The USA Sucks

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The USA sucks
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Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-07-02 17:31:14
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Unicorn.Roxanna said:
Sylph.Kimble said:
Siren.Miayoko said:
Mainland Japan doesn't care for Okinawan's either I would know I lived there close to three years. They didn't care for the darker skin and slang that they spoke becuase Okinawa had become more "Americanized" due to the huge amounts of military that lived there.

Wherever you go in the world there will be racism. America's just seems to be more on display.

I dunno, i'd say Germany in WWII was a pretty large display of racism.

WWII was an example of how one person can alter a country. Read up on it more, it's actually very interesting how it happened.

Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: trelan
Posts: 253
By Odin.Trelan 2010-07-02 17:31:16
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Phoenix.Darki said:

The hospital charges the same thing with or without insurance... The fact that you prepared and started paying an insurance co. months, years, or decades before you needed the insurance, pays for said service... Trust me the insurance co.'s are not losing money... People who pay for insurance usually don't end out spending more at a hospital then they paid to the insurance co. I mean come on, you think the insurance game is a non-profit org?

I don't doubt for a second that the immigrants coming to America have it worse where they came from... Kinda the reason they are coming here. I know plenty of ppl who work in the US that were immigrants(or a citizen of another nation) and went through the correct protocol to legally work here. There is a right way to do things and a wrong way. Does this mean that all the ppl who would like to come here would be allowed if the did it the legal way? Of'course not, there are standards.

edit for quote fail, oh well
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Jaerik
Posts: 3834
By Lakshmi.Jaerik 2010-07-02 17:31:24
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Phoenix.Darki said:
doesn't Japan and China hate each other to death, and on top of that they hate america and other countries to a beating pulp... simply because of what happened a couple generations ago.

Japan, China, and Korea hate each other so much, going back thousands of years, that just a few years ago, a bunch of Korean students cut off their fingers and threw them at the Japanese embassy just because the Prime Minister visited a shrine honoring Japanese war dead.

And this was considered not particularly out of the ordinary.

In general, most Japanese are very positive on Americans, with the possible exception of Americans on the internet. The US has developed this online culture of extreme dickishness and self-aggrandizement "for teh lulz" that is completely incompatible with Japanese culture.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Roxanna
Posts: 1011
By Unicorn.Roxanna 2010-07-02 17:32:50
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Phoenix.Darki said:
Unicorn.Roxanna said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Lakshmi.Jaerik said:
Nope. I'd say Americans are less racist than most of the world. The difference is, most other countries in the world are so homogeneous that it doesn't come up as often. (With the exception of Europe, which are going through their own immigration issues these days.)

doesn't Japan and China hate each other to death, and on top of that they hate america and other countries to a beating pulp... simply because of what happened a couple generations ago.

America, Europe, China, Japan, all the others, doesn't matter what level of racism it has, it still doesn't mean it's right to be racist.

It may not be right, but it's human nature. We are more comfortable around those most like us. You've showed that yourself with your previous comments about how you would be treated in the US. Doesn't make you racist though.

I don't know, human nature seems like eating shitting sleeping and procreating, something we all do, I am not racist, never have been, so I can't consider this human nature, more like ignorance?

and I wouldn't mind living with americans at all, I meant americans would mind living with me, I couldn't walk with this latin face on america because of the way I know I will get treated, and actually have before, I've made many trips into america several times, and theres always someone somewhere being racial towards me. Something we don't get in PR. PR being a main tourist point, attracting many tourists like Hawaii, I can tell you we aren't this way with ourselves or anyone from outside our place.

so it isn't human nature :/ at all.

Psychology would beg to differ. My point is that there is a difference between racism and being more comfortable around those most like you.
Hitler is a good example of a racist being.
Simply being more comfortable around your own people isn't being racist towards everyone else.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-07-02 17:33:07
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Sylph.Kimble said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Lakshmi.Jaerik said:
Nope. I'd say Americans are less racist than most of the world. The difference is, most other countries in the world are so homogeneous that it doesn't come up as often. (With the exception of Europe, which are going through their own immigration issues these days.)

doesn't Japan and China hate each other to death, and on top of that they hate america and other countries to a beating pulp... simply because of what happened a couple generations ago.

America, Europe, China, Japan, all the others, doesn't matter what level of racism it has, it still doesn't mean it's right to be racist.

No one is saying it's right to be racist, but to say America is the most racist country, is just wrong.

it's still pretty damn racist, and that's just wrong.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Miayoko
Posts: 788
By Siren.Miayoko 2010-07-02 17:33:21
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@ Roxanna just like in WWII a group of Okinawans threw themselves off a cliff because they were brainwashed to believe that the Americans were going to murder the men, rape the women, and leave the children to watch. So instead they /jumped.

I think people missed my point ours is more on display because anything is news worthy in America whereas in other countries it is not.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-07-02 17:34:31
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Lol yeah pretty much every Korean that really embraces there korean heritage will litterally go from thinking all right of me to hating me alot when they find out I'm part japanese
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-07-02 17:35:46
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Unicorn.Roxanna said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Unicorn.Roxanna said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Lakshmi.Jaerik said:
Nope. I'd say Americans are less racist than most of the world. The difference is, most other countries in the world are so homogeneous that it doesn't come up as often. (With the exception of Europe, which are going through their own immigration issues these days.)

doesn't Japan and China hate each other to death, and on top of that they hate america and other countries to a beating pulp... simply because of what happened a couple generations ago.

America, Europe, China, Japan, all the others, doesn't matter what level of racism it has, it still doesn't mean it's right to be racist.

It may not be right, but it's human nature. We are more comfortable around those most like us. You've showed that yourself with your previous comments about how you would be treated in the US. Doesn't make you racist though.

I don't know, human nature seems like eating shitting sleeping and procreating, something we all do, I am not racist, never have been, so I can't consider this human nature, more like ignorance?

and I wouldn't mind living with americans at all, I meant americans would mind living with me, I couldn't walk with this latin face on america because of the way I know I will get treated, and actually have before, I've made many trips into america several times, and theres always someone somewhere being racial towards me. Something we don't get in PR. PR being a main tourist point, attracting many tourists like Hawaii, I can tell you we aren't this way with ourselves or anyone from outside our place.

so it isn't human nature :/ at all.

Psychology would beg to differ. My point is that there is a difference between racism and being more comfortable around those most like you.
Hitler is a good example of a racist being.
Simply being more comfortable around your own people isn't being racist towards everyone else.

it's fine to feel more comftruble around someone you can relate to, but does it also excuse the fact that you can be racial against people you don't relate to? not really, it's just ignorance IMO and angst.

so don't get them both mixed up.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Roxanna
Posts: 1011
By Unicorn.Roxanna 2010-07-02 17:36:16
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Siren.Miayoko said:
@ Roxanna just like in WWII a group of Okinawans threw themselves off a cliff because they were brainwashed to believe that the Americans were going to murder the men, rape the women, and leave the children to watch. So instead they /jumped.

I think people missed my point ours is more on display because anything is news worthy in America whereas in other countries it is not.

Mass brainwashing, and mass racism happened. And I agree with you about America being more on display.

and @ the OP: If the USA sucks so much, leave.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Tirantus
Posts: 155
By Gilgamesh.Tirantus 2010-07-02 17:37:33
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Phoenix.Darki said:
Odin.Trelan said:
Unicorn.Roxanna said:
Because we've become too politically correct for our own good.

I agree, how sad is that. Noone wants to come to America, yet ppl are going through hell to cross the border. America is racist, yet we embrace every culture here. We need healthcare reform, yet a hospital cannot refuse to treat you if you don't have insurance. I guess I could be alittle bias... I pay my taxes and for my own insurance. It is nice to be self sufficient (=^.^=);

all sounds so melodic, fact when you don't have health care you get charged an eye for that treatment you recieved at the hospital, or the fact that when you need to do doctor appointment follow ups the medical bill stacks up pretty neatly.

and people who come to america crossing the border have it worse where they already are at, i don't think they mind going through racism just to get a job and help out their families, I don't think people are crossing the boarder for the lulz and struggling all that far just so ' haha look I'm american' ^^ ... heavy reasons for heavy actions.
100% true. A few years back my dad got injured on the job. He shattered his ankle, no insurance or workmans comp. Sure the Hospital fixed him up...then said "you owe us six thousand dollars" and I may be low balling that number. Also if you don't pay it, they drag you to court and then you have to pay for all their court fee's and your own. That's not even including and medication costs or return visits.

Another example of a broken health care system. My last job I had, if I wanted insurance through the company it would of cost me 200 dollars a month. I was already paying 340 dollars a month for child support. I was making 10 dollars an hour and rarely getting 40 hours a week. Usually I was lucky to get 30 hours. See the problem here? This is all before normal taxes mind you. To have health insurance I would not only be working for free, the job would of ended up costing me money. It eventually did anyways which is why I had to quit.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Jornna
Posts: 2912
By Sylph.Kimble 2010-07-02 17:37:47
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America news media tends to make everything out to be a bigger deal then it really is.

I know what WWII was, doesn't take away from the fact that is a much larger display of racism then things America has done (an argument could be made for slavery, but slavery was around way before USA and just as bad)

Every country in the world is racist, and it is human nature. Every one is Prejudice, if you can't admit that, then you are just lying to your self.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Jaerik
Posts: 3834
By Lakshmi.Jaerik 2010-07-02 17:38:10
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Siren.Miayoko said:
@ Roxanna just like in WWII a group of Okinawans threw themselves off a cliff because they were brainwashed to believe that the Americans were going to murder the men, rape the women, and leave the children to watch. So instead they /jumped.

Completely untrue.

Most were pushed by the Japanese military, which had a scorched-earth policy that if Japan couldn't have the island, then nobody could. Their own people be damned.

The US seems to have this bizarre take on WW2 that everyone in Japan was a banzai-shouting Emperor-loving psychopath. Most were just ordinary folks trying to get by. Not even most of the kamikaze pilots were volunteers.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-07-02 17:39:05
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Phoenix.Darki said:
Unicorn.Roxanna said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Lakshmi.Jaerik said:
Nope. I'd say Americans are less racist than most of the world. The difference is, most other countries in the world are so homogeneous that it doesn't come up as often. (With the exception of Europe, which are going through their own immigration issues these days.)

doesn't Japan and China hate each other to death, and on top of that they hate america and other countries to a beating pulp... simply because of what happened a couple generations ago.

America, Europe, China, Japan, all the others, doesn't matter what level of racism it has, it still doesn't mean it's right to be racist.

It may not be right, but it's human nature. We are more comfortable around those most like us. You've showed that yourself with your previous comments about how you would be treated in the US. Doesn't make you racist though.

I don't know, human nature seems like eating shitting sleeping and procreating, something we all do, I am not racist, never have been, so I can't consider this human nature, more like ignorance?

and I wouldn't mind living with americans at all, I meant americans would mind living with me, I couldn't walk with this latin face on america because of the way I know I will get treated, and actually have before, I've made many trips into america several times, and theres always someone somewhere being racial towards me. Something we don't get in PR. PR being a main tourist point, attracting many tourists like Hawaii, I can tell you we aren't this way with ourselves or anyone from outside our place.

so it isn't human nature :/ at all.
everyone is racist/prejudiced to some extent.
saying that you aren't is just flat out wrong :/
why would you make vast generalizations about a country if you weren't in fact a little bit racist yourself?
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-07-02 17:39:22
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Lakshmi.Jaerik said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
doesn't Japan and China hate each other to death, and on top of that they hate america and other countries to a beating pulp... simply because of what happened a couple generations ago.

Japan, China, and Korea hate each other so much, going back thousands of years, that just a few years ago, a bunch of Korean students cut off their fingers and threw them at the Japanese embassy just because the Prime Minister visited a shrine honoring Japanese war dead.

And this was considered not particularly out of the ordinary.

In general, most Japanese are very positive on Americans, with the possible exception of Americans on the internet. The US has developed this online culture of extreme dickishness and self-aggrandizement "for teh lulz" that is completely incompatible with Japanese culture.

I agree on last paragraph, also for first paragraph; they also have a pretty big pride too, I guess it comes with the culture and way they were raised? so it makes the hatred even more evident and extreme.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Roxanna
Posts: 1011
By Unicorn.Roxanna 2010-07-02 17:39:40
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it's fine to feel more comftruble around someone you can relate to, but does it also excuse the fact that you can be racial against people you don't relate to? not really, it's just ignorance IMO and angst.

so don't get them both mixed up.

Perception is everything. To one person, not wanting to be the one white, or the one latino, or whatever in a group of another race means you're racist. To another, it's simply not wanting to be the odd man out.

Racism: the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races

Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Roxanna
Posts: 1011
By Unicorn.Roxanna 2010-07-02 17:41:07
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Lakshmi.Jaerik said:
Siren.Miayoko said:
@ Roxanna just like in WWII a group of Okinawans threw themselves off a cliff because they were brainwashed to believe that the Americans were going to murder the men, rape the women, and leave the children to watch. So instead they /jumped.

Completely untrue.

Most were pushed by the Japanese military, which had a scorched-earth policy that if Japan couldn't have the island, then nobody could. Their own people be damned.

The US seems to have this bizarre take on WW2 that everyone in Japan was a banzai-shouting Emperor-loving psychopath. Most were just ordinary folks trying to get by. Not even most of the kamikaze pilots were volunteers.

I learned about this from a documentary I watched for history class. Shame on me for believing what Japanese survivors talked about.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Miayoko
Posts: 788
By Siren.Miayoko 2010-07-02 17:42:04
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Anyways I would love to stay but my kid is hungry :(
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-07-02 17:43:07
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Phoenix.Darki said:
Lakshmi.Jaerik said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
doesn't Japan and China hate each other to death, and on top of that they hate america and other countries to a beating pulp... simply because of what happened a couple generations ago.

Japan, China, and Korea hate each other so much, going back thousands of years, that just a few years ago, a bunch of Korean students cut off their fingers and threw them at the Japanese embassy just because the Prime Minister visited a shrine honoring Japanese war dead.

And this was considered not particularly out of the ordinary.

In general, most Japanese are very positive on Americans, with the possible exception of Americans on the internet. The US has developed this online culture of extreme dickishness and self-aggrandizement "for teh lulz" that is completely incompatible with Japanese culture.

I agree on last paragraph, also for first paragraph; they also have a pretty big pride too, I guess it comes with the culture and way they were raised? so it makes the hatred even more evident and extreme.
if you agree with both the last and the first paragraph why didn't you just say that you agree with what he said :/
on topic with jaerik.
i dunno 2chan kind of inadvertently spawned 4chan and 2chan is japanese based :/
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-07-02 17:45:56
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Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Unicorn.Roxanna said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Lakshmi.Jaerik said:
Nope. I'd say Americans are less racist than most of the world. The difference is, most other countries in the world are so homogeneous that it doesn't come up as often. (With the exception of Europe, which are going through their own immigration issues these days.)

doesn't Japan and China hate each other to death, and on top of that they hate america and other countries to a beating pulp... simply because of what happened a couple generations ago.

America, Europe, China, Japan, all the others, doesn't matter what level of racism it has, it still doesn't mean it's right to be racist.

It may not be right, but it's human nature. We are more comfortable around those most like us. You've showed that yourself with your previous comments about how you would be treated in the US. Doesn't make you racist though.

I don't know, human nature seems like eating shitting sleeping and procreating, something we all do, I am not racist, never have been, so I can't consider this human nature, more like ignorance?

and I wouldn't mind living with americans at all, I meant americans would mind living with me, I couldn't walk with this latin face on america because of the way I know I will get treated, and actually have before, I've made many trips into america several times, and theres always someone somewhere being racial towards me. Something we don't get in PR. PR being a main tourist point, attracting many tourists like Hawaii, I can tell you we aren't this way with ourselves or anyone from outside our place.

so it isn't human nature :/ at all.
everyone is racist/prejudiced to some extent.
saying that you aren't is just flat out wrong :/
why would you make vast generalizations about a country if you weren't in fact a little bit racist yourself?

Don't mix things up though, I am generalizing that america has a big racial issue, I'm not here blurting out 'ALL AMERICANS ARE RACIST WHAA WHAAAAA'

I met some pretty nice americans, and I mean... PRETTY DAMN nice americans when I was in america, one of them gave me a free camera bag when i bought my canon <3 and he was pretty interested in our culture/history too.

still this doesn't change the fact that america has a big racial issue. sorry if I come out like I am pointing a finger at america, don't mix them up like I am being racial though I have no problem with you guys at all. I really do like america lol just the ugly side of racism scares the *** out of me, considering we don't have that here. :/ and I being latin, do get concerned.

Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-07-02 17:46:04
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Lol how'd be get to people not wanting to pay for insurance AND wanting to still get cheap health care? I just started on this page
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2010-07-02 17:48:09
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Phoenix.Darki said:
Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Unicorn.Roxanna said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Lakshmi.Jaerik said:
Nope. I'd say Americans are less racist than most of the world. The difference is, most other countries in the world are so homogeneous that it doesn't come up as often. (With the exception of Europe, which are going through their own immigration issues these days.)

doesn't Japan and China hate each other to death, and on top of that they hate america and other countries to a beating pulp... simply because of what happened a couple generations ago.

America, Europe, China, Japan, all the others, doesn't matter what level of racism it has, it still doesn't mean it's right to be racist.

It may not be right, but it's human nature. We are more comfortable around those most like us. You've showed that yourself with your previous comments about how you would be treated in the US. Doesn't make you racist though.

I don't know, human nature seems like eating shitting sleeping and procreating, something we all do, I am not racist, never have been, so I can't consider this human nature, more like ignorance?

and I wouldn't mind living with americans at all, I meant americans would mind living with me, I couldn't walk with this latin face on america because of the way I know I will get treated, and actually have before, I've made many trips into america several times, and theres always someone somewhere being racial towards me. Something we don't get in PR. PR being a main tourist point, attracting many tourists like Hawaii, I can tell you we aren't this way with ourselves or anyone from outside our place.

so it isn't human nature :/ at all.
everyone is racist/prejudiced to some extent.
saying that you aren't is just flat out wrong :/
why would you make vast generalizations about a country if you weren't in fact a little bit racist yourself?

Don't mix things up though, I am generalizing that america has a big racial issue, I'm not here blurting out 'ALL AMERICANS ARE RACIST WHAA WHAAAAA'

I met some pretty nice americans, and I mean... PRETTY DAMN nice americans when I was in america, one of them gave me a free camera bag when i bought my canon <3 and he was pretty interested in our culture/history too.

still this doesn't change the fact that america has a big racial issue. sorry if I come out like I am pointing a finger at america, don't mix them up like I am being racial though I have no problem with you guys at all. I really do like america lol just the ugly side of racism scares the *** out of me, considering we don't have that here. :/ and I being latin, do get concerned.

well me being irish I am concerned as well.
that is my point of the racist card.
you bringing up the fact that you are latin all the time on the internet forum and saying it concerns you more than lets say a white guy is a bit racist regardless.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-07-02 17:48:26
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Unicorn.Roxanna said:
it's fine to feel more comftruble around someone you can relate to, but does it also excuse the fact that you can be racial against people you don't relate to? not really, it's just ignorance IMO and angst.

so don't get them both mixed up.

Perception is everything. To one person, not wanting to be the one white, or the one latino, or whatever in a group of another race means you're racist. To another, it's simply not wanting to be the odd man out.

Racism: the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races

You got me pretty misunderstood, I just don't want to be around people that treat me like crap simply because of the way I look, regardless if they are americans, europeans, indians, aliens.... Which ever.

I don't care if I'm the odd one out, heck, I could be around aliens and as long as they aren't racial towards me I am happy sharing ideas/life/knowledge/air with them.
Posts: 3160
By Schutz 2010-07-02 17:48:42
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Unicorn.Roxanna said:
Lakshmi.Jaerik said:
Siren.Miayoko said:
@ Roxanna just like in WWII a group of Okinawans threw themselves off a cliff because they were brainwashed to believe that the Americans were going to murder the men, rape the women, and leave the children to watch. So instead they /jumped.
Completely untrue. Most were pushed by the Japanese military, which had a scorched-earth policy that if Japan couldn't have the island, then nobody could. Their own people be damned. The US seems to have this bizarre take on WW2 that everyone in Japan was a banzai-shouting Emperor-loving psychopath. Most were just ordinary folks trying to get by. Not even most of the kamikaze pilots were volunteers.
I learned about this from a documentary I watched for history class. Shame on me for believing what Japanese survivors talked about.

Yah, this whole issue was a little sticky. In 2007, the Japanese Ministry of Education wanted to revise the whole historical take on it... with all things, the debate over actual happenings and who will ultimately determine the "truth" of what happened is yet to be fully determined.
By 2010-07-02 17:49:05
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Post deleted by User.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Jornna
Posts: 2912
By Sylph.Kimble 2010-07-02 17:49:37
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Problem is, you make it sound like racism does not exist in Puerto Rico, which, by human nature, simply can not be true.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Roxanna
Posts: 1011
By Unicorn.Roxanna 2010-07-02 17:49:37
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Phoenix.Darki said:
still this doesn't change the fact that america has a big racial issue. sorry if I come out like I am pointing a finger at america, don't mix them up like I am being racial though I have no problem with you guys at all. I really do like america lol just the ugly side of racism scares the *** out of me, considering we don't have that here. :/ and I being latin, do get concerned.

I think the point people are trying to make is that it appears that you are pointing the finger at one country when every country has "racial issues". It's just that you don't really see it as much as you do when it's America.
You may not treat someone differently, but that doesn't mean someone else from PR wouldn't.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-07-02 17:49:43
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Ramuh.Vinvv said:

well me being irish I am concerned as well.
that is my point of the racist card.
you bringing up the fact that you are latin all the time on the internet forum and saying it concerns you more than lets say a white guy is a bit racist regardless.

Well you percieve it as racist, but I'm not. I guess a lot of things can be misunderstood eh?
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Jaerik
Posts: 3834
By Lakshmi.Jaerik 2010-07-02 17:50:19
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Unicorn.Roxanna said:
I learned about this from a documentary I watched for history class. Shame on me for believing what Japanese survivors talked about.
In her defense, the "spontaneous mass suicide" story was also the official version of events as told by the Japanese government until relatively recently. They only recently corrected the textbooks to report the truth that the military was involved.

(Edit: Damn, Schutz beat me to it.)
Posts: 3160
By Schutz 2010-07-02 17:51:11
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Lakshmi.Jaerik said:
Unicorn.Roxanna said:
I learned about this from a documentary I watched for history class. Shame on me for believing what Japanese survivors talked about.
In her defense, the "spontaneous mass suicide" story was also the official version of events as told by the Japanese government until relatively recently. They only recently corrected the textbooks to report the truth that the military was involved.

Quote faster next time, Jaerik! ^_-
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-07-02 17:51:27
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Unicorn.Roxanna said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
still this doesn't change the fact that america has a big racial issue. sorry if I come out like I am pointing a finger at america, don't mix them up like I am being racial though I have no problem with you guys at all. I really do like america lol just the ugly side of racism scares the *** out of me, considering we don't have that here. :/ and I being latin, do get concerned.

I think the point people are trying to make is that it appears that you are pointing the finger at one country when every country has "racial issues". It's just that you don't really see it as much as you do when it's America.
You may not treat someone differently, but that doesn't mean someone else from PR wouldn't.

well yeah, I am still implying that in PR you would oddly get that treatment here, you are as equal in here as anyone for the majorty of the people, I am pretty sure there is always someone who will be racial, regardless.

It's just not a big issue here at all. and yes sorry if I came off pointing out america only.
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