The USA Sucks

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The USA sucks
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Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 1298
By Leviathan.Hastefeet 2010-07-02 12:56:58
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Phoenix.Darki said:
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Sylph.Akibakei said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
I like obamas plan, why are some americans being so selfish? I mean it just prooves your the worst trash there is on america and yes you should GTFO...not sure where, because mostly all countries are going liberal eventually. I vote for obamas health care plan too \m/ only selfish rich kids disagree.
Please dont speak about the health care plan unless you know about it. I am a lower/middle class working man and his health care sux. But he's a good guy, I think he's good for the US.
explain me why it sucks again? He even made puerto rico's health care plan better, he has helped a lot PR by improoving somethings in our government as it is.
people voted for change
now that obama's actually changing things, people don't like it

what pisses me off the most is both the Left and the Right not actually TALKING things out or voting on what they thing is right, instead they just listen to their own side and cheat things or prevent the other side from getting thier way. they're acting like it's a damn hockey game.

Obama's system just *** up the rich people above, he's trying to balance things and help out the poor too, this is why some people don't want change, and in my opinion shows the worst face of americans, I can't believe people can be so *** selfish.

because if u have money why would u want to give it away?

im not rich and i dont support balancing things out >.>
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Jaerik
Posts: 3834
By Lakshmi.Jaerik 2010-07-02 12:57:23
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Just a reminder because someone complained:

Keep this debate political and there's no problems. I wouldn't delete a "Japan sucks" post either as long as it stuck to being a contentious political debate and not a racist one.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: sKe7ch
Posts: 489
By Odin.Lowblow 2010-07-02 12:57:48
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I like my free health care.

*Sips his... hmmm OJ* (yes yes... very ..canadian eh?)
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Akiba
Posts: 590
By Sylph.Akibakei 2010-07-02 12:58:00
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Phoenix.Darki said:
Sylph.Akibakei said:
This isnt a health care discussion, go read up on it and think about it from a "i have good insurance already" stand point, think about all the money and insurance I will lose because lazy people dont wanna get a job and get insurance. People wanna call the OP lazy, Obama's health care is designed for lazy *** who need to work.

But back on topic:

Does Canada have any nice fishing areas? what about trees to spy on spence? I am coming!

no, i wanted to know why his health care plan sucked from your point of view, maybe it had something I missed. I wasn't going to enter a /raging discussion about it.

and also, forgive me but your being selfish trash if you think your the only one who deserves a health care plan simply because you work, yeah sure, alot of lazy *** out theere will benefit from this, but also alot of people who actually can't afford a better health care plan.

I had a health care plan already, private, but it got declined as soon as I got pregnant, it didn't cover any of the expenses of my pregnancy, thank *** for the government's health care plan I get to get most of my pregnancy bills paid. and I had to wait several months to get the plan too, if obama's plan was already up I would've had my bills paid already and didn't have to wait.

so your just being selfish trash and thinking like 'ohhh it's all for lazy people who don't want to work for a better healthcare plan' to be honest, people who actually NEED it can benefit from this, and in my opinion health should be free . It's health dude, it's life. don't be so selfish with other people.

you are wrong and I can tell because you resort to name calling instead of facts.

Did you know there is already a health law that says Hospitals cannot deny anyone based on income? Also, it's a tax right off when they give these people care. This law has been in existence for at least 20 years. Isnt this better than anything I do because its free? Yes, totally free.

The health care will never be free because of a Free Market. Health Care is better in a free market because now doctors actually give a ***because its their life. If you publicize health care, people arent gonna give a ***. Walk into a US DMV... imagine a hospital just like that.

Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-07-02 12:59:16
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Leviathan.Hastefeet said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Sylph.Akibakei said:
This isnt a health care discussion, go read up on it and think about it from a "i have good insurance already" stand point, think about all the money and insurance I will lose because lazy people dont wanna get a job and get insurance. People wanna call the OP lazy, Obama's health care is designed for lazy *** who need to work.

But back on topic:

Does Canada have any nice fishing areas? what about trees to spy on spence? I am coming!

no, i wanted to know why his health care plan sucked from your point of view, maybe it had something I missed. I wasn't going to enter a /raging discussion about it.

and also, forgive me but your being selfish trash if you think your the only one who deserves a health care plan simply because you work, yeah sure, alot of lazy *** out theere will benefit from this, but also alot of people who actually can't afford a better health care plan.

I had a health care plan already, private, but it got declined as soon as I got pregnant, it didn't cover any of the expenses of my pregnancy, thank *** for the government's health care plan I get to get most of my pregnancy bills paid. and I had to wait several months to get the plan too, if obama's plan was already up I would've had my bills paid already and didn't have to wait.

so your just being selfish trash and thinking like 'ohhh it's all for lazy people who don't want to work for a better healthcare plan' to be honest, people who actually NEED it can benefit from this, and in my opinion health should be free . It's health dude, it's life. don't be so selfish with other people.

in my opinion if someone has a bad paying job they're trying so they should have healthcare, for the lazy *** they don't deserve ***

I also agree, but you also have to look at it this way, it also helps tourists who get wounded and their health care plan doesn't cover over there.

he could make something for people who don't work too, something with penalties that it doesn't exacly cover up everything just a small portion so you still get the medical attention you need. theres actually some people who can't work.

My mom for example, she can't work and she still does it because she knows we can't live off the government. I can't wait till I finish college so I make her retire, she has some pretty bad illneses in her body that could turn into cancer, and she still struggles.

but I don't think the government completly gives you everything you need to live a comftruble life as people make it seem to be.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-07-02 12:59:20
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Leviathan.Hastefeet said:
in my opinion if someone has a bad paying job they're trying so they should have healthcare, for the lazy *** they don't deserve ***
The Economy in USA sucks balls, you know.

It's hard as hell to find jobs. Especially here in Detroit for the Auto Workers that got and are getting laid off from the Big 3 companies and the factories that work for them.

You know why? Nobody is buying crap as much as they used to.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2010-07-02 12:59:41
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Sylph.Akibakei said:
Odin.Liela said:
Sylph.Akibakei said:
Odin.Liela said:
too long to repost

Actually, the majority of Americans support the Arizona law.

I haven't seen numbers on how many do or don't, but I do know my family and friends who live in New Mexico all think it's wonderful. I'm still a bit uncomfortable with it. :-( But like I said, I don't live there so I don't get a vote in the matter.

If we were there, we would know the fear that they live in every day. Just today a gang war broke out near the border of Arizona and 21 died. That's like every other day there. They live in fear and Obama is dragging his feet so Arizona did something. It's not perfect no, but its better than nothing. It will be ammended I am sure but peoples biggest complaint about the law is "it profiles people" well hell if someone looks Mexican, then they are! I mean dont drag em to the ground asking for papers, just walk up, ask for papers and walk away

It's the same way if Americans went over seas. Any officer can walk up to us and ask for our passport, if we dont show it, we go to jail.

I did used to live there. Well, in New Mexico, I grew up there. And yes, there was a bit of violence. There were I think 8 bomb threats to my school in one year (but only one actually brought in a bomb, and it was only a small pipe bomb.) There was a kid knifed on campus in a gang-related fight. There were a couple of fistfights bloody enough that the school had to install security cameras and security guards. But to be quite fair, it wasn't all the immigrants or Hispanics that were doing it. A fair amount of it was white gangs. Violence can't simply be blamed on immigrants, and even if there are some immigrants fighting, that doesn't mean that all immigrants are bad.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Akiba
Posts: 590
By Sylph.Akibakei 2010-07-02 13:00:28
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Leviathan.Hastefeet said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Sylph.Akibakei said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
I like obamas plan, why are some americans being so selfish? I mean it just prooves your the worst trash there is on america and yes you should GTFO...not sure where, because mostly all countries are going liberal eventually. I vote for obamas health care plan too \m/ only selfish rich kids disagree.
Please dont speak about the health care plan unless you know about it. I am a lower/middle class working man and his health care sux. But he's a good guy, I think he's good for the US.
explain me why it sucks again? He even made puerto rico's health care plan better, he has helped a lot PR by improoving somethings in our government as it is.
people voted for change
now that obama's actually changing things, people don't like it

what pisses me off the most is both the Left and the Right not actually TALKING things out or voting on what they thing is right, instead they just listen to their own side and cheat things or prevent the other side from getting thier way. they're acting like it's a damn hockey game.

Obama's system just *** up the rich people above, he's trying to balance things and help out the poor too, this is why some people don't want change, and in my opinion shows the worst face of americans, I can't believe people can be so *** selfish.

because if u have money why would u want to give it away?

im not rich and i dont support balancing things out >.>

I make under 25k a year and I dont support balance. I will work my *** off and one day hopefully my kids will be rich and I dont want some jackass taking all my hard work and flushing it.

Behind every millionaire, there is some hard worker who has made it happen at some point in time.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-07-02 13:00:58
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Sylph.Akibakei said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Sylph.Akibakei said:
This isnt a health care discussion, go read up on it and think about it from a "i have good insurance already" stand point, think about all the money and insurance I will lose because lazy people dont wanna get a job and get insurance. People wanna call the OP lazy, Obama's health care is designed for lazy *** who need to work.

But back on topic:

Does Canada have any nice fishing areas? what about trees to spy on spence? I am coming!

no, i wanted to know why his health care plan sucked from your point of view, maybe it had something I missed. I wasn't going to enter a /raging discussion about it.

and also, forgive me but your being selfish trash if you think your the only one who deserves a health care plan simply because you work, yeah sure, alot of lazy *** out theere will benefit from this, but also alot of people who actually can't afford a better health care plan.

I had a health care plan already, private, but it got declined as soon as I got pregnant, it didn't cover any of the expenses of my pregnancy, thank *** for the government's health care plan I get to get most of my pregnancy bills paid. and I had to wait several months to get the plan too, if obama's plan was already up I would've had my bills paid already and didn't have to wait.

so your just being selfish trash and thinking like 'ohhh it's all for lazy people who don't want to work for a better healthcare plan' to be honest, people who actually NEED it can benefit from this, and in my opinion health should be free . It's health dude, it's life. don't be so selfish with other people.

you are wrong and I can tell because you resort to name calling instead of facts.

Did you know there is already a health law that says Hospitals cannot deny anyone based on income? Also, it's a tax right off when they give these people care. This law has been in existence for at least 20 years. Isnt this better than anything I do because its free? Yes, totally free.

The health care will never be free because of a Free Market. Health Care is better in a free market because now doctors actually give a ***because its their life. If you publicize health care, people arent gonna give a ***. Walk into a US DMV... imagine a hospital just like that.


:/ ...poor obama, having to deal with this.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-07-02 13:01:36
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Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Leviathan.Hastefeet said:
in my opinion if someone has a bad paying job they're trying so they should have healthcare, for the lazy *** they don't deserve ***
The Economy in USA sucks balls, you know.

It's hard as hell to find jobs. Especially here in Detroit for the Auto Workers that got and are getting laid off from the Big 3 companies and the factories that work for them.

You know why? Nobody is buying crap as much as they used to.

America, *** ya... wait, what?
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Akiba
Posts: 590
By Sylph.Akibakei 2010-07-02 13:02:56
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Odin.Liela said:
Sylph.Akibakei said:
Odin.Liela said:
Sylph.Akibakei said:
Odin.Liela said:
too long to repost

Actually, the majority of Americans support the Arizona law.

I haven't seen numbers on how many do or don't, but I do know my family and friends who live in New Mexico all think it's wonderful. I'm still a bit uncomfortable with it. :-( But like I said, I don't live there so I don't get a vote in the matter.

If we were there, we would know the fear that they live in every day. Just today a gang war broke out near the border of Arizona and 21 died. That's like every other day there. They live in fear and Obama is dragging his feet so Arizona did something. It's not perfect no, but its better than nothing. It will be ammended I am sure but peoples biggest complaint about the law is "it profiles people" well hell if someone looks Mexican, then they are! I mean dont drag em to the ground asking for papers, just walk up, ask for papers and walk away

It's the same way if Americans went over seas. Any officer can walk up to us and ask for our passport, if we dont show it, we go to jail.

I did used to live there. Well, in New Mexico, I grew up there. And yes, there was a bit of violence. There were I think 8 bomb threats to my school in one year (but only one actually brought in a bomb, and it was only a small pipe bomb.) There was a kid knifed on campus in a gang-related fight. There were a couple of fistfights bloody enough that the school had to install security cameras and security guards. But to be quite fair, it wasn't all the immigrants or Hispanics that were doing it. A fair amount of it was white gangs. Violence can't simply be blamed on immigrants, and even if there are some immigrants fighting, that doesn't mean that all immigrants are bad.

Oh, I agree. I am not blaming all violence on immigrants. That would be wrong of me. Mexican gangs are on the uprise recently though and Arizona wants to keep em out.

Illegals are illegal. If they dont have papers go back and get em. That's all Arizona is enforcing. I have no problem with Mexicans, they are awesome people, strong work ethic, and great food :D but just get your papers. Thats all.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-07-02 13:03:40
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Leviathan.Hastefeet said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Sylph.Akibakei said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
I like obamas plan, why are some americans being so selfish? I mean it just prooves your the worst trash there is on america and yes you should GTFO...not sure where, because mostly all countries are going liberal eventually. I vote for obamas health care plan too \m/ only selfish rich kids disagree.
Please dont speak about the health care plan unless you know about it. I am a lower/middle class working man and his health care sux. But he's a good guy, I think he's good for the US.
explain me why it sucks again? He even made puerto rico's health care plan better, he has helped a lot PR by improoving somethings in our government as it is.
people voted for change
now that obama's actually changing things, people don't like it

what pisses me off the most is both the Left and the Right not actually TALKING things out or voting on what they thing is right, instead they just listen to their own side and cheat things or prevent the other side from getting thier way. they're acting like it's a damn hockey game.

Obama's system just *** up the rich people above, he's trying to balance things and help out the poor too, this is why some people don't want change, and in my opinion shows the worst face of americans, I can't believe people can be so *** selfish.

because if u have money why would u want to give it away?

im not rich and i dont support balancing things out >.>

My dad's side of the family is pretty wealthy and they support balancing things out for everyone.

it's ignorant to work like a rat everyday and still live like a rat. some people just get lucky in life and actually make a couple of millions.

My dad worked like a rat in a hospital 3 jobs just to make dead ends meet, so what one day he got lucky and a chance to invest some little money in something that turned out to be great and made him money.

not everyone has those chances. maybe obama is trying to give a chance for everyone to have a better life, so more people happy?

Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-07-02 13:04:27
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Fairy.Spence said:
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Leviathan.Hastefeet said:
in my opinion if someone has a bad paying job they're trying so they should have healthcare, for the lazy *** they don't deserve ***
The Economy in USA sucks balls, you know. It's hard as hell to find jobs. Especially here in Detroit for the Auto Workers that got and are getting laid off from the Big 3 companies and the factories that work for them. You know why? Nobody is buying crap as much as they used to.
America, *** ya... wait, what?
Basically, companies are laying off people left and right so people go unemployed. Some companies are even shutting down.

it was always on the news, poor ***. My sister-in-law got laid off too but she now works for Keloggs in Tennessee. Went from Auto-part factory to Cereal/Food factory. =/
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Akiba
Posts: 590
By Sylph.Akibakei 2010-07-02 13:05:07
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Well good for your dad. he is that guy who busted his *** to make it happen. If he wants to give back it should be his choice though, not a law. That's what I dont agree with.

Ninja Edit:

As a matter of fact, tell him to give back to me :D
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-07-02 13:05:33
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Sylph.Akibakei said:
Leviathan.Hastefeet said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Sylph.Akibakei said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
I like obamas plan, why are some americans being so selfish? I mean it just prooves your the worst trash there is on america and yes you should GTFO...not sure where, because mostly all countries are going liberal eventually. I vote for obamas health care plan too \m/ only selfish rich kids disagree.
Please dont speak about the health care plan unless you know about it. I am a lower/middle class working man and his health care sux. But he's a good guy, I think he's good for the US.
explain me why it sucks again? He even made puerto rico's health care plan better, he has helped a lot PR by improoving somethings in our government as it is.
people voted for change
now that obama's actually changing things, people don't like it

what pisses me off the most is both the Left and the Right not actually TALKING things out or voting on what they thing is right, instead they just listen to their own side and cheat things or prevent the other side from getting thier way. they're acting like it's a damn hockey game.

Obama's system just *** up the rich people above, he's trying to balance things and help out the poor too, this is why some people don't want change, and in my opinion shows the worst face of americans, I can't believe people can be so *** selfish.

because if u have money why would u want to give it away?

im not rich and i dont support balancing things out >.>

I make under 25k a year and I dont support balance. I will work my *** off and one day hopefully my kids will be rich and I dont want some jackass taking all my hard work and flushing it.

Behind every millionaire, there is some hard worker who has made it happen at some point in time.

Yes. indeed. YOU have no idea how right you are about that.

I just support obama because he's not trying to make the poor rich, he's simply trying to give them a little more. so a little better of a life, you know, for people who actually can't afford some essential things? like food.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-07-02 13:05:52
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The fact is, every single one of us here has the luxury of the internet, and the free time to be posting on a game forum.

NONE of us have it that bad!
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 1298
By Leviathan.Hastefeet 2010-07-02 13:06:42
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Phoenix.Darki said:
Leviathan.Hastefeet said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Sylph.Akibakei said:
This isnt a health care discussion, go read up on it and think about it from a "i have good insurance already" stand point, think about all the money and insurance I will lose because lazy people dont wanna get a job and get insurance. People wanna call the OP lazy, Obama's health care is designed for lazy *** who need to work.

But back on topic:

Does Canada have any nice fishing areas? what about trees to spy on spence? I am coming!

no, i wanted to know why his health care plan sucked from your point of view, maybe it had something I missed. I wasn't going to enter a /raging discussion about it.

and also, forgive me but your being selfish trash if you think your the only one who deserves a health care plan simply because you work, yeah sure, alot of lazy *** out theere will benefit from this, but also alot of people who actually can't afford a better health care plan.

I had a health care plan already, private, but it got declined as soon as I got pregnant, it didn't cover any of the expenses of my pregnancy, thank *** for the government's health care plan I get to get most of my pregnancy bills paid. and I had to wait several months to get the plan too, if obama's plan was already up I would've had my bills paid already and didn't have to wait.

so your just being selfish trash and thinking like 'ohhh it's all for lazy people who don't want to work for a better healthcare plan' to be honest, people who actually NEED it can benefit from this, and in my opinion health should be free . It's health dude, it's life. don't be so selfish with other people.

in my opinion if someone has a bad paying job they're trying so they should have healthcare, for the lazy *** they don't deserve ***

I also agree, but you also have to look at it this way, it also helps tourists who get wounded and their health care plan doesn't cover over there.

he could make something for people who don't work too, something with penalties that it doesn't exacly cover up everything just a small portion so you still get the medical attention you need. theres actually some people who can't work.

My mom for example, she can't work and she still does it because she knows we can't live off the government. I can't wait till I finish college so I make her retire, she has some pretty bad illneses in her body that could turn into cancer, and she still struggles.

but I don't think the government completly gives you everything you need to live a comftruble life as people make it seem to be.

if you are sick and cant work that is different, if you cant work you obviously cant support yourself so why shouldnt you get money from the government

Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Leviathan.Hastefeet said:
in my opinion if someone has a bad paying job they're trying so they should have healthcare, for the lazy *** they don't deserve ***
The Economy in USA sucks balls, you know.

It's hard as hell to find jobs. Especially here in Detroit for the Auto Workers that got and are getting laid off from the Big 3 companies and the factories that work for them.

You know why? Nobody is buying crap as much as they used to.

It is hard to find work now, but its not impossible

My mother's husband is big on that, he swears he can't find a job half the time, but the truth is he's a lazy *** who doesnt want a job so he isnt trying to find one

if you look hard enough and apply at enough places you will most likely get a job sometime lol
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-07-02 13:07:19
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Sylph.Akibakei said:
Well good for your dad. he is that guy who busted his *** to make it happen. If he wants to give back it should be his choice though, not a law. That's what I dont agree with.

Ninja Edit:

As a matter of fact, tell him to give back to me :D

:/ ... god.

I don't see how obama is giving poor people the chance to make 1 million a year, he's just trying to help poor people actually afford the essential things, like FOOD, CLOTHES, A SAFE ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD.

this is making me think the people in here haven't actually gone through not having money for food once in their life.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-07-02 13:07:25
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I say we here at FFXIAH make our own country. Who's coming?
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-07-02 13:08:13
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Valefor.Slipispsycho said:
I say we here at FFXIAH make our own country. Who's coming?

Can I be Supreme Leader?
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Basilo
Posts: 650
By Fairy.Basilo 2010-07-02 13:08:31
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Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Leviathan.Hastefeet said:
in my opinion if someone has a bad paying job they're trying so they should have healthcare, for the lazy *** they don't deserve ***
The Economy in USA sucks balls, you know. It's hard as hell to find jobs. Especially here in Detroit for the Auto Workers that got and are getting laid off from the Big 3 companies and the factories that work for them. You know why? Nobody is buying crap as much as they used to.

No-one is gonna buy ur shitty new xbox either if they got a brain and thats coming from an xbox user >< such a bad console so unreliable compared to sony products in all honesty. And im much more for supporting ur economy... shame.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-07-02 13:08:43
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Fairy.Spence said:
The fact is, every single one of us here has the luxury of the internet, and the free time to be posting on a game forum.

NONE of us have it that bad!

that's why it's making me think the people in here haven't actually had the misfortune of once finding themselves not being able to afford food :/ ... obama is only trying to stop exacly this . nothing else, he's not making anyone poor, a millionaire.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-07-02 13:09:21
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Fairy.Spence said:
Valefor.Slipispsycho said:
I say we here at FFXIAH make our own country. Who's coming?

Can I be Supreme Leader?
No, you can be in charge of importing the maple sugar for our pancakes.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-07-02 13:09:26
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Fairy.Spence said:
The fact is, every single one of us here has the luxury of the internet, and the free time to be posting on a game forum. NONE of us have it that bad!
You are very wrong on that Spence.

1. Internet can be easilly obtained by:
a. Library
b. Stealing the neighbor's open connection (and getting a cheapie laptop or computer with unemployment checks)
c. cheapest internet i've seen is 10/month

2. free time
a. no job
b. no school
c. no friends or nothing to do at this given time

3. i know many people who barely make it living that have the cheap internet either paid by the parents or other means. The internet is no longer a luxury. I mean even 3rd world countries are able to get a laptop and go on the internet. (hell some counties in USA have free internet. sucky connection speed but free)
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Akiba
Posts: 590
By Sylph.Akibakei 2010-07-02 13:09:49
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Phoenix.Darki said:
Sylph.Akibakei said:
Well good for your dad. he is that guy who busted his *** to make it happen. If he wants to give back it should be his choice though, not a law. That's what I dont agree with.

Ninja Edit:

As a matter of fact, tell him to give back to me :D

:/ ... god.

I don't see how obama is giving poor people the chance to make 1 million a year, he's just trying to help poor people actually afford the essential things, like FOOD, CLOTHES, A SAFE ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD.

this is making me think the people in here haven't actually gone through not having money for food once in their life.

Wait, there isnt such a thing as government housing? Or Food Stamps? Or Whatever that free money is called?

Oh wait, yeah those have been in place LONG before Obama.

Obama wants me to have my health care suffer and my tax money to useless people. It should be my choice to help families. I give what I can to charities and family who need it. But its my choice. I dont want a law telling me how to spend my hard earned money.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 1298
By Leviathan.Hastefeet 2010-07-02 13:09:54
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Phoenix.Darki said:
Sylph.Akibakei said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Sylph.Akibakei said:
This isnt a health care discussion, go read up on it and think about it from a "i have good insurance already" stand point, think about all the money and insurance I will lose because lazy people dont wanna get a job and get insurance. People wanna call the OP lazy, Obama's health care is designed for lazy *** who need to work.

But back on topic:

Does Canada have any nice fishing areas? what about trees to spy on spence? I am coming!

no, i wanted to know why his health care plan sucked from your point of view, maybe it had something I missed. I wasn't going to enter a /raging discussion about it.

and also, forgive me but your being selfish trash if you think your the only one who deserves a health care plan simply because you work, yeah sure, alot of lazy *** out theere will benefit from this, but also alot of people who actually can't afford a better health care plan.

I had a health care plan already, private, but it got declined as soon as I got pregnant, it didn't cover any of the expenses of my pregnancy, thank *** for the government's health care plan I get to get most of my pregnancy bills paid. and I had to wait several months to get the plan too, if obama's plan was already up I would've had my bills paid already and didn't have to wait.

so your just being selfish trash and thinking like 'ohhh it's all for lazy people who don't want to work for a better healthcare plan' to be honest, people who actually NEED it can benefit from this, and in my opinion health should be free . It's health dude, it's life. don't be so selfish with other people.

you are wrong and I can tell because you resort to name calling instead of facts.

Did you know there is already a health law that says Hospitals cannot deny anyone based on income? Also, it's a tax right off when they give these people care. This law has been in existence for at least 20 years. Isnt this better than anything I do because its free? Yes, totally free.

The health care will never be free because of a Free Market. Health Care is better in a free market because now doctors actually give a ***because its their life. If you publicize health care, people arent gonna give a ***. Walk into a US DMV... imagine a hospital just like that.


:/ ...poor obama, having to deal with this.

poor obama because of people who actually know whats going on?

so its better if the people are blind and have no clue about anything that goes on in the US?
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 1298
By Leviathan.Hastefeet 2010-07-02 13:11:39
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Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Fairy.Spence said:
The fact is, every single one of us here has the luxury of the internet, and the free time to be posting on a game forum. NONE of us have it that bad!
You are very wrong on that Spence.

1. Internet can be easilly obtained by:
a. Library
b. Stealing the neighbor's open connection (and getting a cheapie laptop or computer with unemployment checks)
c. cheapest internet i've seen is 10/month

2. free time
a. no job
b. no school
c. no friends or nothing to do at this given time

3. i know many people who barely make it living that have the cheap internet either paid by the parents or other means. The internet is no longer a luxury. I mean even 3rd world countries are able to get a laptop and go on the internet. (hell some counties in USA have free internet. sucky connection speed but free)

yeah, maybe i live in a cardboard box and use a laptop i stole from bestbuy and use the internet of the house thats next to the alleyway my box is in

u never know
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-07-02 13:11:45
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Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Fairy.Spence said:
The fact is, every single one of us here has the luxury of the internet, and the free time to be posting on a game forum. NONE of us have it that bad!
You are very wrong on that Spence.

1. Internet can be easilly obtained by:
a. Library
b. Stealing the neighbor's open connection (and getting a cheapie laptop or computer with unemployment checks)
c. cheapest internet i've seen is 10/month

2. free time
a. no job
b. no school
c. no friends or nothing to do at this given time

3. i know many people who barely make it living that have the cheap internet either paid by the parents or other means. The internet is no longer a luxury. I mean even 3rd world countries are able to get a laptop and go on the internet. (hell some counties in USA have free internet. sucky connection speed but free)

Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 209
By Cerberus.Neojuggernaut 2010-07-02 13:12:02
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Sorry, this video sucks, I thought this was a joke at first:

wtf ><
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-07-02 13:12:26
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Leviathan.Hastefeet said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Sylph.Akibakei said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Sylph.Akibakei said:
This isnt a health care discussion, go read up on it and think about it from a "i have good insurance already" stand point, think about all the money and insurance I will lose because lazy people dont wanna get a job and get insurance. People wanna call the OP lazy, Obama's health care is designed for lazy *** who need to work.

But back on topic:

Does Canada have any nice fishing areas? what about trees to spy on spence? I am coming!

no, i wanted to know why his health care plan sucked from your point of view, maybe it had something I missed. I wasn't going to enter a /raging discussion about it.

and also, forgive me but your being selfish trash if you think your the only one who deserves a health care plan simply because you work, yeah sure, alot of lazy *** out theere will benefit from this, but also alot of people who actually can't afford a better health care plan.

I had a health care plan already, private, but it got declined as soon as I got pregnant, it didn't cover any of the expenses of my pregnancy, thank *** for the government's health care plan I get to get most of my pregnancy bills paid. and I had to wait several months to get the plan too, if obama's plan was already up I would've had my bills paid already and didn't have to wait.

so your just being selfish trash and thinking like 'ohhh it's all for lazy people who don't want to work for a better healthcare plan' to be honest, people who actually NEED it can benefit from this, and in my opinion health should be free . It's health dude, it's life. don't be so selfish with other people.

you are wrong and I can tell because you resort to name calling instead of facts.

Did you know there is already a health law that says Hospitals cannot deny anyone based on income? Also, it's a tax right off when they give these people care. This law has been in existence for at least 20 years. Isnt this better than anything I do because its free? Yes, totally free.

The health care will never be free because of a Free Market. Health Care is better in a free market because now doctors actually give a ***because its their life. If you publicize health care, people arent gonna give a ***. Walk into a US DMV... imagine a hospital just like that.


:/ ...poor obama, having to deal with this.

poor obama because of people who actually know whats going on?

so its better if the people are blind and have no clue about anything that goes on in the US?

oh yes your completly right! I agree, you just changed my whole point of view! I was so clueless.

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