A bit late, but just jumping into the console war a little, The only reason I like playing on my Xbox is cause the 360 controller is really nice as long as you don't need to use the Dpad a lot. It's much more comfortable for long-time gaming than a Keyboard and mouse, at least for me. It's also the No1 Reason why I hate the PS consoles. I prefer the unwieldy Xbox basketball-size controller to the shitty Playstation controllers.
Still, nothing will ever top PC versions of games, if you meet the Recommended specs, it is absolutely a better experience (Controller issues notwithstanding) than any console. If you think otherwise, you're just in denial. I had an amazing PC 6 years ago, same PC now is D+ on a good day and I've put in all the upgrades I can, so there's no pushing it up a little lol.
Siren.Enternius said:
Worth the bump? I think so.
First half is the official Skyrim theme, second half is a taste of the ambient music in the game. As awesome as the theme is, the ambient music got me really pumped for this game for some reason.
Aside from Jeremy Soule being one of the more talented composers he has been composing The Elder Scrolls music since Morrowind, which does loads when it comes to direction and interpretation. BGM is one of those things that's often overlooked, but a good score can elevate a game as much as top-tier visual fidelity, especially when combined with great sound design. One of the better examples is Mass Effect 2, with an ambient track that "Pumps up" intelligently during firefights, and wanes back after the action.