New Era Gaming Vs. Old Era Gaming

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New Era Gaming Vs. Old Era Gaming
By 2010-09-26 16:46:38
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Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1323
By Fenrir.Mankey 2010-09-26 16:49:13
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Lakshmi.Mabrook said:
I wonder about this dilemma and if it's a personal opinion or a universal feel about how the gaming industry has evolved into gore action full of 3Ds with meh story telling and lack of playtime titles.

Is it the amount of space required that is not possible on CDs/cartridges or the time required to create a great game or something else?

One of the main reasons I really stuck it out with FFXI is because of the endless feeling I have in this game vs. normal console games that can be beaten in 2-3 weeks (if not less) and ofc online friends to do stuff with is pimp too.

Whatever happened to all the RPG play forever series or if not that, a title with a good amount of playtime as well as an addictive storyline. It just seems as though the gaming companies just wanna keep on releasing single lenient titles to increase profits rather than create loyal individual consumers for a longer run on X series and then when it is done right it's always missing something like a shortage in playable time or story is meh... I just don't get it 8\

Also, that moving crap that is being released doesn't work nicely when you're the type to just wanna sit down and only move your hands and not your whole body (I'm not fat either, just skinny and lazy) so you can throw that one out the window lol.
Counter Strike happened
By 2010-09-26 16:56:04
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Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Zefiris
Posts: 2401
By Caitsith.Zefiris 2010-09-26 16:56:19
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I like story driven games and fun/silly multiplayer games. ;)
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: eagleeyes
Posts: 2191
By Siren.Eagleeyes 2010-09-26 16:57:04
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By 2010-09-26 17:00:29
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Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Andras
Posts: 1298
By Leviathan.Hastefeet 2010-09-26 17:00:40
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Siren.Eagleeyes said:


hardcore looks like more fun

just sayin
Posts: 38
By chaosmite 2010-09-26 17:01:34
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Lakshmi.Mabrook said:
I wonder about this dilemma and if it's a personal opinion or a universal feel about how the gaming industry has evolved into gore action full of 3Ds with meh story telling and lack of playtime titles. Is it the amount of space required that is not possible on CDs/cartridges or the time required to create a great game or something else? One of the main reasons I really stuck it out with FFXI is because of the endless feeling I have in this game vs. normal console games that can be beaten in 2-3 weeks (if not less) and ofc online friends to do stuff with is pimp too. Whatever happened to all the RPG play forever series or if not that, a title with a good amount of playtime as well as an addictive storyline. It just seems as though the gaming companies just wanna keep on releasing single lenient titles to increase profits rather than create loyal individual consumers for a longer run on X series and then when it is done right it's always missing something like a shortage in playable time or story is meh... I just don't get it 8\ Also, that moving crap that is being released doesn't work nicely when you're the type to just wanna sit down and only move your hands and not your whole body (I'm not fat either, just skinny and lazy) so you can throw that one out the window lol.
Simple answer: Money.
Short incomplete game + 3 DLC add-ons $10 each
Buy our next product.
Thank you~come again.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: eagleeyes
Posts: 2191
By Siren.Eagleeyes 2010-09-26 17:02:14
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Lakshmi.Mabrook said:
Siren.Eagleeyes said:
That should be changed to gamers, not games lol.
It's the games that makes the gamer.
By 2010-09-26 17:03:10
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Posts: 28081
By Flionheart 2010-09-26 17:03:38
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Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Fredjan
Posts: 2326
By Phoenix.Fredjan 2010-09-26 17:07:00
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so true.
Posts: 28081
By Flionheart 2010-09-26 17:08:38
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Also JRPG's are dying because they are trying to appeal to a larger core demographic. People who traditionally play JRPG's enjoy turn based combat, lengthy cut-scenes and a lengthy story. The audience they are trying to target generally prefer a faster paced game. Now personally I'd prefer a faster paced game OR a story driven slow paced game. XIII failed in my opinion because it tried to fuse the both together. I doubt very much that SE will ever release a game that stands up to the previous RPG's in their repertoire, it simply won't happen.

I also dislike western RPG's as they allow too much freedom. If I want to play an RPG I want the story to be one of the major aspects of the game, and having too much freedom kills the story.
By 2010-09-26 17:10:44
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Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2010-09-26 17:21:39
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Flionheart said:
Also JRPG's are dying because they are trying to appeal to a larger core demographic. People who traditionally play JRPG's enjoy turn based combat, lengthy cut-scenes and a lengthy story. The audience they are trying to target generally prefer a faster paced game. Now personally I'd prefer a faster paced game OR a story driven slow paced game. XIII failed in my opinion because it tried to fuse the both together. I doubt very much that SE will ever release a game that stands up to the previous RPG's in their repertoire, it simply won't happen.

I also dislike western RPG's as they allow too much freedom. If I want to play an RPG I want the story to be one of the major aspects of the game, and having too much freedom kills the story.

I enjoyed Rogue Galaxy which had fast paced combat since it was an action-RPG but it also had a decently long story.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2010-09-26 17:29:56
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Flionheart said:
Also JRPG's are dying because they are trying to appeal to a larger core demographic. People who traditionally play JRPG's enjoy turn based combat, lengthy cut-scenes and a lengthy story. The audience they are trying to target generally prefer a faster paced game. Now personally I'd prefer a faster paced game OR a story driven slow paced game. XIII failed in my opinion because it tried to fuse the both together. I doubt very much that SE will ever release a game that stands up to the previous RPG's in their repertoire, it simply won't happen.

I also dislike western RPG's as they allow too much freedom. If I want to play an RPG I want the story to be one of the major aspects of the game, and having too much freedom kills the story.

This showed so much when I was playing Persona 4 over my friend's house while they were playing Halo Reach. All they would do is *** and whine about why I haven't fought anything yet, lol. >.>;
Many gamers just want to jump into the action immediately.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Oddin
Posts: 1756
By Sylph.Oddin 2010-09-26 17:37:53
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RPGs are a difficult genre to deal with as a developer. We've had years and years of the same basic concepts and now gamers are getting a bit tired of it. Random group of people join together in a chance meeting to save the world from random event caused by some person/group/being/etc. Even the characters are becoming more and more a like (FF7,9,10,12 all had blonde headed, street rough male characters for leads). The stories aren't as enticing so a lot of game makers are doing all they can to try and pull you into the game with intuitive battle systems and game mechanics. Unfortunately, RPG players don't play the game for the battle systems (it helps but its not the main focus). We want the story. We want something different. Something unique that hasn't been done to death in about a thousand different versions.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 963
By Phoenix.Ingraham 2010-09-26 17:38:42
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Whatever happened to all the RPG play forever series or if not that, a title with a good amount of playtime as well as an addictive storyline.

Did these games ever exist? I really want to know.

Don't namedrop classic and older titles like;

Lunar: Silver Star Story
Phantasy Star 1,2,4
Final Fantasy IV
Dragon Quest 1,2 and 4.
7th Saga

All of these were incredibly linear and had next-to-no extra content. You'd clear these RPGs in 16-35 hours then never play them again unless you felt like experiencing the same exact story.

As much as I love Wizardry-style classics, I don't think anything can compare to the modern Shin Megami Tensei or Persona game, which usually has 80+ hours on each playthrough. Hell, Dragon Quest IX's metagame nets about 200+ hours.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2010-09-26 17:39:24
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I think a lot of MMO gamers have that mentality too lol. I know a few that continuously ask when they can fight the mob (sometimes I do it too) while the PLD is building hate for a bit and they're a bit trigger happy with WSs.

Like Flion (I'm sure) I enjoyed the old FF games with turn based combat but I think it would do them good to have a faster combat system even if it's still turn based, kinda like 13 though maybe mixed with Star Ocean's system where you can run around freely. Sitting around and just taking hits isn't that realistic so giving you the freedom to run around in the fight might make more people enjoy lengthy RPGs. Not saying turn based is wrong, or boring, just doesn't have much of a place these days.

I do think they should have a bigger focus on the story than graphics/gameplay since that's the part they're lacking these days.
Posts: 28081
By Flionheart 2010-09-26 17:43:37
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Phoenix.Ingraham said:
Whatever happened to all the RPG play forever series or if not that, a title with a good amount of playtime as well as an addictive storyline.

Did these games ever exist? I really want to know.

Don't namedrop classic and older titles like;

Lunar: Silver Star Story
Phantasy Star 1,2,4
Final Fantasy IV
Dragon Quest 1,2 and 4.
7th Saga

All of these were incredibly linear and had next-to-no extra content. You'd clear these RPGs in 16-35 hours then never play them again unless you felt like experiencing the same exact story.

As much as I love Wizardry-style classics, I don't think anything can compare to the modern Shin Megami Tensei or Persona game, which usually has 80+ hours on each playthrough. Hell, Dragon Quest IX's metagame nets about 200+ hours.

V, VI, Lufia I and II, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore etc.

I'd much prefer storyline based gameplay that lasts 30-60 hours than non consequential gameplay that lasts 200+ hours.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-09-26 17:45:59
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I liked 8-bit and 16-bit games :/

Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2010-09-26 17:49:24
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Bethesda and Bioware continue to pump out games seeded in that old-school "Play forever" Sense. The Medium is evolving, we expect a lot more from games now and most people's opinions of "Great" Games are clouded in Nostalgia and a totally different frame of reference that was relevant 20 years ago.

Right now, Gaming as an art, is in a shakey adolescence. The recession is stiffling new creativity, and all the new emerging tech is bringing with it, truckloads of shovelware. If we as gamers can weather the storm, I'm sure there is going to be great things on the Horizon in less than 5 years.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2010-09-26 17:54:00
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Fairy.Spence said:
I liked 8-bit and 16-bit games :/

I struggle to play anything like that outside of Invaders, Pac-Man, and Tetris.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Oddin
Posts: 1756
By Sylph.Oddin 2010-09-26 17:57:28
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The one thing I miss about the NES~Genesis days was the degree of difficulty with most games. I felt like a bad *** when I beat Ghosts n' Goblins or Super Contra. That ***was HARD!
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: farkill
Posts: 116
By Asura.Armonia 2010-09-26 18:31:40
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My contribution to this argument:

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

I really really want more games like it!
That or I hope they do more with the series.
Posts: 1134
By Zekko 2010-09-26 18:43:19
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Games nowadays suck! :/
Posts: 28081
By Flionheart 2010-09-26 18:44:00
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Asura.Armonia said:
My contribution to this argument:

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

I really really want more games like it!
That or I hope they do more with the series.

Hipster ***!
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