Planning On Quitting... Again.

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Planning on quitting... again.
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Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Dramanue
Posts: 327
By Fenrir.Dramanue 2010-05-18 11:07:42
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I've been playing (and I use that term in the loosest form now) since FFXI's PS2 release. In my time I met many awesome people, many jerks, made many friends, and lost many more. In the past year or so, my activity in Vana'diel has dwindled to little more than just paying for the subscription. I ponder and wager with myself whether I should pick up my character from his Moogle grave and start playing once more.

I don't feel as I felt in the beginning. I miss the exploring, the feeling of starting up once again. Many years ago there was no hurrying to get out of Valkurm except to explorer new areas, and now people can't wait to get out of any area they're in. I miss "the good, old days" and I fear that's one of the main reasons I've lost my interest in the game. There are no more (and I can't honestly find a better word for this) "virgins" to the game.

It is filled now with elitists who point and /laugh whenever someone with a single piece of bad equipment joins a non-endgame, normal leveling party. And that's where I'm at. I'm not elite. I don't have elitist equipment and I probably never will. For the most part, many people are elitist and in a way, I fear I may become one if I ever do get nice, sparkly equipment. I keep thinking to myself, over and over and over again, sometimes to the point that I keep myself up at night, that I never obtained Charlamagne's sword, the Joyeuse. I had dozens of people say they would help me, but when it came down to it, I just never received any help, mainly because they were busy with their own things. And in a way, I felt bad even asking because I knew they were busy. I don't want to be a burden on others, a bother, a thorn at another's side. I want to enjoy playing, and I want those who play with me to enjoy doing so as well.

My updates run every time there are updates, and my controller is still firmly attached to my PC. I still have all my macros, and even to this day, I still refer to my online personas as Dramanue. My facebook profile states that "I am the red mage", and I still strive to own everything Squaresoft. But what's the point? I still don't have the Joyeuse. I'm an utter failure, and may never be as good as the other rdm's that crawl around, laughing at others. When I was invited to LS's, I did get compliments, I was told that I was a good rdm, but who am I to believe them? Am I just too brutally honest with myself? Or am I just another jerk who works in reverse, at an auto-hypocritical level?

I don't know. I really don't know any more. Should I stick around and level those final 24 levels to 99? Perhaps by then someone might see me fit to receive the sword of Charlamagne... Who knows what destiny has befitted for this red mage...
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-05-18 11:08:50
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Chances are you've already made your decision on the matter, and you want to either argue with someone who disagrees with you, or feel comfort from someone who agrees with you.
By 2010-05-18 11:12:25
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Serveur: Asura
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user: Dalight
Posts: 5163
By Asura.Daleterrence 2010-05-18 11:18:38
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Fenrir.Dramanue said:
Who knows what destiny has befitted for this red mage...

Destiny doesn't decide what you do. You do. You seem pretty made up about what you want to do, however, I would say give it time. Nobody knows, no matter how much they assume, what the level cap increase will do to the game we all love, even if we complain and say we hate it at times.

Same as everyone else, you won't know if your interest will be sparked again by something new they are cooking at SE Central. Its only a month until they roll part 1 of the new content in, I would say give it a try first before you do anything. =D
Posts: 162
By Eurra 2010-05-18 11:19:09
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Shiva.Flionheart said:
Chances are you've already made your decision on the matter, and you want to either argue with someone who disagrees with you, or feel comfort from someone who agrees with you.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Dramanue
Posts: 327
By Fenrir.Dramanue 2010-05-18 11:20:22
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Practically each and every day I see posts about "I'm quitting" or "Good bye FFXI" and the such, but the instant I post something, everyone just puts me down. I can see the sorts of individuals who still play the game... Maybe I'm just not fit for the game since I don't even fit into the general playerbase.

Thank you for that answer. I'm glad to see there are still those who can still answer with their heart in the right place.

+1 for the House gif, btw. ^_^
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-05-18 11:21:36
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Fenrir.Dramanue said:
Practically each and every day I see posts about "I'm quitting" or "Good bye FFXI" and the such, but the instant I post something, everyone just puts me down. I can see the sorts of individuals who still play the game... Maybe I'm just not fit for the game since I don't even fit into the general playerbase.

It's not you, it's the fact that I've had enough of these threads.

I could of also said: "Not your personal blog" but still.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Enternius
Posts: 10387
By Siren.Enternius 2010-05-18 11:22:35
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I quit a few months ago and still do not regret that decision.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dalight
Posts: 5163
By Asura.Daleterrence 2010-05-18 11:23:34
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Oh, I left a bit out too. Tried making some really good friends? I don't have any personally, but I'm an ***, goes with the territory. From what I've seen, friends make this game a lot more fun.
By 2010-05-18 11:29:29
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dalight
Posts: 5163
By Asura.Daleterrence 2010-05-18 11:31:46
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... Theory!: House Avatar = Thoughtful Posts.
Posts: 162
By Eurra 2010-05-18 11:41:02
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Fenrir.Dramanue said:
Practically each and every day I see posts about "I'm quitting" or "Good bye FFXI" and the such, but the instant I post something, everyone just puts me down. I can see the sorts of individuals who still play the game... Maybe I'm just not fit for the game since I don't even fit into the general playerbase.

Thank you for that answer. I'm glad to see there are still those who can still answer with their heart in the right place.

1 for the House gif, btw. ^_^

What was said by everyone here was just another form of what was already said. That being said, the people who posted something like I did - we're only stating if your read between the lines "Hey, you choose what you want to do, no one else - nothing else."

And like you said, you post everyday the same crap, "I'm quitting" "Goodbye" do you like FFVII btw? Wait, thats besides the point - you don't need to post so many of the same topics. Maybe you want someone to confirm what you are thinking, maybe you're looking for a reason to stay. Who knows, wait... you do!
So it boils down to - what are you really looking for?
Meh, off chance that you did read this - even if you saw stuff in here to allow you to go one way or the other.. its you who allows things to affect you in the manner in which they do.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Atrithk
Posts: 209
By Shiva.Lorielain 2010-05-18 11:41:08
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But what if his problem is Lupus?
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Zephyran
Posts: 168
By Ragnarok.Zephyran 2010-05-18 11:46:55
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Asura.Daleterrence said:
... Theory!: House Avatar = Thoughtful Posts, in his voice.
Fixed ._.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Dramanue
Posts: 327
By Fenrir.Dramanue 2010-05-18 11:54:01
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Eurra said:
And like you said, you post everyday the same crap, "I'm quitting" "Goodbye" do you like FFVII btw?

I see posts everyday. Not that I post everyday. As for FFVII, I liked it before it became popular, back in '97. Then it just went to ***with all the emo-tards clammering all over it, not to mention all the yaoi fans making fanfics about Cloud and Seph, or Cloud and Vincent, or Cait Sith and Red XIII.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Panthra
Posts: 714
By Odin.Kalico 2010-05-18 12:01:10
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to the Op: Hey nothing personal but yeah you should quit....why because your an utter failure and not because you have bs gear but because of your played so long and not have a joytoy or consider quiting because you cannt get a joytoy is just lol you could of farmed up 2-3M and hit the bazar's on this site and paid some one who was selling the item even change servers for the item if you really wanted it that bad. instead you want to come up here and fukin QQ like a lil *** in short you should definitely quit this game is not for a person who thinks like you..
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Dramanue
Posts: 327
By Fenrir.Dramanue 2010-05-18 12:13:17
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To Kalico: Hey, nothing personal, but yeah, you should quit. Why? Because you're an utter failure and not because you have horrible grammar skills, but because of your stupidity. To have lived so long and not have a proper handle on the English language is just laughable; you could've graduated high school and hit some textbooks on the internet or even paid a tutor for some assistance in the proper usage of apostrophes and elementary grammar. Instead, you want to come up here and *** *** up my thread like a little ***. So, in short, you should definitely take up quitting posting in order to pursue a higher education so you can think and spell like a normal, educated person.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3663
By Sylph.Beelshamen 2010-05-18 12:23:05
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Asura.Daleterrence said:
Thank you for that answer. I'm glad to see there are still those who can still answer with their heart in the right place.

1 for the House gif, btw. ^_^

2010: Botters, inc. now come with hearts! lol
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Veronika
Posts: 287
By Leviathan.Duvessa 2010-05-18 12:23:31
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Siren.Enternius said:
I quit a few months ago and still do not regret that decision.

You can't quit FFXI, FFXI quits YOU!
But seriously, you still expose yourself to FFXI by visiting these forums, so in a way you haven't weened yourself off of it yet. I'm not saying not to come here, lol, i'm just saying you still obviously care enough about it to come here cuz the people and the chatter draws you back.

As for the OP, I say quit. If you feel the game isn't what it should be then any accomplishment will be pretty meaningless. It'll be only half fulfilling at most. No reason to waste time.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Rule
Posts: 220
By Asura.Rule 2010-05-18 12:29:37
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I've quit twice so far, and atm i'm working on a relic >_>
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dalight
Posts: 5163
By Asura.Daleterrence 2010-05-18 12:32:35
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Sylph.Beelshamen said:
Asura.Daleterrence said:
Thank you for that answer. I'm glad to see there are still those who can still answer with their heart in the right place.

1 for the House gif, btw. ^_^

2010: Botters, inc. now come with hearts! lol

Lol, I do too have a heart!
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Lodo
Posts: 133
By Carbuncle.Lodo 2010-05-18 12:33:25
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OP: I'd recommend taking a break. I know you've said that your activity has dwindled to the point of just paying for the subscription, but you can still put a little distance between yourself and the game. Cancel your Content IDs for a few months, but not your POL ID. Act like you're quitting, just put it out of your head, don't even visit the sites. Wait a few months, come back and see how the update has changed the game, what's different, what new areas there are to explore and see then if you still have the desire. In 3-4 months the expansions won't all be finished, so you'll still be able to come back in time to explore some of those 'virgin' areas along with everyone else, and you'll have a better perspective on whether this game is still for you.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Panthra
Posts: 714
By Odin.Kalico 2010-05-18 12:35:55
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Don't get mad at me because the truth hurts...point is you said you have been playing since the release for ps2...and you are considering quitting because you can't get a this means in about 5+ years you have been unable to obtain a joytoy....this means you fail....because if in 5 years you cnnt either farm up the gil to get one merced for you or get nin and duo or get a nin and a brd and trio...the sword is 100% drop and its easily duo/trio able you can even solo it which shouldn't be hard for a Rdm with 5+ years under their yeah based on what you stated...if playing this game for atleast 5 years and you cannt get a joytoy that is a serious failure and that just a fact could easily joined a crappy dyna ls and did a relic in less than 5 years lets be serious...then you come up here for opinions if you should quit or not based on the reasons you stated...and you get mad when some one says yes you should quit...GTFO you bumb....

If this doesn't equal fail I don't know what does and again is due to you way of thinking...
Fenrir.Dramanue said:
I don't have elitist equipment and I probably never will. For the most part, many people are elitist and in a way, I fear I may become one if I ever do get nice, sparkly equipment.
I keep thinking to myself, over and over and over again, sometimes to the point that I keep myself up at night, that I never obtained Charlamagne's sword, the Joyeuse. I had dozens of people say they would help me, but when it came down to it, I just never received any help, mainly because they were busy with their own things. But what's the point? I still don't have the Joyeuse. I'm an utter failure, and may never be as good as the other rdm's that crawl around, laughing at others. Am I just too brutally honest with myself? Or am I just another jerk who works in reverse, at an auto-hypocritical level?
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Dramanue
Posts: 327
By Fenrir.Dramanue 2010-05-18 12:52:29
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Bum is not spelled with a "b" at the end.

If I'm to obtain the sword of Charlamagne, I'll do it without paying for it. It is the treasure of kings, not some hapless treasure I would pay some 2-gil mercenary for. If I am to obtain it, it shall be due to my deserving it. I do have Nin, along with other jobs leveled up equally to my Red Mage. I've had others propose their assistance to me, as per stated in my original post, but none have ever gone through with their proposals. It's just all talk to most people. And I also have had experience with Dyna LS's only to see them fall apart a month after their inceptions.

Additionally, I don't know of many bums who have good grammar and spelling skills. Please do the rest of this thread a favor and step away, for this is an intelligent thread and you're making it look bad. Your post was bad, and you should feel bad.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Sevourn
Posts: 9481
By Carbuncle.Sevourn 2010-05-18 12:52:31
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Fenrir.Dramanue said:
When I was invited to LS's, I did get compliments, I was told that I was a good rdm, but who am I to believe them? Am I just too brutally honest with myself? Or am I just another jerk who works in reverse, at an auto-hypocritical level?

considering you spend most of your post blasting elitists for caring too much about gear, and then you describe, in detail, lusting after a single piece of gear more voraciously than 90% of "elitists" ever have, i'm going to go with the hypocrite theory.

Sounds like the only difference between you and elitists is that they went out and got the gear, instead of just standing there wanting it.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: junpei87
Posts: 211
By Bismarck.Hisagi 2010-05-18 12:52:33
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Used to play this game since NA release.. yeah i m bored too of it but u should never quit.Why? cuz u might regret this decision, just play less and try to have fun like im doing.Used to camp 24/7 HNM's now im just doin some ls event/salvage and when i feel merits.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Sevourn
Posts: 9481
By Carbuncle.Sevourn 2010-05-18 12:54:24
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Fenrir.Dramanue said:
If I am to obtain it, it shall be due to my deserving it.

if you deserve it, solo it. it's very doable on rdm, and you've had 5 years to try.
By 2010-05-18 13:03:31
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Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-05-18 13:03:59
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I wouldn't worry about Kalico. He acts all tough and then nearly cried when he gets proven to be wrong over and over again.

He was nearly crying in a thread about Magic Accuracy. it was hilarious.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Panthra
Posts: 714
By Odin.Kalico 2010-05-18 13:06:34
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Fenrir.Dramanue said:
Bum is not spelled with a "b" at the end. If I'm to obtain the sword of Charlamagne, I'll do it without paying for it. It is the treasure of kings, not some hapless treasure I would pay some 2-gil mercenary for. If I am to obtain it, it shall be due to my deserving it. I do have Nin, along with other jobs leveled up equally to my Red Mage. I've had others propose their assistance to me, as per stated in my original post, but none have ever gone through with their proposals. It's just all talk to most people. And I also have had experience with Dyna LS's only to see them fall apart a month after their inceptions. Additionally, I don't know of many bums who have good grammar and spelling skills. Please do the rest of this thread a favor and step away, for this is an intelligent thread and you're making it look bad. Your post was bad, and you should feel bad.

Nothing to add basically you just said your a failure in so many words....this song is dedicated to you...

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