Relegion? Wait Wut?

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Relegion? wait wut?
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Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2010-06-09 03:28:02
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Shiva.Weewoo said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:
I keep going off of point here but have any of you had any experiences with ghosts or anything like that? I do think in a way that ghosts have alot to do with religion, But alot of people deny them.. I've been called a basketcase before because I have seen ghosts, But if a ghost truly is our soul after death, That'd make for some interesting tea conversations xD

I have had an experience, it's what turned me from

Christian > Atheist > Agnostic.

I believe whole heartedly in for lack of a better term 'Ghosts'.

I've had a experience with seeing them, but also with (Please don't laugh at me for this, this is true) a ouija board.. And no I don't mess with that ***anymore, It's way too dangerous, and IMO it SHOULD NOT be labeled for kids 10 :/ It's how I found out I was pregnant, a friend asked me to join her in a session and I said ok because I was curious.

20 minutes later I ask the board if it has any information for me and it spelled out "yes", It then spelt out "You are pregnant" word for word and around that time my friend got mad at me and demanded to know why I hadn't told her lol >.> Like I would know these things right off the bat right?
We also messed around the marker beforehand and made sure that no one tampered with it while it was moving, and afterhand..

Anyways, I went to the store and took the test and it came out positive, I also took multiple more and they were all positive, I will never mess with a ouija board again because I was way too afraid to find out how some inanimate object knew I was pregnant before I did lol.

Sorry, couldn't help but think of:

XD I love that show
Posts: 128
By Esaias 2010-06-09 03:28:41
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I do not intend to condemn, or condone what someone does.
I am merely repeating what I accept by faith.

IF the bible is true...

There is an afterlife.
There is a Hell.
Heaven is described as God's dominion.
People reject or accept his terms before they die.

Lastly, God is just. The lake of fire was created for those responsible for the Earth and mankind's ruin.

God has made a way to escape ruin, the decision yours alone.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2084
By Gilgamesh.Samuraiking 2010-06-09 03:29:20
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Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Not to be too off topic but holy hell that stuff hurts. Gotta find you some oxy's or something :x

I wish, I always get *** loratabs, dentists here are ***. This time it's not really severe but it throbs like a son of a btich and just *** ruins my sleep and concentration. Can't even level my pup.

On topic, maybe i'll pray to jebus for some vicodin. I hope he gives me some vicodin....
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-06-09 03:29:28
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Asura.Jetzabel said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
it's pretty hard to maintain an argument with a christian with out them flipping out.

All I see is you flipping out all over this thread. Or at least, that's what you would say to someone else after reading the same posts you have typed (or a christian according to you). Not really following your own self-assured preachings I guess...

Oh hi there, haven't seen you in a while, I assume you come to reply to my every waking breath with something negative like you always do? Go for it :)

and if it seemed like I'm flipping out on anyone, please point it out with quotes, I think i've tried to keep some respect towards this, for the sake of communication.
By 2010-06-09 03:30:10
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Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2010-06-09 03:30:35
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Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Esaias said:
I do not intend to condemn, or condone what someone does.
I am merely repeating what I accept by faith.

IF the bible is true...

There is an afterlife.
There is a Hell.
Heaven is described as God's dominion.
People reject or accept his terms before they die.

Lastly, God is just. The lake of fire was created for those responsible for the Earth and mankind's ruin.

God has made a way to escape ruin, the decision yours alone.

That's so doom and gloom. xD

Hell is rainbows for me. Rainbows and bunny rabbits.

..on fire.

There are times where I feel like I'm already in hell lol
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xet
Posts: 1287
By Shiva.Xet 2010-06-09 03:32:02
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Ok here is the best logic train i can make at 9:23 am with zero sleep. feel free to destroy it or improve.

As far as i know Love is different for everyone (love not infatuation)

There is no Scientific reason for the way i love my girlfriend. There may be some hormonal stuff that makes my like her but love is intangible and different for everyone and every experience. I can say i have loved other girls but not in the same way i love her and i didnt "love" the ones i had before in the same way as each other.

I do KNOW i love her though (to bits).

Love is a commonly accepted definite concept and takes a firm role in society even with out a hardcore proof how this feeling works.

When I go outside i have faith subconsciously gravity will keep me on the floor. This is science but i would never believe or be worried i'd just float off.

I have faith in that aspect of life and i have faith in the aspect of love. This makes them real (to me)

Thus this makes faith a real concept also.

Ergo does having faith in something make it real for you?

If yes then you are sorted by your personal faith.

If no then errr... You are a hater? lol
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-06-09 03:32:37
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Caitsith.Surreal said:
Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Esaias said:
I do not intend to condemn, or condone what someone does.
I am merely repeating what I accept by faith.

IF the bible is true...

There is an afterlife.
There is a Hell.
Heaven is described as God's dominion.
People reject or accept his terms before they die.

Lastly, God is just. The lake of fire was created for those responsible for the Earth and mankind's ruin.

God has made a way to escape ruin, the decision yours alone.

That's so doom and gloom. xD

Hell is rainbows for me. Rainbows and bunny rabbits.

..on fire.

There are times where I feel like I'm already in hell lol

well, in 5 months you will feel like you are, you will have a suit you can't take off, pointing out the pregnancy....
Have fun finding a position to sleep in, rolling in bed 5 hours so when you actually catch a blink you have to wake up... then you will say, *** I'm in hell.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2010-06-09 03:32:49
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This was a completely random craving I just cooked up lol..Sweet potato pie with marshmallow topping @_@ it's too hot to eat..
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xet
Posts: 1287
By Shiva.Xet 2010-06-09 03:33:41
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Phoenix.Darki said:
The questions you've asked pretty much answer themselves to you, I'm sure your aware of this and only want my opinion, I pretty much agree we can also confuse all this with people's sanity. It's just two points to view it that have a neverending argument.

if it said it was god I would flush it down and /rage at my doctor for giving me narcotics pregnant. Not kidding there too.

And this concludes why this topic, although pointless is enjoyable to talk about lol.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2010-06-09 03:34:15
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Not to be pessimistic, but rather a realist, I find love and every other emotion for that matter nothing more than a chemical reaction emitted from the brain based on given reactions from our circumstantial condition for reality.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2010-06-09 03:34:21
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Phoenix.Darki said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:
Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Esaias said:
I do not intend to condemn, or condone what someone does.
I am merely repeating what I accept by faith.

IF the bible is true...

There is an afterlife.
There is a Hell.
Heaven is described as God's dominion.
People reject or accept his terms before they die.

Lastly, God is just. The lake of fire was created for those responsible for the Earth and mankind's ruin.

God has made a way to escape ruin, the decision yours alone.

That's so doom and gloom. xD

Hell is rainbows for me. Rainbows and bunny rabbits.

..on fire.

There are times where I feel like I'm already in hell lol

well, in 5 months you will feel like you are, you will have a suit you can't take off, pointing out the pregnancy....
Have fun finding a position to sleep in, rolling in bed 5 hours so when you actually catch a blink you have to wake up... then you will say, *** I'm in hell.

Word lol, I hope it goes by fast XD It's like running a marathon trying to reach that goal..
Posts: 128
By Esaias 2010-06-09 03:35:34
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bunny rabbits huh?
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-06-09 03:35:50
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Shiva.Xet said:
Ok here is the best logic train i can make at 9:23 am with zero sleep. feel free to destroy it or improve.

As far as i know Love is different for everyone (love not infatuation)

There is no Scientific reason for the way i love my girlfriend. There may be some hormonal stuff that makes my like her but love is intangible and different for everyone and every experience. I can say i have loved other girls but not in the same way i love her and i didnt "love" the ones i had before in the same way as each other.

I do KNOW i love her though (to bits).

Love is a commonly accepted definite concept and takes a firm role in society even with out a hardcore proof how this feeling works.

When I go outside i have faith subconsciously gravity will keep me on the floor. This is science but i would never believe or be worried i'd just float off.

I have faith in that aspect of life and i have faith in the aspect of love. This makes them real (to me)

Thus this makes faith a real concept also.

Ergo does having faith in something make it real for you?

If yes then you are sorted by your personal faith.

If no then errr... You are a hater? lol

I never questioned faith, Faith is pretty real, like love, like air, you can't see them, but they are there.

It just depends on what you have faith in really, I can say I have faith in the voice of my toilet, like I can say I have faith in love.
Doesn't make faith any less real. doesn't mean it makes what you have faith in real.

So faith in god is real, but to me; it doesn't make god real because of a certain passionate faith someone can have in him.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-06-09 03:37:22
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Shiva.Xet said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
The questions you've asked pretty much answer themselves to you, I'm sure your aware of this and only want my opinion, I pretty much agree we can also confuse all this with people's sanity. It's just two points to view it that have a neverending argument.

if it said it was god I would flush it down and /rage at my doctor for giving me narcotics pregnant. Not kidding there too.

And this concludes why this topic, although pointless is enjoyable to talk about lol.

hey its enjoyable as long as no one is trying to destroy each other, everyone deep down likes to hear other's opinions and point out their own, it gets bad when a person just gets angry and tries to belittle because RAWR MY POINT IS SUPERIOR TO YOURS RAWR RAWR I WILL PROOVE IT BY CALLING YOU A MORON.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xet
Posts: 1287
By Shiva.Xet 2010-06-09 03:37:34
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Shiva.Weewoo said:
Not to be pessimistic, but rather a realist, I find love and every other emotion for that matter nothing more than a chemical reaction emitted from the brain based on given reactions from our circumstantial condition for reality.

You find it to be from a test on all? (j/k)

Probably mostly true if not all true to a point but alot of emotions (mainly love) are so completely different in every single subject/circumstance/condition it makes you wonder.

well it makes me wonder >.>
By 2010-06-09 03:37:43
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Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2010-06-09 03:38:33
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This is my definition of love..

Love is not a feeling, love is a decision you make and continue to make in order to create an experience that is described as love. Love is an action that if you don\'t use it you lose it. Love is like any communication, if you never send it out, you won’t get a return. Love is something you give to others not something you feel because something happens to you.

Most of my life I was under the delusion that love was a feeling, something that was going to happen to me. Love is not something that happens to you but something that you make happen to you and happen to others. Love is something that grows from your actions and decisions and if you don’t have it and or not experiencing it then there is something you don’t know about love! I spent most of my adult life waiting for love to happen to me and after one failed marriage and endless searching for “the right person” I finally realized the truth about love, how to have it, how to create it and how to sustain it.

also states love as an experience related to a strong sense of affection. Affection is a \"disposition or state of mind or body\"[1] that is often associated with a feeling or type of love. This definition suggests that you do something rather than have something done to you. How do you feel affection for anything? You would actually decide to show it love, admire it, pay attention to it, treat it right, honor it, praise it, and find the good in it. At which point you will then have affection for it. Mistreat it, lie to it, and ignore it and I assure you that you will not feel affection for it nor will you ever say you love it.

Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-06-09 03:38:59
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Caitsith.Surreal said:

This was a completely random craving I just cooked up lol..Sweet potato pie with marshmallow topping @_@ it's too hot to eat..

you weirdo lol your on the stage you will eat things that don't match at all.

I ate rice once and had cereal 5 min later... i wanted them together.

also at start of pregnancy i ate alot of hazelnut spread with bread till i got sick lol
and we have both derailed talking about food/pregnancy again.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2010-06-09 03:39:06
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Shiva.Xet said:
Shiva.Weewoo said:
Not to be pessimistic, but rather a realist, I find love and every other emotion for that matter nothing more than a chemical reaction emitted from the brain based on given reactions from our circumstantial condition for reality.

You find it to be from a test on all? (j/k)

Probably mostly true if not all true to a point but alot of emotions (mainly love) are so completely different in every single subject/circumstance/condition it makes you wonder.

well it makes me wonder >.>

Very interesting movie, but check this out if you're interested.

Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xet
Posts: 1287
By Shiva.Xet 2010-06-09 03:40:48
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Phoenix.Darki said:
I never questioned faith, Faith is pretty real, like love, like air, you can't see them, but they are there.

It just depends on what you have faith in really, I can say I have faith in the voice of my toilet, like I can say I have faith in love.
Doesn't make faith any less real. doesn't mean it makes what you have faith in real.

So faith in god is real, but to me; it doesn't make god real because of a certain passionate faith someone can have in him.

This is the solid logic i use to support faith > religion.

Religion is a mass clusterfuck waiting to happen. Faith in anything is highly dangerous to a zealot but religion is so focused its waaaaaaaay more destructive and tell-offy.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2010-06-09 03:40:50
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Phoenix.Darki said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:

This was a completely random craving I just cooked up lol..Sweet potato pie with marshmallow topping @_@ it's too hot to eat..

you weirdo lol your on the stage you will eat things that don't match at all.

I ate rice once and had cereal 5 min later... i wanted them together.

also at start of pregnancy i ate alot of hazelnut spread with bread till i got sick lol
and we have both derailed talking about food/pregnancy again.

It may not match but it tastes damn good together XD I'm gonna go eat some of this before I keep derailing :/
Posts: 128
By Esaias 2010-06-09 03:41:57
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Caitsith.Surreal said:

Word lol, I hope it goes by fast XD It's like running a marathon trying to reach that goal..

Lastly I am reminded to say that The Final Answer is eternal. Living in heaven is forever, as well as the final torment of the lake of fire. Choice causes consequence.

As for me I have made my choice.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-06-09 03:44:33
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Asura.Jetzabel said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Asura.Jetzabel said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
it's pretty hard to maintain an argument with a christian with out them flipping out.

All I see is you flipping out all over this thread. Or at least, that's what you would say to someone else after reading the same posts you have typed (or a christian according to you). Not really following your own self-assured preachings I guess...

Oh hi there, haven't seen you in a while, I assume you come to reply to my every waking breath with something negative like you always do? Go for it :)

and if it seemed like I'm flipping out on anyone, please point it out with quotes, I think i've tried to keep some respect towards this, for the sake of communication.

I could start by quoting the "bull ***"'s various times but I'm not going to bother. You aren't very good at communicating or understanding how people are feeling (hence the comment about you flipping out - I was being you, don't you see what I did??? O.o) which was obvious from that first time we argued on here =p

As for your points about the actual topic - You claim you have no interest in making people go with your side of things, yet you have been posting manically in this topic conveying the opposite... I don't really get that. Also, what you said about your opinion being able to change at any time is weak. You criticise people who are religious based on the point that they are weak minded and can't think for themselves, yet you have openly admitted you don't have enough backbone to actually stick to a point and stay there. Philosophy (since you brought that up) does not equal having no firm opinions. The only opinion you have been firm about here is "I hate religion".

Ps. Please continue to delude yourself that I'm your biggest fan lol Incase you don't know, its not easy to miss you on here, it's not like I had to go looking - Open up any topic on said day and you will find many posts from you acting like... well I'll say no more =3

Now, I'm not calling anyone names by saying ***, I'm not flipping out by saying ***, It's simply stereotyped as a bad word, so you connect it with the fact that I could be flipping out, excuse me, let me make it clear for you; I used *** because I thought it was ***, I never referd to anyone's statement with *** though, let's say, I'm not calling your post *** < just a clear example, if you don't get it :( I'm sorry, I wont explain myself again.

I am not trying to make anyone turn to my side, I am posting maniacaly because I want to point myself out, you know? talk about it, passionatly, because I have passion for this subject even If I lack belief in God. I didn't think that made me into a preacher that wanted to turn everyone into atheists, but if thats your point of view, I can't change it.

now that it's all clear, I want to say before hand, I'm not going to go on long arguments with you again because you simply decided to flame me tonight. Thank you.

and I know you will find a way to twist whatever I just said and make it look into anything bad, to be honest, I'm pretty damn tired of that, but since your my biggest fan, I'll take it :)
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2010-06-09 03:44:50
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Another interesting video from an awesome philosophical movie: What the bleep do we know?

Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xet
Posts: 1287
By Shiva.Xet 2010-06-09 03:46:18
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Weewoo im 4 mins in and the guys mojo's scare the *** outta me.

By 2010-06-09 03:46:22
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Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-06-09 03:47:08
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Caitsith.Surreal said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Caitsith.Surreal said:

This was a completely random craving I just cooked up lol..Sweet potato pie with marshmallow topping @_@ it's too hot to eat..

you weirdo lol your on the stage you will eat things that don't match at all.

I ate rice once and had cereal 5 min later... i wanted them together.

also at start of pregnancy i ate alot of hazelnut spread with bread till i got sick lol
and we have both derailed talking about food/pregnancy again.

It may not match but it tastes damn good together XD I'm gonna go eat some of this before I keep derailing :/

did you make the one on the pic? because it looks pretty damn good to be honest, and you can call yourself a master chef lol i mean look at those marshmellows, perfectly roasted, if it was me I wouldve burnt them to death somehow :/ even if i had set them to 1 min.

I have a talent for burning! I sooo suck at the kitchen no matter what.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2010-06-09 03:47:13
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Shiva.Xet said:
Weewoo im 4 mins in and the guys mojo's scare the *** outta me.

There are some silly segments and presentation of those are also lulzy, but you have to focus on the subject matter at hand and watch the whole thing and you'll see what we're getting at.
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