Cerberus.Dracionx said:
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Cerberus.Dracionx said:
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Cerberus.Dracionx said:
I say top one. or do bottom one with Wyvern earring instead of fowling earring and sub drg.
Drg sub only worth it for polearm if there's a dnc in the party
Whys that?
Because you're not going to have enough haste to beat the benefits of /war w/o haste samba.
So /war with polearm beats /drg with polearm, because:
Warcry/Berserk/Double attack> Jump/ High Jump/acc bonus?
That's about the size of it. It really depends on your build prior to looking at the subjobs. The worse gear you have, the better /drg gets in comparision. For example, my build would only get 3 haste from a wyvern earring, where as someone w/ my build, subract vbelt, add swift belt, would gain all 5 points of haste.
Then we look at polearm itself. It doesn't gain a 100% attack bonus like Tachi: Gekko, so zerk is going to be a lot more valuable to a polearm build than it would be to a great katana build.