Christ this is not hard to understand.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1515
By Cerberus.Vaness 2010-12-16 12:00:34
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Bahamut.Raenryong said:

Wtf are you doing which involves taking so much damage? You do basically have infinite MP with 15/tick+ from Atmas solely...
I did rani and raja yesterday....I think I never wanted to shoot myself that much...
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Aurilius
Posts: 1726
By Lakshmi.Aurilius 2010-12-16 12:02:09
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Tweek people aren't talking about your situation though. They are talking in general. No one is going to turn down a red mage as a healer for a party in an 18 man exp alliance. But if I'm going to kill an NM with 2-3 people, I'm taking a white mage and not a red mage. They've already given you all the reasons.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Snick
Posts: 906
By Fenrir.Snick 2010-12-16 12:02:33
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Ragnarok.Ashman said:
It's like the telephone game. by page 10 the discussion will be theories on magian trials for puppetmaster.
I still hope every time I post in a topic to actually be the cause of it getting locked. But I don't think these forums even have mobs so :(
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1515
By Cerberus.Vaness 2010-12-16 12:04:22
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Fenrir.Snick said:
Gilgamesh.Tweeek said:
I have friends with just RDM leveled, I tell them I don't want them to come along even though we are no where near 18?

Not everyone with RDM has a DD job also leveled.

Just because you guys do nothing but low man ***does not mean everyone is doing low man ***at all times, having a RDM in a party to be flexible, help with enfeebs, backup cure etc.

You guys are acting like I am being forced to do something with 2 friends and that I am asking one of them to come RDM because we need a RDM to enfeeb. You people need to realize not everyone does the exact same ***that you do.

We aren't arguing that. We're arguing efficiency. And when you come in here and spout BS like that, of course we're gonna jump on you. People are free to do whatever the *** they like, but don't pretend it's the best way to do ***or try to convince others it is.

I myself don't do things the most efficiently. I know for a fact Nightfyre doesn't either, and I can make a pretty strong assumption Raenryong doesn't either.

Christ this is not hard to understand.
I dont think any1 tried to convince or say its the best way.

Fenrir.Snick said:

It's like you retards only read one word in someone's post (And it doesn't even have to be the person you're quoting) and just stick with it.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2659
By Carbuncle.Asymptotic 2010-12-16 12:06:19
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Back on topic...

I want the dagger because it looks sexy. :3
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1515
By Cerberus.Vaness 2010-12-16 12:08:59
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Carbuncle.Asymptotic said:
Back on topic...

I want the dagger because it looks sexy. :3
its sexy... but not as the weapon you want as main.I think I could replace joy/parazonium if using rani ring/atma.It proc quite a bunch and it doesnt kill your damage over time.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Aurilius
Posts: 1726
By Lakshmi.Aurilius 2010-12-16 12:09:18
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I want it all because I enjoy pokemon. I gotta catch em all.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
Posts: 2169
By Gilgamesh.Tweeek 2010-12-16 12:10:04
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Fenrir.Snick said:
Gilgamesh.Tweeek said:
I have friends with just RDM leveled, I tell them I don't want them to come along even though we are no where near 18?

Not everyone with RDM has a DD job also leveled.

Just because you guys do nothing but low man ***does not mean everyone is doing low man ***at all times, having a RDM in a party to be flexible, help with enfeebs, backup cure etc.

You guys are acting like I am being forced to do something with 2 friends and that I am asking one of them to come RDM because we need a RDM to enfeeb. You people need to realize not everyone does the exact same ***that you do.

We aren't arguing that. We're arguing efficiency. And when you come in here and spout BS like that, of course we're gonna jump on you. People are free to do whatever the *** they like, but don't pretend it's the best way to do ***or try to convince others it is.

I myself don't do things the most efficiently. I know for a fact Nightfyre doesn't either, and I can make a pretty strong assumption Raenryong doesn't either.

Christ this is not hard to understand.

I never once said that you need to bring a RDM or that you can't operate without a RDM this entire thing started off by saying RDM is not as good of a healer as WHM because... RDM isn't a "healer" class and that RDM can do other ***better than a WHM.

Fenrir.Snick said:
If all a RDM is adding is their enfeebles, it's hardly worth having them there.

Gilgamesh.Tweeek said:

I am comparing a WHM to a RDM for enfeebling.. a RDM is much better. That is what I am saying, do you disagree?
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
Posts: 2169
By Gilgamesh.Tweeek 2010-12-16 12:11:27
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Lakshmi.Aurilius said:
Tweek people aren't talking about your situation though. They are talking in general. No one is going to turn down a red mage as a healer for a party in an 18 man exp alliance. But if I'm going to kill an NM with 2-3 people, I'm taking a white mage and not a red mage. They've already given you all the reasons.

Obviously everyone would, I never once said anything about NOT doing that that's why i don't understand all the hostility as if I had said that or anything like that.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Shokox
Posts: 633
By Carbuncle.Shokox 2010-12-16 12:11:28
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Carbuncle.Asymptotic said:
Back on topic...

I want the dagger because it looks sexy. :3

This. I also want it for my NIN. Maybe Quad Attack+ applies to mainhand katana as well. >.>

IDK, I just wanna use such a sexy looking dagger for my NIN, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Galadriel
Posts: 427
By Lakshmi.Galith 2010-12-16 12:11:39
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Cerberus.Vaness said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Fenrir.Snick said:
I'd say SCH is a better nuker than BLM atm <_<
I'd disagree... note I hadn't yet finished varunas+1. And my atmas were beyond, baying moon and minkin (no I don't have any of the 50mab ones and no I don't have any of the other +ice attack ones /cry). + asectics and no other buffs. I'm so vidhuniring and using jse ammo next time I go out lol

This doesn't even get into the fact againg.
this^^ so much
I also have final vegeta on my server that trow some 8k nuke once in a while.
I love sch, its very usefull caus it can cure and nuke (so is rdm most will say) but with a little + then rdm.Sch can kinda do cure 6 and get trow some pretty sexy nukes, but never NEVER it will be better then blm in dmg.

You obviously know nothing about scholar.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1515
By Cerberus.Vaness 2010-12-16 12:13:12
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Lakshmi.Galith said:
Cerberus.Vaness said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Fenrir.Snick said:
I'd say SCH is a better nuker than BLM atm <_<
I'd disagree... note I hadn't yet finished varunas+1. And my atmas were beyond, baying moon and minkin (no I don't have any of the 50mab ones and no I don't have any of the other +ice attack ones /cry). + asectics and no other buffs. I'm so vidhuniring and using jse ammo next time I go out lol

This doesn't even get into the fact againg.
this^^ so much
I also have final vegeta on my server that trow some 8k nuke once in a while.
I love sch, its very usefull caus it can cure and nuke (so is rdm most will say) but with a little + then rdm.Sch can kinda do cure 6 and get trow some pretty sexy nukes, but never NEVER it will be better then blm in dmg.

You obviously know nothing about scholar.
I have sch <.< and blm, both pretty well geared.So I think I know pretty much about sch.
thx for trying to troll though
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2659
By Carbuncle.Asymptotic 2010-12-16 12:13:54
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Cerberus.Vaness said:
Carbuncle.Asymptotic said:
Back on topic...

I want the dagger because it looks sexy. :3
its sexy... but not as the weapon you want as main.I think I could replace joy/parazonium if using rani ring/atma.It proc quite a bunch and it doesnt kill your damage over time.

Well, of course I'd offhand it!
I just need to stop tanking everything so I can mainhand something more exciting than an AGI Kila+2 :/
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Galadriel
Posts: 427
By Lakshmi.Galith 2010-12-16 12:15:56
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Cerberus.Vaness said:
Lakshmi.Galith said:
Cerberus.Vaness said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Fenrir.Snick said:
I'd say SCH is a better nuker than BLM atm <_<
I'd disagree... note I hadn't yet finished varunas+1. And my atmas were beyond, baying moon and minkin (no I don't have any of the 50mab ones and no I don't have any of the other +ice attack ones /cry). + asectics and no other buffs. I'm so vidhuniring and using jse ammo next time I go out lol

This doesn't even get into the fact againg.
this^^ so much
I also have final vegeta on my server that trow some 8k nuke once in a while.
I love sch, its very usefull caus it can cure and nuke (so is rdm most will say) but with a little + then rdm.Sch can kinda do cure 6 and get trow some pretty sexy nukes, but never NEVER it will be better then blm in dmg.

You obviously know nothing about scholar.
I have sch <.< and blm, both pretty well geared.So I think I know pretty much about sch.
thx for trying to troll though

And for how much does your scholar nuke?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-12-16 12:16:11
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Fenrir.Snick said:
I myself don't do things the most efficiently. I know for a fact Nightfyre doesn't either, and I can make a pretty strong assumption Raenryong doesn't either.

Haha I think my jobs speak for themselves there!

RDM is not a terrible job, not even a bad job, but it deserves more healing power. To say that it deserves to be a terrible healer on anything harder than an exp mob because it can land a 5%~ stronger Slow is laughable.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1292
By Asura.Yunalaysca 2010-12-16 12:17:15
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Carbuncle.Asymptotic said:
Cerberus.Vaness said:
Carbuncle.Asymptotic said:
Back on topic...

I want the dagger because it looks sexy. :3
its sexy... but not as the weapon you want as main.I think I could replace joy/parazonium if using rani ring/atma.It proc quite a bunch and it doesnt kill your damage over time.

Well, of course I'd offhand it!
I just need to stop tanking everything so I can mainhand something more exciting than an AGI Kila+2 :/
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1515
By Cerberus.Vaness 2010-12-16 12:17:23
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Carbuncle.Asymptotic said:
Cerberus.Vaness said:
Carbuncle.Asymptotic said:
Back on topic...

I want the dagger because it looks sexy. :3
its sexy... but not as the weapon you want as main.I think I could replace joy/parazonium if using rani ring/atma.It proc quite a bunch and it doesnt kill your damage over time.

Well, of course I'd offhand it!
I just need to stop tanking everything so I can mainhand something more exciting than an AGI Kila+2 :/
I am the oldschool auric/joyeuse dnc tank.But I mainly solo and I really dont enjoy TP spam.I use full eva gear so I dont need those agi/eva magian dagger.I am currently doing para 2-4 times atm but mainly for the evisceration spam in exp pts ect.I will prolly not use it for solo.
By 2010-12-16 12:18:33
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Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1515
By Cerberus.Vaness 2010-12-16 12:18:50
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Lakshmi.Galith said:
Cerberus.Vaness said:
Lakshmi.Galith said:
Cerberus.Vaness said:
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Fenrir.Snick said:
I'd say SCH is a better nuker than BLM atm <_<
I'd disagree... note I hadn't yet finished varunas+1. And my atmas were beyond, baying moon and minkin (no I don't have any of the 50mab ones and no I don't have any of the other +ice attack ones /cry). + asectics and no other buffs. I'm so vidhuniring and using jse ammo next time I go out lol

This doesn't even get into the fact againg.
this^^ so much
I also have final vegeta on my server that trow some 8k nuke once in a while.
I love sch, its very usefull caus it can cure and nuke (so is rdm most will say) but with a little + then rdm.Sch can kinda do cure 6 and get trow some pretty sexy nukes, but never NEVER it will be better then blm in dmg.

You obviously know nothing about scholar.
I have sch <.< and blm, both pretty well geared.So I think I know pretty much about sch.
thx for trying to troll though

And for how much does your scholar nuke?
I havent not used sch in ages, so I cant tell you.But I can bet my *** they wont break 8k in non MB situation.
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