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Yotevol said:
Gaea said:
Chat Frequency: 2,308,651
Conversations with NPCs: 131,890
Parties Joined: 5,601
Alliances Joined: 1,001
Battles Fought: 101,274
Number of Times KO'd: 2,849
Enemies Defeated: 39,626
GM Calls Made: 851

Playtime: 1,263 days, 15 hours, 12 minutes


Chat Frequency: 594,343
NPC Conversations: 51,280
Parties Joined: 5,589
Alliances Joined: 1,228
Battles Fought: 69,869
Times KO'd: 1,589
Enemies Defeated: 36,352
GM Calls: 32
Play Time: 398 days, 11 hours, 9 mins

It looks like she's just afk a lot leaves her character online all the time, but only chats when she is online.
In perspective, I have 1/3 her play time, but defeated approx the same number of mobs and have been in approx the same number of parties.

For this I have given her the OFFICIAL TITLE of:
"North American Idle Player"


I have more than 4 times your chat frequency and only three times your playtime! How am I being Idle?!

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