SE Hates Us

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SE hates us
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Desiree
Posts: 30
By Unicorn.Sweetbella 2010-06-21 18:27:02
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Remora.Shinjiro said:
I dont see, how ppl say "7 years of work ruined"...
I still see FF XI not as work. Its just a game.
Its all about to get new gear and explore new areas.
Thats one of the main reasons i am PLAYING FF XI(a main reason to play RPGs) ... and not working FF XI.

Do more, see more, play more!
Variety is the spice of life!

Personally, I'm an old skool FFXI'er (2004 represent!) but I like to see the game constantly evolving. Updates to the game are always an incentive for my husband & I to continue playing... Even though FFXI is cheap entertainment nonetheless, adding new places, missions, stuffs, etc. gives us our money's worth!
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: mhua84
Posts: 2
By Bismarck.Ryokko 2010-06-21 18:28:11
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How is old gear obsolete? My defending ring still owns all that new crap. The new defending ring wannabe -3% gimme a break. That belt with 7% haste is a joke, -75 hp? I'll take velocious over that any day.
MSPaint Winner
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: tidis
Posts: 3927
By Cerberus.Tidis 2010-06-21 18:36:25
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Why do you care about -75hp so much?
Forum Moderator
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vyrerus
Posts: 15576
By Asura.Vyre 2010-06-21 18:47:18
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You can probably make it to level 90 easily with current high-end gear. Besides weapon upgrades and stuff, it's basically new armor that doesn't completely trump everything that is in the game. Heck, if you look at a lot of older endgame stuff versus more recent stuff, say Kirin's Osode vs Ares Body, the difference isn't so insanely stellar that I wasted time doing Salvage to get Ares. One thing that oughta be fairly obvious is that it is skill > gear > race that effects gameplay. Go out, have fun, learn of all the new gear. Just remember though, that you can work your tail off for months because you want the best body, but if you'd had common sense in the first place, you'd realize that a minor stat increase in one piece of the best equips compared to a piece you could of gotten in say 5 days might not be worth it anyway. I don't pity anyone who did endgame all this time. That was your choice. Besides, I thought it was this sort of thing that endgame people thrived upon? Trying to get the most elite gear set possible, and SE has laid the table with all sorts of sexy candy.
Posts: 2
By Kazzie 2010-06-21 19:46:30
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Ok thinking this through. Unless SE wants to phase out zones it makes no sense to completely devalue sky/dynamis/limbus/sea/salvage einherjar gear. If they come out with new end game gear and the current gear cannot be augmented, people will just skip those zones. Given the length of time it takes to acquire the current end game gear. Given drop rate, entry limitations and number of players required to complete a given event. The ratio of time to acquire to the time the gear would be relevant; even taking into account that these events would be more easily completed with the higher level cap. It still would not make spending time to acquire it.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 78
By Asura.Silverware 2010-06-21 20:29:26
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Vyre - "Just remember though, that you can work your tail off for months because you want the best body, but if you'd had common sense in the first place, you'd realize that a minor stat increase in one piece of the best equips compared to a piece you could of gotten in say 5 days might not be worth it anyway."

This is another very valid point. I imagine the people getting pissed off are the Completionists, or Leetists, etc.. Completionist being upset that they felt good about having every job level 75 and perfect gear for every job and now new stuff is here so they have to do more "work".. And the Leetists being upset because that uber piece of gear they spent a week straight without sleep trying to get just so they could be the best and also has the whole "system" figured out on party structure, end game events, HNMs, gear builds, etc suddenly don't know everything and don't have the bestest gear evar.

Yes playing this game through character levels, improving gear, and learning more is what its all about. IMO, you have the wrong attitude if your just rushing to the highest level and trying to get the best gear before everyone else just so you can flaunt it in everyone's face.

FFXIAH is going to get a burst of screenshots of everyone walking outside town and killing something and hitting 76. I'm happy for you but we don't need a screenshot of it. And then its going to be a race to get a screenshot of hitting 80 with maybe max xp. /sigh Sure dude. Your cool.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Wardens
Posts: 679
By Lakshmi.Wardens 2010-07-02 14:26:08
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Bismarck.Recaldy said:
What exactly went "down the drain"?
Fairy.Spence said:
I'm sure you'll persevere!
Sylph.Kittty said:
I say they added life to a dying game, but that's just me...I'll stick around, that's for sure!
Ragnarok.Avant said:
lol that's the way updates work, they always have worked like that. New gear is new gear, where's the fun in keeping the same sets?
Gilgamesh.Tirantus said:
Higher lvl gear is better than lower lvl gear? gtfo! Seriously it's a lvl cap increase, I know it's been years since this game had one but still. In all MMO's lvl cap raise = better gear being released.
^ All of this. And oh darn maybe a chance to get some new awesome gear... Not to mention new abilities and weapon skills!
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