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Jaerik said:
The phenomenon of everyone here defaulting to rating down others' ideas seems to be more a statement of the FFXI userbase at large than anything...

Perhaps its just this. FFXI forums are the only one I seriously ever sign up for. I've not been too impressed with the rating systems especially when they can be so easily exploited and cause problems for someone if it affects how posts are displayed. For example someone can get their friends and everyone to rate them down.

It's just drama.

However, if the system only affects the moderation system, then it actually would have a purpose. Maybe its because I'm an adult and find a forum rating system to be tacky an frivolous. In reality, it's one of those things we shouldn't need, especially for something like a video game.

Jaerik said:
's that supposed to mean?

Quite frankly, I just find rating systems childish and usually wind up spawning weird frivolous unimportant drama. If this system actually serves a purpose that allows the moderators to see more easily which posts and posters are causing problems, then it might actually be worth something.

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