Abyssea - Casual Or Hardcore ?

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Abyssea - Casual or hardcore ?
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Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 278
By Ragnarok.Cerelyn 2010-07-26 05:54:54
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Awww, my lunch break is nearing its end. This was very funny reading lol.
Please more flaming 'till I get home tonight..or else!

Serveur: Sylph
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user: Katniss
Posts: 704
By Sylph.Lotusbluete 2010-07-26 06:59:06
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Leviathan.Pimpchan said:
Bahamut.Merrickmage said:
Hell your probably the main reason why RDM was forced to become a back line job and RDM losing its RDM's Tanks spells eminity.

RDM tanking was so 2006. Melees have always tanked hnms better. It was situationnally useful for trash wyrms. Just because it was better than PLD, doesn't mean it was a good tank...
Caitsith.Linear said:
Leviathan.Pimpchan said:

Also, it's not 2005 anymore, DRG is not a fail dd

DRG will be fail until SE gives them 15 store TP.

For a 5-hit? We can already do that now.

The current pre 75 weapons still makes SAM better. It could change later, if they don't give polearms to SAMs. Because if both get polearms, SAM will always benefit of (x-1)-built when drg has x-built.

All I read was blablabla IM GRUMPY. LOL

I love your post! ♥
Serveur: Sylph
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user: Katniss
Posts: 704
By Sylph.Lotusbluete 2010-07-26 07:05:46
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Carbuncle.Zanno said:
Someone on SE leaked this to me.

Grumpychan said:

Dear Square Enix.

I'm extremely butthurt over the last expansion you released. You told me it was going to be for casual players, BUT, if I want the best of the best equipment from Abyssea I have to spend a lot of time and effort to get that. I am dissapoint.

You gave us astral flow burn as a way of getting fast exp and merits, atleast the ones of us who either have smn or multiple accounts so we can pull and leech. Wasn't that enough? You just had to go and give EVERYONE an oportunity of fast and easy exp? I feel violated and highly offended. It's just as if you gimped the smn as a job, because all it really was to me was an advantage over others so I could get my exp that way. Now everyone can get fast exp AND have fun at the same time, where is this going to end?

I am going to cancel my account and quit this game, and unless you give in to my demands I WILL go to an online comunity and convince them I'm right and make them all quit on you. I'm srs!


1. Either cancel the last expansion, or rework it so it fits my needs better.

2. Admit that abyssea is only for very hardcore players (such as myself).

3. I bought these really nice weapons that drops from PW, but now I'm starting to see they will be pretty useless in awhile with the new trial of magicians weapons from abyssea. I want you to either remove these new weapons (as they are a threat to my current gear) or gimp them so that they will be nowhere near as good as what I currently have.

4. I demand that you make an official statement that says to the comunity that I was right and they were wrong. Especially that they were wrong having FUN in ABYSSEA!! How dare they do something like that.

I am beeing serious here, unless you do as I ask, there will be consequenses. I'm very good at convincing people, and I will make a lot of people quit and unisntall their games.

You have until July 30th 2010 to make these changes....or else.

Yours truly, Grumpychan of Leviathan.

Sorry, i had to quote this once more. it's hilarous XD

Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: pchan
Posts: 756
By Leviathan.Pimpchan 2010-07-26 14:27:41
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Interesting, as stated at the start of the thread, I objected the following to the "quick gil" in abyssea ***. This was last Wednseday, thew bomblet was 1.2 millions with one for sale.
Leviathan.Pimpchan said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Itt: "The only thing in Abyssea is the NM's for the Empyrean weapons."

Really? Well actually there's a ton of other things to do with really nice rewards.

Want a Cuch+1 farm flies for the La theine Liege (got 6 people a sharpeye mantle in 1 run)

Auction house. Easy to get means ultimately bound to be cheap (cruor gear went from 2 milions to 20k in 3 weeks).

Want a Thew bomblet? Go farm mandies for the pop and get the almost 100% drop rate item.

The things that drop on Abyssea are good, and they drop fast. Saying Abyssea is bad because the ultimate boss of a zone is HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE. There are more things to do in Abyssea than farm an empyrean weapon.

This is FFXI, an easy to get item that is also AH able is bound to be sold cheap eventually. 1 million to day 50k in 2 weeks, wanna bet ? So again, why not just not buy expansion and buy it 50k in a few weeks ? Either it's indeed easy to get ans the price will evnetually drop a lot or you are full of ***and it's not that easy to get, to the point that the selling price will be auto-ajusted by the market by the ratio time+effort (number of hours and number of people) to get the drop vs time to gather gil.

6 days later it's 600k, 7 up for sale.

This perfectly illustrates what I meant by the market auto-regulating itself : if a lot are up for sale or in bazar it's bound to decrease in price. In this case 5 being sold per day with 7 being up at AH means it's still way too expensive. I give it 2 weeks before it's < 100k.

So finally abyssea follows the same rule out outside NMs : soon as the ***is easy to farm, price drops until it's totally not worth farming.

Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
By Caitsith.Linear 2010-07-26 14:44:22
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Leviathan.Pimpchan said:
Caitsith.Linear said:
You'll have to forgive me for laughing like a madman when you state:

86DMG 480Delay > 98DMG 498Delay.

Especially when SAM wasn't given another sTP trait, and as far as I know, it has no way off getting a 4-hit build with currently available gear.

Even accounting for fSTR (of which, Stingray has a one weapon rank advantage anyway), I can't see the lower delay (2.5% advantage) actually winning.

When you account for DRG having a 68 ACC and 36 ATT advantage and SAM 5-hit only having 1% Haste over DRG 5-hit...

This isn't even account for Sprit Link, Conserve TP, and Wyvern Damage.

easily 5-hittable at 80
86DMG 480Delay > 98DMG 498Delay.

480 delay : is 5 hit -able by SAms only (without carbonara and little sacrifice)
498 delay : is 4 hit-able (without carbonara and hands sacrifice on hands mainly) - requires lot's of specific gear though

But the discussion is pointless anyway as love trashes everything, especially /war...


SAM gets no lance-esque delay weapons. Sorry to break it to you. Typo on my part. Meant 492. Mind showing me this Love 5-hit. Not 5 attack rounds, I want to see 20TP/hit or you're full of ***.

And Love doesn't trash everything. Ever hear of Corsesca?
By 2010-07-26 14:55:00
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Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Jornna
Posts: 2912
By Sylph.Kimble 2010-07-26 15:04:50
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How the hell can you 5 hit Love Halberd on SAM at 80? lol. Takes a bit just to be able to 6 hit it.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: pchan
Posts: 756
By Leviathan.Pimpchan 2010-07-26 15:06:47
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Caitsith.Linear said:
Leviathan.Pimpchan said:
Caitsith.Linear said:
You'll have to forgive me for laughing like a madman when you state:

86DMG 480Delay > 98DMG 498Delay.

Especially when SAM wasn't given another sTP trait, and as far as I know, it has no way off getting a 4-hit build with currently available gear.

Even accounting for fSTR (of which, Stingray has a one weapon rank advantage anyway), I can't see the lower delay (2.5% advantage) actually winning.

When you account for DRG having a 68 ACC and 36 ATT advantage and SAM 5-hit only having 1% Haste over DRG 5-hit...

This isn't even account for Sprit Link, Conserve TP, and Wyvern Damage.

easily 5-hittable at 80
86DMG 480Delay > 98DMG 498Delay.

480 delay : is 5 hit -able by SAms only (without carbonara and little sacrifice)
498 delay : is 4 hit-able (without carbonara and hands sacrifice on hands mainly) - requires lot's of specific gear though

But the discussion is pointless anyway as love trashes everything, especially /war...


SAM gets no lance-esque delay weapons. Sorry to break it to you. Typo on my part. Meant 492. Mind showing me this Love 5-hit. Not 5 attack rounds, I want to see 20TP/hit or you're full of ***.

And Love doesn't trash everything. Ever hear of Corsesca?

I know what 5-hit is moron, I'm telling you sam got enough STP to 5 hit, you just need to hit the search function on this site. There are plenty of new stp piece coming with this very update.

Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: sketchkat
Posts: 340
By Valefor.Sketchkat 2010-07-26 15:17:50
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Valefor.Sketchkat said:
Valefor.Sketchkat said:
Nobody likes you, nobody agrees with you, and nobody cares what you have to say. There's a reason everyone lines up to do Abyssea...learn to accept it. If you can't handle this fact, go back to paying 300k to stand in Koroloka, or better yet, just quit. I guarantee NOBODY will miss you.

If you act the same way offline as you you do online, I truly feel bad for anyone who has the misfortune of having to speak to you on a regular basis.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Jornna
Posts: 2912
By Sylph.Kimble 2010-07-26 15:20:50
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This is Halberd 5 hit. Keep in mind you NEED to use Carbonara to 5 hit it.

Serveur: Siren
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user: Enternius
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By Siren.Enternius 2010-07-26 15:21:22
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Unkai Nodowa only gives 3 STR and 1 STP

Edit: Actually, supposedly it only gives 3 STR, no ACC, and no sTP, but that doesn't seem right. Unless they made typos on both the Japanese and English clients...
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Jornna
Posts: 2912
By Sylph.Kimble 2010-07-26 15:25:45
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So 5 hit Love would give:

STR +21
DEX +17
Haste +12
Accuracy +24
Attack +4

Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 559
By Valefor.Argettio 2010-07-26 15:30:08
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White Tath might help the sTP build, but not enough to make it worthwhile.
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: soki
Posts: 466
By Midgardsormr.Soki 2010-07-26 15:30:33
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i so hate you now

getting 5 lvls 76-80 in a week is great, 10-20k synced to lvl 75 the whole time
getting 5 lvls in 3 hours is greater and you get skillups,

what do you think abyssea is for?
what do you think valkrum dunes is for?
what do you think manaburn is for?
or bird camps?

let me answer for you
#1 lvling any and all jobs available, fast exp and very good drops
#2 lvling lvl 10-19 and no more
#3 was the only blms to get exp in a 6 man pt
#4 bird camp were the best way to get merits and exp if you were a tp burn job
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: pchan
Posts: 756
By Leviathan.Pimpchan 2010-07-26 15:32:33
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Caitsith.Linear said:
Leviathan.Pimpchan said:
Caitsith.Linear said:
You'll have to forgive me for laughing like a madman when you state:

86DMG 480Delay > 98DMG 498Delay.

Especially when SAM wasn't given another sTP trait, and as far as I know, it has no way off getting a 4-hit build with currently available gear.

Even accounting for fSTR (of which, Stingray has a one weapon rank advantage anyway), I can't see the lower delay (2.5% advantage) actually winning.

When you account for DRG having a 68 ACC and 36 ATT advantage and SAM 5-hit only having 1% Haste over DRG 5-hit...

This isn't even account for Sprit Link, Conserve TP, and Wyvern Damage.

easily 5-hittable at 80
86DMG 480Delay > 98DMG 498Delay.

480 delay : is 5 hit -able by SAms only (without carbonara and little sacrifice)
498 delay : is 4 hit-able (without carbonara and hands sacrifice on hands mainly) - requires lot's of specific gear though

But the discussion is pointless anyway as love trashes everything, especially /war...


SAM gets no lance-esque delay weapons. Sorry to break it to you. Typo on my part. Meant 492. Mind showing me this Love 5-hit. Not 5 attack rounds, I want to see 20TP/hit or you're full of ***.

And Love doesn't trash everything. Ever hear of Corsesca?

I'm saying DRG is lol, it's not only because SAM can x-1 build what they can x-built. I mean every other DD also got upgrades ...

Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Jornna
Posts: 2912
By Sylph.Kimble 2010-07-26 15:33:08
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Valefor.Argettio said:
White Tath might help the sTP build, but not enough to make it worthwhile.

I had a feeling someone would say this and I should have pointed it out before hand.

Can't use White Tathlum as you need ranged slot for stones.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Argettio
Posts: 559
By Valefor.Argettio 2010-07-26 15:33:51
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Sylph.Kimble said:
Valefor.Argettio said:
White Tath might help the sTP build, but not enough to make it worthwhile.

I had a feeling someone would say this and I should have pointed it out before hand.

Can't use White Tathlum as you need ranged slot for stones.

Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Jornna
Posts: 2912
By Sylph.Kimble 2010-07-26 15:34:05
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Remember guys. Pchan also says BRD and COR are trash jobs.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
By Caitsith.Linear 2010-07-26 15:40:29
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Which is an absolutely shitty set.

This absolutely destroys your Love Halberd 5-hit.

Corsesca: DMG:79 Delay:507 Occasionally Attacks Twice

Eating Carbonara. Which SAM can't get way with on anything worthwhile.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Sey
Posts: 256
By Cerberus.Sey 2010-07-26 15:47:27
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How can I post an item set?
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
By Caitsith.Linear 2010-07-26 15:49:47
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[itemset ]<insert number thigns at end of itemset url>[/itemset ]
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Gias
Posts: 1308
By Quetzalcoatl.Giazz 2010-07-26 15:52:27
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Cerberus.Sey said:
How can I post an item set?

Go to your inbox, then "items sets", then create an item set.

Then, there will be a link for your item set. Just copy the numbers from the link.

use itemset tags:


[itemset ]427407[/itemset ]
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Sey
Posts: 256
By Cerberus.Sey 2010-07-26 15:59:37
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Thank you
By 2010-07-26 17:09:47
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Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: pchan
Posts: 756
By Leviathan.Pimpchan 2010-07-26 18:06:46
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
Odin.Zicdeh said:
Build a Ruby chain of at least strength 5 and then farm Key items, see what your results are then.

Generally though, PC's topics/posts consist of the following

Puppetmaster > Your job


My Puppetmaster > Your Puppetmaster.

So it's refreshing to see something new for a change lol.

If only he went upon the premise of all competent jobs (that are not PUP) > PUP > noobs playing a job. Then we could all agree on PUPs place in the world and be happy.

vanadiel_census said:

1 White Mage 14.06%
2 Red Mage 13.07%
3 Black Mage 12.50%
4 Thief 8.39%
5 Warrior 7.79%
6 Monk 6.49%
7 Paladin 5.51%
8 Ninja 4.73%
9 Samurai 4.27%
10 Bard 3.01%
11 Dark Knight 2.97%
12 Dragoon 2.73%
13 Dancer 2.67%
14 Blue Mage 2.60%
15 Beastmaster 2.39%
16 Summoner 1.93%
17 Ranger 1.49%
18 Scholar 1.41%
19 Puppetmaster 1.07%
20 Corsair 0.92%
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2010-07-26 18:27:18
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Give up Grumpychan. I bet you cant even find 1 single person on this forum that agree with you. Not even if you pay them. Give up and go to bed. And don't come back.

Oh, in case you didn't know. that little list of yours doesnt tell which jobs are better than other jobs, just how many ppl that have stated them as their main job.

Nice try though.

Edit for your list sake
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: pchan
Posts: 756
By Leviathan.Pimpchan 2010-07-26 18:51:21
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Carbuncle.Zanno said:
Give up Grumpychan. I bet you cant even find 1 single person on this forum that agree with you. Not even if you pay them. Give up and go to bed. And don't come back.

Plenty have agreed, including exp sessions.

Oh, in case you didn't know. that little list of yours doesnt tell which jobs are better than other jobs, just how many ppl that have stated them as their main job.

Nice try though.

Edit for your list sake

No it's not, it's game data retard. They did a comparison with what people declare through a poll and what they actually do. It's funny to see a lot state to be pld main or sam main when game data contradicts it for instance. Statistical evidence, which is probably why they didn't do it this year. Me think this has to do with SMN.

Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: sketchkat
Posts: 340
By Valefor.Sketchkat 2010-07-26 18:56:22
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Valefor.Sketchkat said:
Valefor.Sketchkat said:
Valefor.Sketchkat said:
Nobody likes you, nobody agrees with you, and nobody cares what you have to say. There's a reason everyone lines up to do Abyssea...learn to accept it. If you can't handle this fact, go back to paying 300k to stand in Koroloka, or better yet, just quit. I guarantee NOBODY will miss you.

If you act the same way offline as you you do online, I truly feel bad for anyone who has the misfortune of having to speak to you on a regular basis.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2010-07-26 18:57:24
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haha retard? Thats the best you got?

Maybe you want to explain to us how this pic shows the usefulness of PUP over COR in a party situation?

And I take it you still havent found a single person on this forum that agree with you huh?
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Jornna
Posts: 2912
By Sylph.Kimble 2010-07-26 18:58:30
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Same Census also said the most used job Combo was WHM/BLM. We all know /BLM is clearly the best sub for WHM.
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