Views On Astral Burning?

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Views on Astral burning?
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Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-02-19 14:54:10
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Alyria, you forgot most melee and Cor in your list of jobs that can level very quickly.

Edit: O..k...
So what you guys are saying is if you didn't take a long time to level the job on your character that you have no idea what you're doing on it and have no experience with it?
Let's say for instance that someone plays on another person's character a lot, learning a job by doing (not to mention being in parties and learning from example).

We'll use me as an example for this. I've played many, many hours as Thf, Bst, Rng, Blm, Brd, Pld (not 'so' much Pld, but still playtime and tanking on it), Rdm, and Nin while using my friends' and family's characters. Are you going to tell me that if I do decide to zerg one of those jobs to 75 with Astral Burning that I don't deserve to lot a piece of AF2, AF+1, sky gear, etc. etc. because I didn't take months to level it to 75 like you did? Are you going to honestly say that even though I may know the job better than you do and can do a better job than you do on that job that I can't lot because I "cheated" to get it to 75 in your very narrow-minded view? Why don't you guys get off your incredibly high horses and come down to Earth with the rest of us. You might see things a little differently from down here.

{ And.... For the record, I have absolutely no interest in leveling any of those jobs to 75. Just using them as an example. =) }
Serveur: Unicorn
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user: Tomas
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By Unicorn.Tavlov 2009-02-19 14:56:45
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Wow, i didnt know this either, not exactly sure how you get xp, unless only the initial mob doesnt give xp and the links do. I think i should try this too.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-02-19 15:01:34
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Artemicion said:
I think what he's saying is it would be outrageous (and I agree) for someone to have rights to lot on high level gear for something that only took them a few days to achieve in level, leaving the ones who took the time, patience and effort to learn the tricks of trade and functionality of the job by legitimately exping for a much longer and experienced amount of time.

that happens to alot of ppl especially ppl that have been in a ls a long time waiting for an item. As myself it took me a year to finally get my novio when I was a behind a few ppl then when others leveled the job but had points more they got the novio ahead of me when they just got the job to wear it leveled quick. It happens to alot of ppl when ppl level jobs.

They would be under skilled and if a ls allows them to lot its on the ls not because of the AF burn.

If ls's dont agree with ppl leveling jobs quick and then lotting then those ls's make rules. Some ls's i know say to pick a main for gear lot and if u changed your mind you have to wait to lot for that gear etc.

If you see or know a under skilled smn then dont pt or associate with them. tell your ls if they apply etc.
Serveur: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Rebekah
Posts: 101
By Titan.Rebekah 2009-02-19 15:02:11
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Phioness said:
Okay first thing I'd like to point out is what Shindo said: RMTs will abuse this. That I'll lay down money on. I know you probably don't want to hear it or are tired of hearing it, but RMTs abuse anything they can.

Being a person who hates RMT with a passion SE has gotta nerf the 2hr by decreasing its damage on Multiple mobs, lets say over 6, or something else.

You can still get skillups in a party and have fun playing summoner as main healer its easy Though you can't see (moved recently bought new computer and will be back on in a month) my SMN summoner is lvl 60 and I've had plenty of fun at the job doing DD and main healing. Sometimes I just have Carby out, but with Carby Mitts and HQ staves (Both easy to get and save for) I can have him dropping meteors, healing, and still bust out my other Avatars for Buffs. Most of the times you have another mage/healing job in party (plenty of em, or little need w/nin) and you get to kick some ***! Now getting my Thf to 75 was a pain, Smn has been hellu easy compared to thf. So people using the "its hard to lvl SMN excuse" need to check themselves (there are plenty of other jobs that are supposedly "hard" to level up)

With all the changes (exp rings/Sanction/ToAU/level sync/lower exp to lvl 50-60) that SE has made and people still looking for cheap ways to level job, and still more complaining. This game has and always will be a grindfest, but you get good sense of accomplishment when you make it 75 and get your 1st merit. AF Burn just gives the Lazy *** out there another reason to skate by in life.

Some made another valid point: "This isn't WoW" or in other words this isn't your garden variety kiddy MMORPG (we have decade older average playing age) that requires little skill to level up. Most (not all unfortunately) people who lack skills get weeded out of this game because it requires skill to play at/to the top. I've sucked it up on some jobs, but through trial and error learn to play the jobs respectably. Having more players at the top lacking skills, compromising others gameplay isn't my idea of fun.

What about people getting lots on Dynamis/Salvage/Limbus/etc... drops with jobs they AF Burned up in a short while while you took months/years to level your job up to 65/75? I would be pissed if some dude leveled his thf up in 1 month (or less) using AF Burn (mine took 2 years) and got to lot on Assasin's Armlets, very f*&kin pissed because they didn't earn it!

I can't wait to get back on and play (want to get my smn to 75 and get by Yinyang robe too!) Hopefully SE changes the Smn 2 hour just a little so people can no longer take advantage of it. RMT's, Unearned Gear lotters, and Lazy *** be damned!

With the leveling your smn in a party, i agree with some of that. As a "Old Fashioned" Smn, You want to Not party with people that are not other smns or bst. "Why do you ask?" Because just like someone else said, it gets you into the groove of Kiting. I remember I had to learn that stuff to get my Avatars. Now a Days people don't even need to solo the avatar, they can just get a level 75 to do it for them... That must be a glitch! lol

My thf got more party invites then my smn oddly enough I guess lol.

No it is not WoW but what someone else does with their account is not my problem. lol they can get it to 75 and then sell it for all I care.

but You can be gimp/sucky player and took it the party road other then the AB road... It just also all depends on the person.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-19 15:06:30
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So how do we know who leveled what job what way? Is everyone a suspect now? Is Astral Burning our steroids mess?

Seriously, the comment about Limbus/ Salvage/ Dynamis is laughable. Think about this for a moment. Groups that are organized and dedicated to those events are I'm assuming, well run. People are recruited, tested out, and kept or kicked depending on performance.

Given the nature of Salvage and Limbus especially, if someone really is horrible at their job they imperil the rest of the people on the run. Granted someone could HIDE in the crowd on a Dynamis run. HOWEVER, if they do something stupid they again risk the well being of the overall group. In all 3 events, it can be as easy as making one mistake to be kicked out of the group and in the process thrash one's reputation.

Now while every shell has it's own procedures on who gets what. Generally shells at least require that you have a job leveled in order to lot. Given that, what are the odds that the people in charge/ fellow members wouldn't know how someone leveled? That someone used Astral Burn to level ought to be well known, and if not how would anyone know unless they outed themselves?

To QQ over someone taking more or less time to level a job is sour grapes. My main point, my only point is their performance is all that matters. If the job can't be done, they blew their one chance to prove themselves and they're dealt with. And for the ones that can play the job right, despite the rapid leveling, all the more power to them! Players that fall in that category prove invaluable to their shells.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Scragg
Posts: 2579
By Fenrir.Scragg 2009-02-19 15:10:14
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I would expect this to be fixed with the next content update.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-02-19 15:16:45
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Here's an idea... Instead of limiting # of mobs that Astral Flow hits... Or amount of time that a mob links/aggros...
Put in code to recognize the difference between level sync and level capped (if there isn't already) and then limit the use of all 2hr abilities while under level sync. Nerf everyone, not just Summoners.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-19 15:17:26
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Eh, it's fishy in nature, but mechanically speaking it's legit. However I can say without hesitation or ego that to hit 75 in a manner of days while performing little to no activity and having zero increase in skills to do so is by no means (at least by my definition) reasonable or legit. And unfortunately I do see a future flood of unworthy Maat's Cap owners and unskilled relic/salvage/sea/god gear holders.

Not gonna Q_Q over it but I certainly predict this as a logical outcome of said circumstance to AF burn abuse.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-02-19 15:18:40
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not a bad idea Tbest but what about ninja 2 hour lol? When they use it does it mean they are only half dead? (almost a suicide, they slit the wrong way on the wrist and lived kinda thing) lol
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-19 15:23:47
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Nah just make them lose exp for using 2hr, and watch how people will think 2x before popping it...
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-02-19 15:24:52
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Naah, ninja 2hr is gone too. Might as well get rid of them all. :P
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-19 15:24:53
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Malekith said:

Nah just make them lose exp for using 2hr, and watch how people will think 2x before popping it...

I'd feel bad for Nagi owners/seekers >.>
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-19 15:41:59
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Personally I feel you should lose exp when you 2hr like that, killing yourself so that others may live is the ultimate self-sacrifice. It's more heroic if you do it knowing you'll lose exp because you still decide to do it, inspite of the penalty.

Besides in most situations people 2hr to kill a mob, you have a raise handy. Rez3 FTW, and all you're out is 240 exp... that's easy peasy to get back...
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Phioness
Posts: 269
By Shiva.Phioness 2009-02-19 15:46:22
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Okay Alyria Brd and Rdm can level quick because of invites but still have to learn the job while leveling up (sleep, buffs, healing, efeeble) (NOT AF BURN which doesn't build skills learning to play the job)

Blm can lvl quick by blm solo guide which is awesome to do and they do eat dirt and have to have "skills" to do so. Some are fortunate to get Mana Burn parties, yet they still build skills while doing so (NOT AF BURN which doesn't build skills learning to play the job)

Yes the LS i'm in goes by points and those that lvl the jobs to 65 (minimum requirement) to lot on gear. If someone gets a job attached to a group of Summoners and burns it to 65 to lot gear is that fair ... HELLLLLLL NO! Can it be done? Unfortunately yes! You can get points playing your RDM (lets say main) in dynamis then use the points you accrued playing RDM to lot on gear for a job you just AF burned to 65! You don't see whats wrong with that? If I need to make it any clearer maybe I should bust out the "retard stick" and beat you with it a couple of times to knock some (if little) sense into you.

Here it is Barney Style, yes Barney still loves you Alyria: You can level some jobs quick, you can level some slow, but when you AF Burn to lvl up without learning the job your not "Earning it" taking the quick and easy lazy *** way, and that I know (Ooooh i can rhyme). If asked on a moral standpoint whether it is fair to do this and lot a piece of gear. Whether its legal or not this is a moral issue. Its not fair or right to do so. For you legal begals, screw your lawyerly ways, most politicians are lawyers, and does that make them right? THEY JUST TWIST THE LAWS TO THEIR OWN USES (and f&*k the little guy who works hard).

Put it another way: Do you think using the same practices RMT use (AF Burn) to lvl up the quick and easy way is right? If you can honestly say yes to the above then your just as bad as them, and last I checked the biggest insult in the game was to be an RMT.

I worked hard for everything I have in life, served my country, played the game fairly, and never took any shortcuts. For me its been an uphill battle all my life and a hell of a fight. But i wouldn't be the strong, tough as nails ***, if I hadn't had those fights. For those who take the quick and easy way you see what happens. You end up like Minidragon. Had a bad *** character he spent years of his life working on, just to loose it all because he decided to take the easy way. Even the mighty can fall. You start one bad habit and it leads to another, next thing you know your skating on thin ice just waiting to take the plunge. So continue to do things the easy, shortcut way, and when you stumble I won't help you up, just shake my head in dissappointment.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-02-19 15:55:38
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Ooohhhhh.... It all makes sense now! It's not that you go to events because you enjoy them... It's not that someone leveling a job to 65-75 with AB is wrong... It's the fact that the person that zergs their job up to 65+ with AB might possibly get a piece of gear that you want before you do! So, it's all about you getting gear and not wanting anyone else to get it ahead of you. Gotcha! Thanks for clearing that up. =)
Serveur: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Rebekah
Posts: 101
By Titan.Rebekah 2009-02-19 15:57:35
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as i said b4 you can party hard like everyone else and still suck at your job... So the Skill level should really not be questioned lol. It is how the person is. As far as I can tell this is not all about smns so from what I can say is, if your trying to level a "Main job" that is not smn then don't use AB parties, but if it is just a sub... then by all means go for it.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-19 16:09:01
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Tbest said:
Ooohhhhh.... It all makes sense now! It's not that you go to events because you enjoy them... It's not that someone leveling a job to 65-75 with AB is wrong... It's the fact that the person that zergs their job up to 65+ with AB might possibly get a piece of gear that you want before you do! So, it's all about you getting gear and not wanting anyone else to get it ahead of you. Gotcha! Thanks for clearing that up. =)

Tbest's word shoving skill increases by 0.5!
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-02-19 16:09:46
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Phioness said:
yes Barney still loves you Alyria

I really hate barney lol

There are people who absolutely suck playing a job, they still join ls's etc. and they didn't do AF burn too, some level synced also.

Why would it matter, you still need to get your smn to 65 to get the gear in your dynamis and you arent playing atm right? just a thought.

Anyways, AF burn is legit atm until they decide to nerf/fix it or whatever they decide so. people at the moment are going to take advantage. so since you are not playing at the moment, don't worry, itll probably all go back to normal when you come back and you have your chance at your smn gear when you hit 65, hopefully you saved alot of points before the swarm of summoners come joining your ls.

If SE would fix this level sync we all would be happy, so at the moment we all have to deal with what is happening now. I'm sure lots of ppl have sent letters etc. about the issue to SE already and they already working on their plan to destroy us all as it is.

I understand all your views like i've said before, there's no right or wrong in it. people will always agree and disagree about it.

I just don't agree that anyone should be banned for it cause they xp using the level sync SE made and they made use of it to get xp.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-19 16:10:16
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Anyone here old enough to remember "Duck Tales?"

If so the quote I'll share will ring bells or not... "Remember boys, always work smarter NOT harder."

So basically the counter-arguments are summarized as follows: 1) QQ if someone was more efficient than you are, 2) I have the moral high ground because it took me longer, and 3) Damn you if you get to lot gear before I do.

I can only really empathize with 3) because dammit... I hate lootwhores myself.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-19 16:18:02
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Malekith said:
Anyone here old enough to remember "Duck Tales?"

If so the quote I'll share will ring bells or not... "Remember boys, always work smarter NOT harder."

Eh, exploiting level sync and use of summoner 2hr is clever more so than it's smart. But being clever for instant gratification isn't exactly conducive to anything other than being "leet" and in my opinion defeats the purpose of playing FFXI in the first place.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-02-19 16:19:33
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Artemicion said:
Tbest's word shoving skill increases by 0.5!

DING 100 Word Shoving!

O.oa... You do know that leveling up is only one part of FFXI, right? I can't stand leveling in a party...

And like we've said before... This is NOT any faster than leveling up in a level sync or in Qufim as well as the multitude of options for merit parties.

That being said... Hmmm... Getting xp with people I can't stand... Or getting xp 2hr'ing some mobs. I'd go for AB'ing with a few friends over leveling in a standard xp pt with those few friends and a couple of random people.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-19 16:21:26
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That sir is a moral judgment you are making and a generalization based on what you feel is right or wrong. People play for different reasons, so who cares if this method is not how you would go about things.

It ONLY defeats the purpose that you have set for yourself so far why play or not.

Clever vs. smart is semantics, both words convey intelligence.

Again the people who do this are a small subset of the playing population, and ought to be paid no mind until they cause problems in an event at which point they can be dealt with.

However if in the end people who leveled up this way prove to be capable players, why are we complaining?
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-19 16:22:15
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Hence why I called it an opinion.

Ninja edit: Actually there is a difference between smart and clever. Clever is being witty or bright on a superficial level as opposed to smart being a more based on mental capacity.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-02-19 16:29:21
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Artemicion said:
Hence why I called it an opinion.

Ninja edit: Actually there is a difference between smart and clever. Clever is being witty or bright on a superficial level as opposed to smart being a more based on mental capacity.

You're clever, right?
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-19 16:29:56
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Save your personal attacks for KI or BG forums.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-02-19 16:30:09
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actually they both have similar meaning:

Clever - cle·ver (klvr)
adj. clev·er·er, clev·er·est
1. Mentally quick and original; bright.

smart (smärt)
adj. smart·er, smart·est
a. Characterized by sharp quick thought; bright.

Anyways thats off topic, everyone has their thoughts on it and at the moment we can't do anything about it. Wait til an update and see what they do.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-02-19 16:31:13
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Who was attacking someone? I was simply asking a question. =)
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-19 16:31:37
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I guess that makes you the clever one ^^
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-19 16:34:28
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TY alyria... I was only pointing out that the two words are synonyms for eachother that can be more or less used interchangeably without much problem.

That is all...
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-19 16:35:36
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Malekith said:
TY alyria... I was only pointing out that the two words are synonyms for eachother that can be more or less used interchangeably without much problem.

That is all...

Oh they are synonyms, I wasn't denying that. However, they have separate and distinct differences. Check it out sometime.
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