Views On Astral Burning?

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Views on Astral burning?
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Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-23 02:11:04
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Kelvinclein said:
Heys im back. The fact you arguing positively about AB and saying that ppl new to the game or ppl leveling their main jobs,"shouldn't" do AB parties, doesn't mean they can't do it, or they wouldn't do it. The only way to control this thing is to have SE nerf it. I don't care what you do, if you think you're right because you do it only once a week.. just about the worst thing you can do with it, think that there are some ppl somewhere doing that, and no one can stop them because you're selfish and you want your *** 20k/exp week. Who cares you say? ok just don't argue so much stuff when the answer is "who cares".

I declares you winnah of the first annual "Prrz-Punch-me-in-the-head-because-I'm-a-self-righteous-high-horse-riding-I-know-what's-best-for-you-L337-supa-cool-dude Award"

To everyone out there thinking of doing it, go for it! Keep doing it everyone, that way the bored people out there have something to QQ about to distract themselves from the fact they're nowhere near as cool as everyone else...

I suppose if a kid was smart enough to skip a grade or two in school, you'd be more than happy to hold them back because you'd want them to earn their way... I guess it's impossible for some people to handle skipping ahead and all the extra work and responsibility that comes from being in such a position...
Serveur: Asura
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user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-02-23 02:12:04
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Kelvinclein said:
you want your *** 20k/exp week. Who cares you say? ok just don't argue so much stuff when the answer is "who cares".

Next thing you know, Braveheart will want to nerf all bird camps, nerf BRD songs, so merit parties can't have 30k/hr exp in Nyzul.

Or nerf BLMs so they can't have 15k per hour on puddings.

Just cause he can't get that for himself, he wants to nerf it for everyone.
Serveur: Shiva
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Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-23 02:21:37
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Malekith said:

To everyone out there thinking of doing it, go for it! Keep doing it everyone, that way the bored people out there have something to QQ about to distract themselves from the fact they're nowhere near as cool as everyone else...

I suppose if a kid was smart enough to skip a grade or two in school, you'd be more than happy to hold them back because you'd want them to earn their way... I guess it's impossible for some people to handle skipping ahead and all the extra work and responsibility that comes from being in such a position...

I know it probably won't happen, but I'd die laughing if people who continuously did AB runs somehow got in trouble in the long run. By your (and many other people's) logic, follows the same example of the salvage dupers thinking they were doing nothing wrong. Justifying themselves because it's technically an error on SE's part and was done through clever but legit manners in game.

Of course, these are two completely separate and not even remotely similar in nature, But you see how it'd be funny how this would look if action was indeed taken on the characters. Similar to the "Anyone who thinks they'll get banned for this is *** HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE." quote; and we all know what happened to him xD

Anyways, I could care less how people earn their exp, I just hold alot more respect for those who do it in a manner that lets them actually do something, have fun and learn. Sitting in korrokola for 20 minutes and picking my nose... Not fun. Having light hearted DD e-peen battles with friends @ bird camp... My idea of a good time anyways ^^

Ninja edit: Kids who earn the right to skip a grade have merit to do so. Any group of fools can pull the AB stunt off. So forgive me if I find that to be a very poor comparison between the two.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Atrithk
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By Bahamut.Atrithk 2009-02-23 02:21:38
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Korpg said:
Kelvinclein said:
you want your *** 20k/exp week. Who cares you say? ok just don't argue so much stuff when the answer is "who cares".

Next thing you know, Braveheart will want to nerf all bird camps, nerf BRD songs, so merit parties can't have 30k/hr exp in Nyzul.

Or nerf BLMs so they can't have 15k per hour on puddings.

Just cause he can't get that for himself, he wants to nerf it for everyone.

Let's not forget nerfing 5DD/1BRD+PL parties in Qufim Island so we can't get ~20k/hr! Might as well just nerf DDs or make it so you can't heal anyone not in your party, right?
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2009-02-23 02:36:14
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You're funny again.

-Merit party EARN exp and merits.

-AF parties are made of AFK ppl and of a SMN just doin AF, it takes 10-20 minutes to gather mobs then you're free to do it again. You're just AF a bunch of mobs lol what do you call "playing" on that?

-BLMs solo his own exp, but you're playing in order to do that.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-23 02:37:59
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Artemicion said:
By your (and many other people's) logic, follows the same example of the salvage dupers thinking they were doing nothing wrong. Justifying themselves because it's technically an error on SE's part and was done through clever but legit manners in game.

Hold the phone, this unlike the Salvage situation. That's apples and these are oranges. Lets not lump me with the others...

Without rehashing dupe, that was a way worst situation especially given the implications for RMT to massively profit.

In the given instance all we're talking about is leveling... The impact on the player base is benign in comparison. Now IF it became apparent that RMT are selling "level your X job" services and use this feat to accomplish that end THEN I'd be all for shutting this down somehow.

Easiest way would be to add a horde effect, that the more mobs you added together the greater their attack power would be because of the sheer numbers. In such a situation even a 75 PLD pulling could get killed.

However, given that you can only do this once every 2-hours, the level of coordination, the fact that Corsair only has a 1/3 shot of resetting, the real impact is mitigated. Outside of RMT who really has the time to sit on game and *** this out to the worst possible end? And if regular players are doing so, GM call solves that... there's only a few camps where this really works and it's easy enough to monitor those areas.

Regardless, the points made aside all I ever wanted to say was "who cares!" If you have the job leveled and you're in my pt, you better know how to play. I'm not going to ask how and where you levled...
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-02-23 02:56:15
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Personally, I still don't see why the *** it matters, if someone didn't AB to 75 and they sucked anyways, they'd still get booted from parties, right? So no matter what happens, sucking=booted. Seems logical to me... the converse of that would be true as well, not sucking=not booted. Would you boot someone that was doing their job well if you found out halfway through the party they AB'd to whatever level? If so, I think thats kinda HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.

Everybody's looking for a shortcut. Everyone has taken advantage of something in this game. I'm sure things have glitched on everyone in some way before (and no, not like duping, different situation). I had a mob the other day out in Quicksand Caves that just stood there swinging at empty air while we beat on him from what, I should disengage cause it's the honorable thing to do? *** that, I killed it and took my exp.

How many people have gotten Kazham keys by someone grabbing every key mob in the zone and nuking them at once (how I got mine, took 5 minutes). Maybe not for experience like AB'ing is, but same *** difference. Gotten help from a high level character to kill an NM for you, or get a coffer key for AF? Run you through quests or missions?
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-23 03:00:17
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Malekith said:
Artemicion said:
By your (and many other people's) logic, follows the same example of the salvage dupers thinking they were doing nothing wrong. Justifying themselves because it's technically an error on SE's part and was done through clever but legit manners in game.

Hold the phone, this unlike the Salvage situation. That's apples and these are oranges. Lets not lump me with the others...

Artemicion said:
Of course, these are two completely separate and not even remotely similar in nature, But you see how it'd be funny how this would look if action was indeed taken on the characters. Similar to the "Anyone who thinks they'll get banned for this is *** HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE." quote; and we all know what happened to him xD

Next time, read my entire post. kthxbye.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-23 03:03:59
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Artemicion said:
Next time, read my entire post. kthxbye.

kthxvye, huh? I guess if that's the way you want to play it there's only one thing to say...

Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-02-23 03:05:53
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Kelvinclein said:
You're funny again.

-Merit party EARN exp and merits.

-AF parties are made of AFK ppl and of a SMN just doin AF, it takes 10-20 minutes to gather mobs then you're free to do it again. You're just AF a bunch of mobs lol what do you call "playing" on that?

-BLMs solo his own exp, but you're playing in order to do that.

So basically, the only ones who do work in AF burns is the SMNs, is that what I'm hearing?

And the melee in Nyzul Isle actually earn their ***, because they have /autoattack on?

There is a difference?

And yes, BLMs can solo their own exp, but so can SMNs, but you don't want to have SMNs being liked for once. AF burns are the best thing for SMNs. 30k every 2hrs is a HELL of a lot better than 5k per hour blowing up bombs or campaigning (next thing you want will be the campaign battles to not give exp, since they aren't earning any skillups or some other random BS)
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-23 03:07:23
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Wow? A youtube clip just for me? I feel so special <3

My point was that it would be funny if action was taken on people who used this method after your suggestion to keep on doing it. And I did read your posts, unfortunately my context and analogy were lighthearted and the concept flew over your head. Try not to be so quick to take offense lol.

Ty for your edit and video :D
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-23 03:12:05
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I just see what I advocated and what the dupers did are two different things... perhaps I'm splitting hairs too fine but that's what I'm paid to do.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-02-23 03:23:34
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Malekith said:
I just see what I advocated and what the dupers did are two different things... perhaps I'm splitting hairs too fine but that's what I'm paid to do.

Just admit you cheated and get over with it.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2009-02-23 04:49:57
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Korpg said:
Kelvinclein said:
You're funny again.

-Merit party EARN exp and merits.

-AF parties are made of AFK ppl and of a SMN just doin AF, it takes 10-20 minutes to gather mobs then you're free to do it again. You're just AF a bunch of mobs lol what do you call "playing" on that?

-BLMs solo his own exp, but you're playing in order to do that.

So basically, the only ones who do work in AF burns is the SMNs, is that what I'm hearing?

And the melee in Nyzul Isle actually earn their ***, because they have /autoattack on?

OOOH!! WAIT A SEC! That's why you don't have any nyzul gear!

and it's not 20k every 2 hrs, can become 40-60-80k every 2hrs..

I told you why i think it is wrong that to be in game.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-02-23 05:25:55
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Kelvinclein said:
Korpg said:
Kelvinclein said:
You're funny again.

-Merit party EARN exp and merits.

-AF parties are made of AFK ppl and of a SMN just doin AF, it takes 10-20 minutes to gather mobs then you're free to do it again. You're just AF a bunch of mobs lol what do you call "playing" on that?

-BLMs solo his own exp, but you're playing in order to do that.

So basically, the only ones who do work in AF burns is the SMNs, is that what I'm hearing?

And the melee in Nyzul Isle actually earn their ***, because they have /autoattack on?

OOOH!! WAIT A SEC! That's why you don't have any nyzul gear!

and it's not 20k every 2 hrs, can become 40-60-80k every 2hrs..

I told you why i think it is wrong that to be in game.

1/3 Chance of getting 40k in 20 minutes (assuming for repop times of mobs/Wild Card actually hits)

1/9 Chance of getting 60k in 40 minutes (assuming for repop times/gathering all the mobs again/Wild Card from 2 CORs actually hits)

1/27 Chance of getting 80k in 1 hour (assuming for repop times/gathering all mobs for 3 extra runs/Wild Card actually hits 3 times in a row from 3 different CORs)

Since you don't like people leveling 16-75 by this method, you got yourself 1 person who ACTUALLY is going to be like that (who wants SMN and CORs for endgame or parties anyway? Well, maybe CORs, but not SMNs)

So yeah, so far, the party setup is 2x SMNs, 3x CORs, and 1 random person (probably levelsyncer) so that really doesn't count much, now does it?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-02-23 05:33:01
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Kelvinclein said:
OOOH!! WAIT A SEC! That's why you don't have any nyzul gear!

Enlighten me also, while you are at it, why you assume that I don't have any nyzul gear?
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2009-02-23 06:45:16
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It wasn't that great of a joke yes, but if you send your melees to auto attack in nyzul it's obvious you'll lose, while you know it isn't like that that nyzul work, if you do it correctly. Nyzul was the worst example you could do.

Aside from that, ppl can keep joining and leeching from different smn burning and do that more than once in one hour. Doesn't mean because a SMN can do once every 2 hours his 2 hours ability that leecher will stop leeching after getting 20k/h.

This is totally wrong, in which im complaining about this because this thing can be abused over and over.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-02-23 06:46:31
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Kelvinclein said:
This is totally wrong, in which im complaining about this because this thing can be abused over and over.

That's why we complain about you, because this thing can be abused over and over - "This thing" being the FFXIAH post function.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2009-02-23 06:50:29
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Wooooodum said:
Kelvinclein said:
This is totally wrong, in which im complaining about this because this thing can be abused over and over.

That's why we complain about you, because this thing can be abused over and over - "This thing" being the FFXIAH post function.

Serveur: Gilgamesh
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user: alyria
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By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-02-23 07:05:13
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I can't believe you are still QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQqq over it, you made your point you dont like it. Everyone has their views deal with it until SE decides to fix it for the crybabies
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2009-02-23 07:21:53
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lol that's supposed to be your argument against what i posted?

ok so... mmm.. maybe you can go back to play hide and seek?
Serveur: Gilgamesh
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user: alyria
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By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-02-23 07:34:36
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Oh such a nice comeback i think I'm gonna cry and complain............

I quit arguing with you cause you're just crying over it cause you think they need to earn xp/merits, they aren't playing the job, boohoo im not getting the xp, etc. Deal with it like i said until SE decides to fix it. Write your letter, send emails, whatever.

why not go to their camp and say you are farming for whatever and just take their mobs if it makes you feel any better.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2009-02-23 07:39:31
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Kelvinclein said:
lol that's supposed to be your argument against what i posted?

ok so... mmm.. maybe you can go back to play hide and seek?

You need to bring something new to this discussion Kelvin... you're against it we got like a douzen pages of you saying the same things really, we've looked at the positives and disadvantages of AB. The last few pages on here just seem to be a lot of flaming each other XD
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2009-02-23 07:46:18
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I'm not crying for exp, all my job have capped exp, i never did a level down, my merits are done and whenever i merit(like saturday) i do just to help friends meriting.

I'd be done answering if you just let it go. Since everytime i place my point someone comes and say something which is far away from arguing, or either an insult to me.

I don't even knew what was QQ meaning before you all came here with the simple excuse you don't have anything to argue about it, except "we want easy exp".
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-02-23 07:48:52
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Kelvinclein said:
I'm not crying for exp

Followed by:

Kelvinclein said:
all QQQQ my job QQQQ have capped exp, QQQQ i never did QQQQ a QQQQ level down, my merits QQQQ are done QQQQ and whenever QQQQ i merit(like saturday) QQQQ i do just QQQQ to help QQQQ friends meriting.

Make your mind up?

Kelvinclein said:
I'd be done answering if you just let it go. Since everytime i place my point someone comes and say something which is far away from arguing, or either an insult to me.

I mean really, any intelligent person would've taken the hint by now...
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2009-02-23 07:51:31
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You're all about humor aren't you? lol
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-02-23 07:52:29
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Kelvinclein said:
Kelvinclein said:
I'd be done answering if you just let it go. Since everytime i place my point someone comes and say something which is far away from arguing, or either an insult to me.

You tell us to let it go yet you contiue to reply, lmao. You really are as dumb as a stick.

Nice edit, but too slow!
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2009-02-23 07:58:24
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I edited because you did too lol, i'm not gonna insult you like you do because that is indeed being childish. I'm posting here only because of the AFburning, i dont' wish to talk to useless ppl like yourself in this thread:3 lemme try again to ignore you please(unless you say something worth considering).
Serveur: Fairy
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Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2009-02-23 08:10:23
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Less "Is AFB right or wrong" more "Where can I find the best damn pizza around".. Seeing how Kelvin is from Italy I think he probably knows some of the best places.. mmm Italian pizza mmm...
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-02-23 08:23:03
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Kelvinclein said:
i'm not gonna insult you

Kelvinclein said:
useless ppl like yourself

You are just full of contradictions!

Kelvinclein said:
lemme try again to ignore you please(unless you say something worth considering).

I and others have done, many times. Every time you cried about how it was abusing the game and ignored the points made, either because you don't have a counter argument or because you don't give a ***what other people think and believe your opinion to be the only one worth contemplating. I'm going with the latter, though, because your arrogance is expressive in every single one of your posts.

I love you, you are so amusing :)
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