Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Leviathan.Pimpchan said:
Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
RDM can't cap gear haste nor JA haste. Apoc DRKs, on the other hand...
I'm not considering /drg.
Haste Comparison |
Haste Comparison
Fenrir.Nightfyre said: Leviathan.Pimpchan said: Fenrir.Nightfyre said: RDM can't cap gear haste nor JA haste. Apoc DRKs, on the other hand... I'm not considering /drg. Turban 5%
Goliard Saio 4% Dusk gloves +1 4% Dusk boots +1 3% Tatsumaki Sitagoromo 3% Vbelt 6% Then you're a fraction short and my "close enough" statement is still in play.
Yeah can't think of anything else though.
Didn't think about ASA then yeah you can hit 26 without being /drg.
Sentinel Shield would be what's missing from above list Fenrir.Nightfyre said: Then you're a fraction short and my "close enough" statement is still in play. Quote: Didn't someone say different gear gives a different actual haste %? Homam Legs give more than advertised by a touch. Quote: 1% haste shield. You mad ? Yeah, you do get a very slightly reduced fraction on most pieces of gear (which is why you need 26% in gear to fully cap, but this is not 26% haste if you get my drift).
Idk all I know is I wanna get 100% haste and litterally divide by 0
100% haste would inflict instant death basically...
Something I didn't touch on previously
Dasva said: You could if there were no caps on it. Which might be part of the reason they put the caps in right before they made it so tier 2 job merits could go from 3 to 5. Before that people were hitting 93.3ish I think... this was when you could only get 3/5 desperate blows and haste samba didn't exist. With those you could hit a good 113.3 lol Yeah that too. Keep forgetting they added a ja haste cap too lol.
Wrong info on homam legs ... All haste gear except belt and ring have x*10/1024 haste (i doubt recent gear has been tested). Homam legs do have 3% haste, as in, 30/1024. Swift belt is 41/1024, speed bet & other 6% haste belts are 61/1024, brown belt is 82/1024 and black belt is 123/1024.
I seem to recall Kirschy noting they gave more Haste than stated on the piece. Can you confirm definitively that is false or are you following the pattern of most leg pieces?
you recall wrong, i'm litterally sating kirshy's info.
Looking back at that thread, her findings initially suggested a value of 34/1024 but the OP has since been edited to say it's 30/1024.
EDIT: Later in the thread Kirschy said: Homam Pants(not counting Fast Cast) = 30/1024(Most likely) Used in All Calculations
BaseDamage=Time/BaseDelay %Increase=(Damage-BaseDamage)/BaseDamage Haste: AdjustedDelay=BaseDelay*(1-Haste%) Damage=Time/AdjustedDelay Maybe we can simplify this with some maths? Let X be %Increase, thus: X = (Damage-BaseDamage)/BaseDamage X = Damage/BaseDamage - 1 X = Damage*BaseDelay/Time - 1 Since Damage = Time/AdjustedDelay in Haste function, therefore: X = (Time/AdjustedDelay)*BaseDelay/Time - 1 X = BaseDelay/AdjustedDelay - 1 Since AdjustedDelay = BaseDelay*(1-Haste%) therefore: X = BaseDelay/(BaseDelay*(1-Haste%)) - 1 X = 1/(1-Haste%) - 1 = (1 - (1-Haste%))/(1-Haste%) X = Haste%/(1-Haste%) Not too sure if I did it right cause I haven't touched math since 1st year college. Yes, Damage is a hyperbolic function (something like X^3) of Haste% because you'll need something like Constant^Haste% to fit into the exponential growth function because you need the ln (exponential logarithm) in the derivative function. Haste% reaches 100% will cause the damage you deal out so great that it will reach infinity. In layman terms, you can literally attack over hundreds (or millions, billions) of times in a fraction of a second, killing anything that takes more than 1 point of damage per attack (if it takes 0 damage then you won't deal any damage at all). RDM can't use it if you're suggesting that.
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