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Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kalidor76
Posts: 17
By Sylph.Kalidor 2010-08-09 11:30:59
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I've seen bits and pieces posted about Bakka. I, surprisingly, would like the neck piece for my BLM so i'm trying to figure out the best way to get it.

Has anyone fought him?

What is best strategy for getting him?
Since time is an issue for Abyssea is normal camping not suggested? Or if the spawn rate is as low as listed on the wiki (35-45min) is going in with 120min and trying to get him twice a good way?

Any party suggestions?
I've only really seen two suggestions for him. All SMN party or all BST. Has anyone taken him down with a more traditional party/alliance?
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Dizzmal
Posts: 256
By Cerberus.Dizzmal 2010-08-09 11:35:17
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as far as camping him, go in with 120 mins, then get ToD if you can kill him, once you get that, then leave abyssea and come back close the ToD with enough people to kill him. As far as strats to kill him yet, idk, I haven't attempted yet.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xentius
Posts: 28
By Quetzalcoatl.Xentius 2010-08-09 11:35:28
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Pld/Nin, Rdm/Drk, Whm, Brd and 2 Rng makes him a joke of a fight. Not really sure trigger for the neck but we've gone 1/2 on it, first kill only being 1 wing and second kill being neck, axe and 2 wings.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Webjester
Posts: 394
By Leviathan.Webjester 2010-08-09 11:36:31
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Our group takes him on with a mixed group. We haven't tried the BST/SMN method so I can't speak to that.

Cliff notes of our last run:



Keep BLM hasted to Stun aga's

Frag/Light seem to work well (Bliz/Ice/Darkness SC heal NM).

Edit: forgot to mention /nin is important since he will eventually start instant casting Freeze.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-08-09 11:38:01
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Did it a few times along with viking helm.

Went in with buffs would kill the squid then go to imp. Zone out for a while waiting on respawns repeat.

Would do mnk/nin brd/thf and rdm/sch. Cruor Items/buffs help a bit otherwise not sure the mnk can just eat a blizzaga4 by himself.

Our brd being /thf so got hairy after a big aga and double attack with counterstance up and mnk para/silenced but we never lost. So far out of 4 kills just 1 axe no neck
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Cheyne
Posts: 9469
By Hades.Cheyne 2010-08-09 11:39:50
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You can have a PLD/NIN tank, and have BLM or RNG whatever as DD as long as you don't feed him a ton of TP.

And usually if you want to kill him multiple times you kill it > tele or warp out of the zone and wait the amount of time until he repops. That is unless you plan to kill other NM in the zone while you wait.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kalidor76
Posts: 17
By Sylph.Kalidor 2010-08-09 11:41:40
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Ah ok, so he is doable with a 'normal' party. Thats cool then. I was worried about trying to get some funky party together. So looks like blink tank is best for him?
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-08-09 11:41:55
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I wouldn't really be too concerned with tp feed on it unless you super low man. It's tp moves are more annoying then painful. Hell I'd rather him be spending time doing tp moves than casting lol. Unless of course you bring stuns /cry
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Caliber
Posts: 1712
By Phoenix.Airbag 2010-08-09 11:43:39
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fleehacks + rdm/nin solo = 2 wings Q_Q
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kalidor76
Posts: 17
By Sylph.Kalidor 2010-08-09 11:44:06
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Does the wiki respawn rate seem pretty accurate? 35-45 min? Sounds like kill -> tele -> wait approach is the best then?
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-08-09 11:45:13
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Sylph.Kalidor said:
Does the wiki respawn rate seem pretty accurate? 35-45 min? Sounds like kill -> tele -> wait approach is the best then?
Yeah it's pretty accurate. You could look into killing another nm inbetween so there is less wait time too
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: maxse
Posts: 1197
By Bismarck.Maxse 2010-08-09 11:45:46
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Just need someone with a serious bliz build, shell 5, meds, enhancements etc to tank it, preferably a rdm or a pld, MDT is good too of course, grab a whm for good shell and barbliz, a thief for TH not on it unless they have a MDT set or they will sponge to much, a blm for stuns/nukes, and one DD that can damage from outside melee range to speed it up if possible, but last one not needed.

Tank holds hate their best (obviously). Thief's main job is to collaborator the BLM/DD/WHM and tag for TH of course. Blm stuns AGA and nukes.

Fairly easy like that most important thing is the tanks MDT blizzard resistance being high.

Edit: Doesn't have to be done this way of course i would just say this is the most efficient low man strat.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kalidor76
Posts: 17
By Sylph.Kalidor 2010-08-09 11:48:43
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Thats a lot of great information, thank you for all the quick responses. I think i'm gonna go scout the area tonight and try to set up a run later this week or on the weekend. Really appreciate the info!
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xentius
Posts: 28
By Quetzalcoatl.Xentius 2010-08-09 11:48:50
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Not really sure if TH does anything in abyssea, we've had more drops triggering !!'s and not having a Thf than any of the kills with no !!'s and TH4.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-08-09 11:48:56
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A single galka mnk getting the hp buff can easily survive any nuke and a couple of hits with counterstance up with just shell IV and 98 ice resist.

It hurts and you'll need to be quick on heals but yeah
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xentius
Posts: 28
By Quetzalcoatl.Xentius 2010-08-09 11:51:52
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When your scouting though if your server is like ours you are going to have to out pull the army of BST hoarding this nm. I've seen many times the BST's shouting to sell the neck after their kills also.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kalidor76
Posts: 17
By Sylph.Kalidor 2010-08-09 11:54:30
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Hmmm that could be annoying if its surrounded by BSTs. How much they selling for? lol
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xentius
Posts: 28
By Quetzalcoatl.Xentius 2010-08-09 11:55:42
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Honestly don't know, we've been to busy murdering Tonberry for abyssite than paying attention to them.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: maxse
Posts: 1197
By Bismarck.Maxse 2010-08-09 11:57:28
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Sylph.Kalidor said:

Hmmm that could be annoying if its surrounded by BSTs. How much they selling for? lol

I wouldn't worry too much about it, SE really did Abyssea right. Even if you go in and there is a group of beasts fighting it, they have time limits just like everyone else, get ToD come back with help, or wait a couple hours and they are probably gone, or do one of the other many bangin NMs that are probably up and come back for Bakka another day^^
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kalidor76
Posts: 17
By Sylph.Kalidor 2010-08-09 11:57:31
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Well hopefully i can get in and get a legit claim/kill with my party sometime.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-08-09 11:58:22
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Everytime I've been by it's either been up or was in a couple of min cause we got back too quick. And I have rarely seen anyone besides my pt down there lol

I wish someone was selling it. We still don't have tonberries either though I think
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xentius
Posts: 28
By Quetzalcoatl.Xentius 2010-08-09 12:01:12
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We've been trying to get him again and farming abyssite off of Tonberry in between repops. I swear though our Bst's on this server have his ToD down and are always there when its repop time.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kalidor76
Posts: 17
By Sylph.Kalidor 2010-08-09 12:02:19
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Hmmm yeah well hopefully i'll figure out more after scouting tonight. I'll Kal out of his box and look around. Thanks again for all the great info! ^^
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Bitesized
Posts: 157
By Asura.Bitesized 2010-08-09 12:48:14
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I've done it with as few as 3 BSTs, but they would need to be 3 good BSTs who know what they are doing.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Calatilla
Posts: 2507
By Asura.Calatilla 2010-08-11 08:27:36
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Ive killed this NM a couple of times with SAM/NIN tanking, rdm/drk for stun and whm/rdm for cures. 0/5 on the neck tho
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: angelous
Posts: 3
By Asura.Angelous 2010-08-31 06:18:16
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Ok alot of ppl posting here so heres my first hand experiences of this NM, I am a rdm and blm main so ofc was looking to get the neck peice to test and by far the easiest setup I have used was RDM/DRK WHM/RDM and me SAM/NIN I had all members get HP/MP boost and usually fought near the martillo incase of emergency.

Sam/nin makes an excellent tank due to demon killer and can confirm proc rate is roughly 15% warding circle also kicks *** and use everytime is up. he hits hard and nukes harder but with rdm enfeebles can be tanked with some difficulty by a moderatley skilled group siegan and third eye rock for getting utsu back up.

Key here is 1st of all have paralyze up 100% on it and having rdm/drk stunning as many Ga 3-4's as possible - self hasting for timers strongly recommended, blade bash on sam for emergenices only and only if your able to use JA lol.

Whm keeping barabliz up silena and paralyna as required and keeping sams HP as full as poss is a must, convert when needed and use mortillo if your totally boned on mp.

I have witnessed a endgame ls jump this NM when I went to check if was up and threw a full ally at it, least 15/18 got owned within 5 mins.

Respect this guys ability and do massive dmg in a short space of time and plan accordingly.

Stun GA, paralyze a must and above all take your time, feeding this guy TP is a bad move in general take it nice an steady an mages should easily be able to handle it.
Serveur: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: Haptic
Posts: 61
By Alexander.Haptic 2010-08-31 06:33:32
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Best way:
(Well geared/skilled) RDM/NIN + SMN/WHM + SMN/RDM
RDM tanks, but only till the avatar dies... aka so bakka does not go after the SMN. Nuke him to pull hate, you will need a good nuking set for RDM in order to do some damage on Bakka.

(Not so well geared/skilled) RDM/NIN + SMN/??? x4+
The more smn the easier/faster.

I know this because that's how I have killed him multiple times and got my neck piece.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xet
Posts: 1287
By Shiva.Xet 2010-08-31 06:38:00
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We have a few ppl there when we go in so usually have a pld/nin and a pld/nin on standby incase of -ga > instant freeze but yeah 1~2+ stuns a whm or rdm or both. We just had sam/thfs (we were using on squid and hippo) just TA the pld.

Real easy aslong as your dd dont get caught in -ga. Rngs would be loaaaads better but we didnt have any, well we do but they mages as well. had an axe on every kill no neck tho.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 230
By Quetzalcoatl.Degeneration 2010-08-31 06:39:19
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I usually go in w THF (for TH4) + COR (for beast roll) + BSTx4 for a good 5 mins to kill Bakka. Neck's rate drop is horrible!

EDITED: Someone told me they went on 0/23 >.<
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-08-31 06:42:42
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I did mnk/nin brd/thf rdm/sch. Worked fine everytime. Though the brds TH didn't work so well lol. And yes the mnk can just eat any aga by himself
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