General Tales Of Asshatery

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General tales of Asshatery
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Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
Posts: 185
By Diabolos.Megatron 2010-12-09 12:46:27
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p.s stop with the freaking /party macros for every darn thing you do.
sure a few are nice to have but do i really need to see one everytime you provoke, or you cure someone. o and how nice u have a diffrent one for each cure. o look the thf has one for when he flees. o look the drg has one for all his jumps. ok ok ok your a bst why do you have a macro telling everyone your pets hp and tp. o joy the rdm has one letting me know hes refreshing me. i love the jesus juice part. o neat a macro that tells us your resting and how many hit poins you have o and your magic points . thats awsome. they needt oass sometuing in the fgame that does that . o yea those pesky things inthe lower right hand corner SE you goofballs i always wonderewd what those were for.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: geefresh
Posts: 47
By Sylph.Merow 2010-12-09 12:47:02
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Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1488
By Ragnarok.Blindphleb 2010-12-09 12:47:50
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I like boost /party macros.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1488
By Ragnarok.Blindphleb 2010-12-09 12:48:20
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Damn you Merow
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: miperich
Posts: 221
By Sylph.Vestal 2010-12-09 12:51:53
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Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: geefresh
Posts: 47
By Sylph.Merow 2010-12-09 12:52:18
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EVERYONE GET BACK IM BEWSTING!!!!!arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
Posts: 185
By Diabolos.Megatron 2010-12-09 12:53:35
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i also love the opps i hit the wrong macro ones.

fighting a mob and all the sudden BOOM the ninja explodes. or insted of a weapon skill the mnk hundred fists and falls over dead.

(side note)
you wanna know whats real fun? waiting till your wife goes afk to teh rest room jump on her setup change her cure 5 macro to her 2h. and watch the joy when we fight a nm and shes the first to die.... shhhhhh.
i didnt get laid for 3 days for that one. but i laughed till i almost chocked to death.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: afranko22
Posts: 122
By Bismarck.Arcos 2010-12-09 12:53:57
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Diabolos.Megatron said:
p.s stop with the freaking /party macros for every darn thing you do.

What?!? you don't like SMNs and their cute /p macros describing their "Ice Queen" or "Bringer of Thunder" or whatever?

In all honesty, I have 2 /p macros. #1 is WHM, when I main heal abyssea for the 1 time a week I don't have MP, announcing that I am low and resting. #2 is my BRD goddess hymnus macro, for those rare rare occasions when we need it for a controlled wipe. Its rather clever, "Kiss your *** goodbye - Hymnus!"
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: geefresh
Posts: 47
By Sylph.Merow 2010-12-09 12:56:02
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seventh son of the seventh samurai inner tachi released!! seven tom cruises the last samurai Tachi: Gekko!!!!
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: miperich
Posts: 221
By Sylph.Vestal 2010-12-09 13:00:25
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Sheild bash! Byaaahhhhh!!!
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
Posts: 185
By Diabolos.Megatron 2010-12-09 13:01:36
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i think i only have 1 /party macro and its my pull macro on rng. and i randmlly change to to the flavor of the day. at the moment its

/p goes Pew pew pew pew at <t>.

becasue we were talking on skype and one member was being real quite and i called him on it . and hes like im trying to focus im tanking here and im not as lucky as yall jsut standing ther going pew pew pew pew at the mobs. of course everyoen on skype erupted in laughter so now everytime we see him we all emote it. so its my current pull macro.
a little story sry.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: afranko22
Posts: 122
By Bismarck.Arcos 2010-12-09 13:04:27
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Or WHM cure macros, like we need to see that you are doing your job.

Stun macros on the other hand, when/if there is a rotation, are nice to see.
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
Posts: 185
By Diabolos.Megatron 2010-12-09 13:13:15
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Bismarck.Arcos said:
Or WHM cure macros, like we need to see that you are doing your job. Stun macros on the other hand, when/if there is a rotation, are nice to see.

its easy to see if a whm is doing ther job if my hp goes yell then back to white i know. or if no one fall over dead is another sign. no macro needed ^^

on the stun one we usally do it were if its a rotation we make a custom macro and add a tell line to it so all you haveot do is wait for your tell then banm your up easy squeezy . and ther less chat log clutter. so less useless info flying across the screen. only gets anoying if the person who has you on there marco for gets and randokmlly 3 days later your walking thro jueno and you see

Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: afranko22
Posts: 122
By Bismarck.Arcos 2010-12-09 13:22:01
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Diabolos.Megatron said:
on the stun one we usally do it were if its a rotation we make a custom macro and add a tell line to it so all you haveot do is wait for your tell then banm your up easy squeezy . and ther less chat log clutter. so less useless info flying across the screen. only gets anoying if the person who has you on there marco for gets and randokmlly 3 days later your walking thro jueno and you see
I was never a fan of the /tell stun macros. Was always nice to see who was up next so I had an idea how they were doing on MP or if they were alive and awake. Not many things needed stun rotations, not something I ever liked doing either.
By 2010-12-09 13:26:51
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Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Loffle
Posts: 33
By Valefor.Loffle 2010-12-09 13:31:43
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Diabolos.Megatron said:

you wanna know whats real fun? waiting till your wife goes afk to teh rest room jump on her setup change her cure 5 macro to her 2h. and watch the joy when we fight a nm and shes the first to die.... shhhhhh.
i didnt get laid for 3 days for that one. but i laughed till i almost chocked to death.

Diabolos.Megatron said:
only gets anoying if the person who has you on there marco for gets and randokmlly 3 days later your walking thro jueno and you see !YOUR NEXT!

*giggled hard*
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5710
By Asura.Bluespoons 2010-12-09 14:05:06
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Ovrgrowntedyber said:
Only macros I have with /p in them is pro and shell buffs on whm with a call in it, so that people SEE I'm doing buffs and don't get to *** when they weren't in range for them. Also for stun rotation, just a simple Stun <t>, <player> next. There's a rdm in 2 of my event LSs that has EVERYTHING macro'd. Love when their timers aren't quite done yet and they *** spam pt chat with that crap ><

forgot to get on this profile... meh
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: afranko22
Posts: 122
By Bismarck.Arcos 2010-12-09 14:19:46
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Is windower still taboo? If not, no reason they should be off on the recast.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5710
By Asura.Bluespoons 2010-12-09 14:24:30
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They play on 360 iirc. Dunno for sure, but it's stupid, regardless.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2010-12-09 14:27:18
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I used to only have 2 party macros lines, one for pulling on thf and rng and one for stunning on blm. Now my rng never pulls so I never use that one.

I did have to add one, though, specifically for sky gods waaaay back in the day when I did sky. I got so sick of having every single shadowbind broken on Seiryu's and Suzaku's 2 hours that I made the most annoyingly obnoxious screaming loud GTFO shadowbind call macro ever. I'd spam it until everyone got off, then shadowbind. It was ridiculous the number of times I would have to hit that macro and how many plds got killed because some random mnk or thf could never seem to unlock and run away. Pet peeve!

Er, but as for on-topics, I can't think of any douchebags off the top. Most everyone seems nice to me most of the time.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Kailana
Posts: 2542
By Ramuh.Kailana 2010-12-09 14:27:44
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Diabolos.Megatron said:
i also love the opps i hit the wrong macro ones.

fighting a mob and all the sudden BOOM the ninja explodes. or insted of a weapon skill the mnk hundred fists and falls over dead.

(side note)
you wanna know whats real fun? waiting till your wife goes afk to teh rest room jump on her setup change her cure 5 macro to her 2h. and watch the joy when we fight a nm and shes the first to die.... shhhhhh.
i didnt get laid for 3 days for that one. but i laughed till i almost chocked to death.

You are EVIL!
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2010-12-09 14:28:48
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Ramuh.Kailana said:
Diabolos.Megatron said:
i also love the opps i hit the wrong macro ones.

fighting a mob and all the sudden BOOM the ninja explodes. or insted of a weapon skill the mnk hundred fists and falls over dead.

(side note)
you wanna know whats real fun? waiting till your wife goes afk to teh rest room jump on her setup change her cure 5 macro to her 2h. and watch the joy when we fight a nm and shes the first to die.... shhhhhh.
i didnt get laid for 3 days for that one. but i laughed till i almost chocked to death.

You are EVIL!
so are you. Come to Ni!
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2010-12-09 14:34:09
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Ragnarok.Blindphleb said:
I like boost /party macros.
By 2010-12-09 14:35:24
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Serveur: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Wombat
Posts: 774
By Titan.Wombat 2010-12-09 14:50:12
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Ragnarok.Anye said:
Ragnarok.Blindphleb said:
I like boost /party macros.

lol XD
Posts: 690
By Halfpint 2010-12-09 14:51:06
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I have one Pt macro...."Convert"..... that way the whm (or any one who is curing)in pt isn't freaking out, thinking i'm about to die or wasting their mp to heal me when I can do it or have already done it myself.

Used to have Macro for Sleep II " damnit <t> go to sleep" and silence "<t>shut the hell up" but that was before i joined an endgame ls.
Macros for protect and shell I don't mind. Whm with Mp warnings is one I don't mind...(used to have one of my own " WARNING>>>if i am at 15% or less MP and you pull.... you die first!!") this was as lvl 36 whm so 15% is not much mp

Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Oumura
Posts: 3460
By Phoenix.Oumura 2010-12-09 15:00:20
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Ragnarok.Anye said:
Ragnarok.Blindphleb said:
I like boost /party macros.
Holy mother of God I would tear that guy a new ***.

After laughing hysterically.
MSPaint Winner
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: tidis
Posts: 3927
By Cerberus.Tidis 2010-12-09 15:15:16
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Honestly I don't have any macros for either PLD or RDM.

I do for my lvl 63 SAM though and only for Sekkanoki

Not that it prevents people from interrupting my skillchain but it's always worth a shot.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4012
By Odin.Godofgods 2010-12-09 15:47:51
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we've all been or delt with the old fashion campaign ***. Ppl that would take a mob to the edge of a map or hide to make sure noone could ever find them, jsut so they could solo it for themselves. Or the soloer *** that would kill you if you tired to touch their mob, by dissengaugeing, letting u take hate, watch u die, then reengauge.

Youd think a lsot of that would end with the drastic last of ppl in campaign..but no.. its been taken to a new level. I was campaining in vunkerl, against the Ander's dogs none the less. (loved by many because the heal themselves endlessly) Well a galka dnc/whm was their. He let the alpha mega boss pass to the npcs, then agroed the entire division. between his eva, dnc, and whm was able to stay alive jsut well, while he atked one. Since he had the WHOLE division.. and i was only other one their, i started atking the same one as him (as drk). Keeping in mind the two of us would never kill it the way they heal.

When he saw that, he switched targets. Let me take hate, and die. Then switched back to that mob. >< Seriously... how greedy can u be?
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