God Did Not Create The Universe, Says Hawking

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God did not create the universe, says Hawking
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Serveur: Fenrir
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Posts: 162
By Fenrir.Empedocles 2010-09-03 10:13:17
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Well I read a bit and then skimmed through all the pages, yet one burning question still burns:

The picture of Hawking, on that yahoo article.... Is that a fly on his right cheek?
By 2010-09-03 10:15:37
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By 2010-09-03 10:19:52
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Serveur: Fenrir
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Posts: 162
By Fenrir.Empedocles 2010-09-03 10:20:24
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Asura.Catastrophe said:
Fenrir.Empedocles said:
Well I read a bit and then skimmed through all the pages, yet one burning question still burns:

The picture of Hawking, on that yahoo article.... Is that a fly on his right cheek?

No that's how he talks. It's a visual input device. He centers his eye over a letter on the alphabet on a computer and twitches his eye to select it.

Oh, I see. That's pretty neat.
Serveur: Ifrit
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user: cesarl
Posts: 27
By Ifrit.Cesarl 2010-09-03 10:24:41
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"Thank you God for torturing and murdering your son."

Quote from that site - lol
Serveur: Sylph
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user: Linkk
Posts: 201
By Sylph.Linkk 2010-09-03 10:29:23
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Bahamut.Ashua said:
Sylph.Linkk said:
Ragnarok.Action said:
If the universe was created, then there is a "creator." i just see Shi physically handicapped man wants to blame anyone on the difficulties he have, and I want to know where the place of the re-establishment of life after death or before death and the "the spirit" to express in this theory. can he just tell me who the *** designed the DNA .or that came with gravity too. and rly guys stop been *** *** just because a handicapped man, said that. O my God, and that disabled gay *** *** discovered the secret of life and how to create a universe but in fact atheists and thier handicap *** can not create a fly. 1 - Do you people created from nothing? is it possible to give an example of something found in the presence of nothing. This is already unlike the laws of the universe in which we live it. 2 - Do you create yourselves. 3 - Is it you who added a sky and the earth. The sound mind can not in any way to answer an answer contrary to exile (not) to the three questions. The were not created from nothing, not you who have created yourself, do not you who created the heavens and the earth, there is a Creator of this universe, he has shown us in beautiful created capacity, and the creation of the universe to build one recognizes the people the greatness of the Creator, and sent messengers and revealed books to know His names and attributes. so do we want this for the Lord Creator, the Maker photographer and live in the illusion of the shadows to wake the anguish and remorse. To complete the curriculum to clarify absurd when atheists and Allodrien in this age, they all combined to take the theory of evolution is a scientific fact, it is their religion that does not abandon him. Despite suspicions that this theory is they have more solid evidence of the facts of creation and signs of oneness and the Baath, which surrounds us in every aspect of life and every moment of life. And that is only because the theory have meant that the presence of organisms is a form of tampering, and it may come in the first place by accident and evolved into what it is without a mind-driven or goal seeks to establish this is to be preferred to one of them in their presence, nor will they owe to one deserves that to account for their actions, despite their recognition of Bibhar installation of the human body, but they consider it has been by accident, so that says a great atheists in this day and age, Professor Richard Dawkins Professor current University Oksfor the sum that the human has been configured inadvertently by nature that produced like watchmaker is blind (Blind watchmaker) It's not where they have any intention or estimate, but is a vain. *** atheists Lust, sex, and gay marriage and love, Peretz enjoy the world without checks and balances is their leader in this false belief. P.s Matters of faith built only on the sure .. and thier claim (doubt) in the orderdo not change anything about them.
Spoken like a true believer of god. Or is that jesus. Hmm one was for brotherly love and one was for revenge. I forget which since they are suppose to be one in the same lolol Burn and hate anyone that believes different then you because the creator of the universe could not figure out a better way to the children that he loves to get past differences and get along with each other then killing each other lol. Bring on the wheelchair guy lol
I like how you can always spot a person who has no real extensive knowledge of the scriptures or character of God; but is quick to make claims. I hope you know virtually everything Jesus and Paul said were taken from the Old testament. Since youre such a Biblical scholar, surely you know this. The Bible is one gigantic cross reference of itself. there are so many cultural idioms and allusions and allegories and cross referencing in the Bible that reading an isolated passage and making a judgment on it is as foolish as reading an algebra book and then making a judgment on calculus. You want to talk about a loving merciful god, but you also want a just God. justice is giving you what you deserve. Mercy is withholding from you your due recompense. I know this is probably like reading brail, but its comical when people who are ignorant of the scriptures make claims about them. How foolish. You say one is the God of vengeance and one is the God of brotherly love. OLD TESTAMENT GOD SAYS And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. -Deuteronomy 6:5 NEW TESTAMENT GOD SAYS Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind -Matthew 22:37 OLD TESTAMENT GOD SAYS 'You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am the LORD. -Leviticus 19:18 NEW TESTAMENT GOD SAYS And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. -Mark 12:31 Yeah, man. You're right. Like night and day difference. As far as Vengeance in the New Testament, you, being such an expert in the field should know Jesus spoke more about hell than heaven. He also said the world will be judged and if you ever bothered reading Revelation, the fruition of the "cup of the wrath of the indignation of God" will be "poured out" on the JUDGMENT DAY That isnt vengeance?

lol Prove it. God is my dog. Disprove it. God spelled backwards is dog so there has to be something to it right? Look I don't claim to be an expert but I do know *** when I see it. I have been slowly painfully reading the bible. I am currently on second samual. And I also deal with people who have read the whole thing both christain and atheist. There has been some decent parts but is completely overshadowed by the horror and killing that goes on and on. Let's not even go into the obvious contradictions. Nobody today would want a man from 50 years ago trying to fix their computer but we suppose to base our lives on books written by desert thugs thousands of years ago that knew almost nothing about the natural world around them? No, we no longer think demons make people sick or earthquakes are signs of god's anger. Well there are some who still believe that. I wonder what camp they are from?? Hmmmm, anyway, your handicap is obvious, clinging on to fairy tales.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Enzoe
By Bismarck.Enzoe 2010-09-03 10:37:39
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god IS the universe

By 2010-09-03 10:49:17
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By 2010-09-03 10:55:08
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Serveur: Ifrit
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Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2010-09-03 11:14:44
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Are all the Jesus lovers freaking out yet?

Having a man who talks like a robot telling them there is no God?

Are they going to protest outside his house?
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Psyence
Posts: 471
By Ragnarok.Psyence 2010-09-03 11:23:24
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Lakshmi.Mabrook said:
Hating religion and/or being atheist is what all the cool kids are doing nowadays is all I got out of back-reading and some Stan-bashing lol.

GOGO page 30?

Oh, but you CANNOT PROVE that the cool kids are wrong... :)

just teasing
By 2010-09-03 11:35:10
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Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Psyence
Posts: 471
By Ragnarok.Psyence 2010-09-03 11:38:29
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Caitsith.Shiroi said:
I just think of God as the series of events that created the universe and not an "ultimate being" that created everything.

It's okay to do that, even Einstein who was an atheist used the word God as a metaphor. And I do it sometimes too. For example, I do not think that because I said "God damn it", it means that I have a hidden belief that I'm unaware of (or that's hardwired in my brain). To me, God is fictional character, just like Superman; we're allowed to talk about Superman without being labeled crazy. People don't assume we think Superman is real.

In these days and age, I would suggest we use the metaphorical use of God (as as series of events rather than an intelligent being) very carefully. Well, at least, I would suggest we do it only after making sure that our audience will understand what we mean by it. Because all these theists who would never read a single science book are going to look at your cover and think that you're proving them right. The vast majority of them don't care about your metaphor, they just want to feel justified by anything. They don't look for evidence, they look for proof of their preexisting evidence. Cause that's what religion does, unfortunately for mankind.

Google "Einstein believed in God" and you'll see what I mean.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Psyence
Posts: 471
By Ragnarok.Psyence 2010-09-03 11:41:26
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
Ragnarok.Psyence said:
Lakshmi.Mabrook said:
Hating religion and/or being atheist is what all the cool kids are doing nowadays is all I got out of back-reading and some Stan-bashing lol.

GOGO page 30?

Oh, but you CANNOT PROVE that the cool kids are wrong... :)

just teasing

Good afternoon :O

You missed a bit yesterday to say the least.

Hey :) Long time!
Did you see my first post? I wrote it just for you! ^^

Edit: Page 20 o.O

For a second I didn't realize we were on page 35 lol
Posts: 124
By Vittles 2010-09-03 12:00:38
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Sylph.Linkk said:
Ragnarok.Action said:
If the universe was created, then there is a "creator." i just see Shi physically handicapped man wants to blame anyone on the difficulties he have, and I want to know where the place of the re-establishment of life after death or before death and the "the spirit" to express in this theory. can he just tell me who the *** designed the DNA .or that came with gravity too. and rly guys stop been *** *** just because a handicapped man, said that. O my God, and that disabled gay *** *** discovered the secret of life and how to create a universe but in fact atheists and thier handicap *** can not create a fly. 1 - Do you people created from nothing? is it possible to give an example of something found in the presence of nothing. This is already unlike the laws of the universe in which we live it. 2 - Do you create yourselves. 3 - Is it you who added a sky and the earth. The sound mind can not in any way to answer an answer contrary to exile (not) to the three questions. The were not created from nothing, not you who have created yourself, do not you who created the heavens and the earth, there is a Creator of this universe, he has shown us in beautiful created capacity, and the creation of the universe to build one recognizes the people the greatness of the Creator, and sent messengers and revealed books to know His names and attributes. so do we want this for the Lord Creator, the Maker photographer and live in the illusion of the shadows to wake the anguish and remorse. To complete the curriculum to clarify absurd when atheists and Allodrien in this age, they all combined to take the theory of evolution is a scientific fact, it is their religion that does not abandon him. Despite suspicions that this theory is they have more solid evidence of the facts of creation and signs of oneness and the Baath, which surrounds us in every aspect of life and every moment of life. And that is only because the theory have meant that the presence of organisms is a form of tampering, and it may come in the first place by accident and evolved into what it is without a mind-driven or goal seeks to establish this is to be preferred to one of them in their presence, nor will they owe to one deserves that to account for their actions, despite their recognition of Bibhar installation of the human body, but they consider it has been by accident, so that says a great atheists in this day and age, Professor Richard Dawkins Professor current University Oksfor the sum that the human has been configured inadvertently by nature that produced like watchmaker is blind (Blind watchmaker) It's not where they have any intention or estimate, but is a vain. *** atheists Lust, sex, and gay marriage and love, Peretz enjoy the world without checks and balances is their leader in this false belief. P.s Matters of faith built only on the sure .. and thier claim (doubt) in the orderdo not change anything about them.
Spoken like a true believer of god. Or is that jesus. Hmm one was for brotherly love and one was for revenge. I forget which since they are suppose to be one in the same lolol Burn and hate anyone that believes different then you because the creator of the universe could not figure out a better way to the children that he loves to get past differences and get along with each other then killing each other lol. Bring on the wheelchair guy lol

You make a great point that I wonder about... Old and new books... From angry father that will kill every 1st born son-- to the loving son Christ... (seems to be a disconnect) that is if you buy Christ was the son of God. which will depend on if you buy into the idea of God. But I have an issue reconciling the two books, old and new. Was God wrong, did man mess it up... is God evoloving and learning like a normal parent? htf knows?!?!

And it maybe creepy... but I have told all my friends and family. If they go before me, I need a sign from the otherside. If there is one. lol
Posts: 584
By BorealisV2 2010-09-03 12:02:41
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Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2010-09-03 12:17:15
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Lynxblade said:
srsly though, I dont believe in god, and if you do thats cool to each is own. I hate that fact that since I dont believe in god I HAVE to be labeled an atheist. TBH I dont care much for atheist, mainly because the fact most of them act like people talking about god and stuff in school offends them. I've been an atheist for quite sometime, and ive nvr cared about having to say under god in the morning pledge, or having the word god printed on money.

It's not a label, it's by definition, if you don't believe in a particular god or gods you by definition are an atheist. Also the thing about "god" in any U.S. form of government is the establishment of religion, and against the constitution. It's mostly a jab at the right wing nut jobs who preach "follow the constitution" but don't understand the thing themselves.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Linkk
Posts: 201
By Sylph.Linkk 2010-09-03 12:22:04
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Vittles said:
Sylph.Linkk said:
Ragnarok.Action said:
If the universe was created, then there is a "creator." i just see Shi physically handicapped man wants to blame anyone on the difficulties he have, and I want to know where the place of the re-establishment of life after death or before death and the "the spirit" to express in this theory. can he just tell me who the *** designed the DNA .or that came with gravity too. and rly guys stop been *** *** just because a handicapped man, said that. O my God, and that disabled gay *** *** discovered the secret of life and how to create a universe but in fact atheists and thier handicap *** can not create a fly. 1 - Do you people created from nothing? is it possible to give an example of something found in the presence of nothing. This is already unlike the laws of the universe in which we live it. 2 - Do you create yourselves. 3 - Is it you who added a sky and the earth. The sound mind can not in any way to answer an answer contrary to exile (not) to the three questions. The were not created from nothing, not you who have created yourself, do not you who created the heavens and the earth, there is a Creator of this universe, he has shown us in beautiful created capacity, and the creation of the universe to build one recognizes the people the greatness of the Creator, and sent messengers and revealed books to know His names and attributes. so do we want this for the Lord Creator, the Maker photographer and live in the illusion of the shadows to wake the anguish and remorse. To complete the curriculum to clarify absurd when atheists and Allodrien in this age, they all combined to take the theory of evolution is a scientific fact, it is their religion that does not abandon him. Despite suspicions that this theory is they have more solid evidence of the facts of creation and signs of oneness and the Baath, which surrounds us in every aspect of life and every moment of life. And that is only because the theory have meant that the presence of organisms is a form of tampering, and it may come in the first place by accident and evolved into what it is without a mind-driven or goal seeks to establish this is to be preferred to one of them in their presence, nor will they owe to one deserves that to account for their actions, despite their recognition of Bibhar installation of the human body, but they consider it has been by accident, so that says a great atheists in this day and age, Professor Richard Dawkins Professor current University Oksfor the sum that the human has been configured inadvertently by nature that produced like watchmaker is blind (Blind watchmaker) It's not where they have any intention or estimate, but is a vain. *** atheists Lust, sex, and gay marriage and love, Peretz enjoy the world without checks and balances is their leader in this false belief. P.s Matters of faith built only on the sure .. and thier claim (doubt) in the orderdo not change anything about them.
Spoken like a true believer of god. Or is that jesus. Hmm one was for brotherly love and one was for revenge. I forget which since they are suppose to be one in the same lolol Burn and hate anyone that believes different then you because the creator of the universe could not figure out a better way to the children that he loves to get past differences and get along with each other then killing each other lol. Bring on the wheelchair guy lol
You make a great point that I wonder about... Old and new books... From angry father that will kill every 1st born son-- to the loving son Christ... (seems to be a disconnect) that is if you buy Christ was the son of God. which will depend on if you buy into the idea of God. But I have an issue reconciling the two books, old and new. Was God wrong, did man mess it up... is God evoloving and learning like a normal parent? htf knows?!?! And it maybe creepy... but I have told all my friends and family. If they go before me, I need a sign from the otherside. If there is one. lol

lolol I hear u. That would be helpful. Make sure they send me one too lol
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2010-09-03 13:05:54
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you guys can spam the thread with quotes of each other writing long-winded, boring spiels about God/Creator/your Mom/etc, but the truth is...

<computer voice>:"There is no God."
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2010-09-03 13:13:40
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EtienneLoire said:
Saiii said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Saiii said:
Quetzalcoatl.Princemercury said:
EtienneLoire said:
Still does not state how god can not exist.

What is god then?

A maximally great being that exists outside of our universe with the ability to interact with this universe in any way it chooses.

I think that would probably be a fairly accurate description of what many people believe God to be.

This is like saying our universe is a crystal ball that a little kid called God is holding and poking us through it.

Theres no such a thing as 'outside' or 'inside' this universe. The people who think this, have it very very wrong.

Why is this such an absurd thought?

Why do you believe that our universe is the "highest" level of reality?

God/science aside, I do not think it is the highest level of reality.

So can I ask what atheist think of reincarnation? If you do not go to heaven, hell, or a after life?

What happens to you after you die? you turn into mako energy to fuel the planet and keep it form being destroyed?

i want answers, please.

I want to turn into Materia, that being said FF7 people turn into life energy/mako, materialized = Materia, similar to a soul turning into an Aeon in X, creepy or am I just crazy? Although out of all the posts you've made this is by far the most epic with a Mako reference.

Edit: I've read of yours *
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2010-09-03 13:25:10
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Ragnarok.Action said:
If the universe was created, then there is a "creator." i just see Shi physically handicapped man wants to blame anyone on the difficulties he have, and I want to know where the place of the re-establishment of life after death or before death and the "the spirit" to express in this theory.

can he just tell me who the *** designed the DNA .or that came with gravity too.

and rly guys stop been *** *** just because a handicapped man, said that.

O my God, and that disabled gay *** *** discovered the secret of life and how to create a universe but in fact atheists and thier handicap *** can not create a fly.

1 - Do you people created from nothing? is it possible to give an example of something found in the presence of nothing. This is already unlike the laws of the universe in which we live it.

2 - Do you create yourselves.

3 - Is it you who added a sky and the earth.

The sound mind can not in any way to answer an answer contrary to exile (not) to the three questions. The were not created from nothing, not you who have created yourself, do not you who created the heavens and the earth, there is a Creator of this universe, he has shown us in beautiful created capacity, and the creation of the universe to build one recognizes the people the greatness of the Creator, and sent messengers and revealed books to know His names and attributes. so do we want this for the Lord Creator, the Maker photographer and live in the illusion of the shadows to wake the anguish and remorse.

To complete the curriculum to clarify absurd when atheists and Allodrien in this age, they all combined to take the theory of evolution is a scientific fact, it is their religion that does not abandon him. Despite suspicions that this theory is they have more solid evidence of the facts of creation and signs of oneness and the Baath, which surrounds us in every aspect of life and every moment of life. And that is only because the theory have meant that the presence of organisms is a form of tampering, and it may come in the first place by accident and evolved into what it is without a mind-driven or goal seeks to establish this is to be preferred to one of them in their presence, nor will they owe to one deserves that to account for their actions, despite their recognition of Bibhar installation of the human body, but they consider it has been by accident, so that says a great atheists in this day and age, Professor Richard Dawkins Professor current University Oksfor the sum that the human has been configured inadvertently by nature that produced like watchmaker is blind (Blind watchmaker) It's not where they have any intention or estimate, but is a vain.

*** atheists Lust, sex, and gay marriage and love, Peretz enjoy the world without checks and balances is their leader in this false belief.

P.s Matters of faith built only on the sure .. and thier claim (doubt) in the orderdo not change anything about them.

Lay off the pot, you're delusional in your fantasies. Just because something exists, doesn't mean it was created by a person.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-09-03 13:26:01
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Bahamut.Jetackuu said:
Ragnarok.Action said:
If the universe was created, then there is a "creator." i just see Shi physically handicapped man wants to blame anyone on the difficulties he have, and I want to know where the place of the re-establishment of life after death or before death and the "the spirit" to express in this theory.

can he just tell me who the *** designed the DNA .or that came with gravity too.

and rly guys stop been *** *** just because a handicapped man, said that.

O my God, and that disabled gay *** *** discovered the secret of life and how to create a universe but in fact atheists and thier handicap *** can not create a fly.

1 - Do you people created from nothing? is it possible to give an example of something found in the presence of nothing. This is already unlike the laws of the universe in which we live it.

2 - Do you create yourselves.

3 - Is it you who added a sky and the earth.

The sound mind can not in any way to answer an answer contrary to exile (not) to the three questions. The were not created from nothing, not you who have created yourself, do not you who created the heavens and the earth, there is a Creator of this universe, he has shown us in beautiful created capacity, and the creation of the universe to build one recognizes the people the greatness of the Creator, and sent messengers and revealed books to know His names and attributes. so do we want this for the Lord Creator, the Maker photographer and live in the illusion of the shadows to wake the anguish and remorse.

To complete the curriculum to clarify absurd when atheists and Allodrien in this age, they all combined to take the theory of evolution is a scientific fact, it is their religion that does not abandon him. Despite suspicions that this theory is they have more solid evidence of the facts of creation and signs of oneness and the Baath, which surrounds us in every aspect of life and every moment of life. And that is only because the theory have meant that the presence of organisms is a form of tampering, and it may come in the first place by accident and evolved into what it is without a mind-driven or goal seeks to establish this is to be preferred to one of them in their presence, nor will they owe to one deserves that to account for their actions, despite their recognition of Bibhar installation of the human body, but they consider it has been by accident, so that says a great atheists in this day and age, Professor Richard Dawkins Professor current University Oksfor the sum that the human has been configured inadvertently by nature that produced like watchmaker is blind (Blind watchmaker) It's not where they have any intention or estimate, but is a vain.

*** atheists Lust, sex, and gay marriage and love, Peretz enjoy the world without checks and balances is their leader in this false belief.

P.s Matters of faith built only on the sure .. and thier claim (doubt) in the orderdo not change anything about them.

Lay off the pot, you're delusional in your fantasies. Just because something exists, doesn't mean it was created by a person.
Why do people automatically think batshit crazies smoke pot?
By 2010-09-03 13:26:46
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Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-09-03 13:29:39
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Bahamut.Jetackuu said:
Ragnarok.Action said:
If the universe was created, then there is a "creator." i just see Shi physically handicapped man wants to blame anyone on the difficulties he have, and I want to know where the place of the re-establishment of life after death or before death and the "the spirit" to express in this theory.

can he just tell me who the *** designed the DNA .or that came with gravity too.

and rly guys stop been *** *** just because a handicapped man, said that.

O my God, and that disabled gay *** *** discovered the secret of life and how to create a universe but in fact atheists and thier handicap *** can not create a fly.

1 - Do you people created from nothing? is it possible to give an example of something found in the presence of nothing. This is already unlike the laws of the universe in which we live it.

2 - Do you create yourselves.

3 - Is it you who added a sky and the earth.

The sound mind can not in any way to answer an answer contrary to exile (not) to the three questions. The were not created from nothing, not you who have created yourself, do not you who created the heavens and the earth, there is a Creator of this universe, he has shown us in beautiful created capacity, and the creation of the universe to build one recognizes the people the greatness of the Creator, and sent messengers and revealed books to know His names and attributes. so do we want this for the Lord Creator, the Maker photographer and live in the illusion of the shadows to wake the anguish and remorse.

To complete the curriculum to clarify absurd when atheists and Allodrien in this age, they all combined to take the theory of evolution is a scientific fact, it is their religion that does not abandon him. Despite suspicions that this theory is they have more solid evidence of the facts of creation and signs of oneness and the Baath, which surrounds us in every aspect of life and every moment of life. And that is only because the theory have meant that the presence of organisms is a form of tampering, and it may come in the first place by accident and evolved into what it is without a mind-driven or goal seeks to establish this is to be preferred to one of them in their presence, nor will they owe to one deserves that to account for their actions, despite their recognition of Bibhar installation of the human body, but they consider it has been by accident, so that says a great atheists in this day and age, Professor Richard Dawkins Professor current University Oksfor the sum that the human has been configured inadvertently by nature that produced like watchmaker is blind (Blind watchmaker) It's not where they have any intention or estimate, but is a vain.

*** atheists Lust, sex, and gay marriage and love, Peretz enjoy the world without checks and balances is their leader in this false belief.

P.s Matters of faith built only on the sure .. and thier claim (doubt) in the orderdo not change anything about them.

Lay off the pot, you're delusional in your fantasies. Just because something exists, doesn't mean it was created by a person.
Why do people automatically think batshit crazies smoke pot?

Because the LSD craze is over.
Why do people automatically think batshit crazies do LSD?

By 2010-09-03 13:32:25
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Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Tuv
Posts: 868
By Bismarck.Tuvae 2010-09-03 13:34:45
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Does anyone else think the big bang theory is a pretty farfetchd theory too? Awesome TV show though.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2010-09-03 13:36:45
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Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Bahamut.Jetackuu said:
Ragnarok.Action said:
If the universe was created, then there is a "creator." i just see Shi physically handicapped man wants to blame anyone on the difficulties he have, and I want to know where the place of the re-establishment of life after death or before death and the "the spirit" to express in this theory.

can he just tell me who the *** designed the DNA .or that came with gravity too.

and rly guys stop been *** *** just because a handicapped man, said that.

O my God, and that disabled gay *** *** discovered the secret of life and how to create a universe but in fact atheists and thier handicap *** can not create a fly.

1 - Do you people created from nothing? is it possible to give an example of something found in the presence of nothing. This is already unlike the laws of the universe in which we live it.

2 - Do you create yourselves.

3 - Is it you who added a sky and the earth.

The sound mind can not in any way to answer an answer contrary to exile (not) to the three questions. The were not created from nothing, not you who have created yourself, do not you who created the heavens and the earth, there is a Creator of this universe, he has shown us in beautiful created capacity, and the creation of the universe to build one recognizes the people the greatness of the Creator, and sent messengers and revealed books to know His names and attributes. so do we want this for the Lord Creator, the Maker photographer and live in the illusion of the shadows to wake the anguish and remorse.

To complete the curriculum to clarify absurd when atheists and Allodrien in this age, they all combined to take the theory of evolution is a scientific fact, it is their religion that does not abandon him. Despite suspicions that this theory is they have more solid evidence of the facts of creation and signs of oneness and the Baath, which surrounds us in every aspect of life and every moment of life. And that is only because the theory have meant that the presence of organisms is a form of tampering, and it may come in the first place by accident and evolved into what it is without a mind-driven or goal seeks to establish this is to be preferred to one of them in their presence, nor will they owe to one deserves that to account for their actions, despite their recognition of Bibhar installation of the human body, but they consider it has been by accident, so that says a great atheists in this day and age, Professor Richard Dawkins Professor current University Oksfor the sum that the human has been configured inadvertently by nature that produced like watchmaker is blind (Blind watchmaker) It's not where they have any intention or estimate, but is a vain.

*** atheists Lust, sex, and gay marriage and love, Peretz enjoy the world without checks and balances is their leader in this false belief.

P.s Matters of faith built only on the sure .. and thier claim (doubt) in the orderdo not change anything about them.

Lay off the pot, you're delusional in your fantasies. Just because something exists, doesn't mean it was created by a person.
Why do people automatically think batshit crazies smoke pot?

I wasn't, just his avatar gives it away, and he's preaching delusional garbage.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2010-09-03 13:38:58
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Bahamut.Jetackuu said:
Ragnarok.Action said:
If the universe was created, then there is a "creator." i just see Shi physically handicapped man wants to blame anyone on the difficulties he have, and I want to know where the place of the re-establishment of life after death or before death and the "the spirit" to express in this theory.

can he just tell me who the *** designed the DNA .or that came with gravity too.

and rly guys stop been *** *** just because a handicapped man, said that.

O my God, and that disabled gay *** *** discovered the secret of life and how to create a universe but in fact atheists and thier handicap *** can not create a fly.

1 - Do you people created from nothing? is it possible to give an example of something found in the presence of nothing. This is already unlike the laws of the universe in which we live it.

2 - Do you create yourselves.

3 - Is it you who added a sky and the earth.

The sound mind can not in any way to answer an answer contrary to exile (not) to the three questions. The were not created from nothing, not you who have created yourself, do not you who created the heavens and the earth, there is a Creator of this universe, he has shown us in beautiful created capacity, and the creation of the universe to build one recognizes the people the greatness of the Creator, and sent messengers and revealed books to know His names and attributes. so do we want this for the Lord Creator, the Maker photographer and live in the illusion of the shadows to wake the anguish and remorse.

To complete the curriculum to clarify absurd when atheists and Allodrien in this age, they all combined to take the theory of evolution is a scientific fact, it is their religion that does not abandon him. Despite suspicions that this theory is they have more solid evidence of the facts of creation and signs of oneness and the Baath, which surrounds us in every aspect of life and every moment of life. And that is only because the theory have meant that the presence of organisms is a form of tampering, and it may come in the first place by accident and evolved into what it is without a mind-driven or goal seeks to establish this is to be preferred to one of them in their presence, nor will they owe to one deserves that to account for their actions, despite their recognition of Bibhar installation of the human body, but they consider it has been by accident, so that says a great atheists in this day and age, Professor Richard Dawkins Professor current University Oksfor the sum that the human has been configured inadvertently by nature that produced like watchmaker is blind (Blind watchmaker) It's not where they have any intention or estimate, but is a vain.

*** atheists Lust, sex, and gay marriage and love, Peretz enjoy the world without checks and balances is their leader in this false belief.

P.s Matters of faith built only on the sure .. and thier claim (doubt) in the orderdo not change anything about them.

Lay off the pot, you're delusional in your fantasies. Just because something exists, doesn't mean it was created by a person.
Why do people automatically think batshit crazies smoke pot?

Because the LSD craze is over.
Why do people automatically think batshit crazies do LSD?


Because if people knew the purple carpet and acid were not that bad the war on drugs be lame.

The war on drugs is lame already, I say let people smoke/snort/shoot whatever they want but if they endanger others or do it around children life in prison. Then again, marijuana shouldn't be illegal at all, short of being a DUI if you toke+drive. I don't even use the stuff and I can tell that it's not that bad.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-09-03 13:40:07
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
just because you are batshit crazy doesn't mean that you've done/do acid...way more crazy people out there that don't abuse drugs.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2010-09-03 13:40:23
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Bismarck.Tuvae said:
Does anyone else think the big bang theory is a pretty farfetchd theory too? Awesome TV show though.

That's the wonderful thing of science, the "rules" can be changed at any time as long as you can reproduce an experiment.
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