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Bartimaeus said:
I use windower, for about 2 reasons:

Plugins (Game should have, doesn't)
XI's windowed mode seems to be pretty lag mcraptastic on my machine. (Partially my fault)

My roommate opts to use xi windowed mode without a problem.

Windower has been in the wild for too long to be worried about a mass SE ban. I wouldn't go calling GMs asking why your plugins are broken via update, but you have nothing to worry about.


Anyway... Some of those plug-ins are tempting as hell. Being able to see distance for more precise pulling/claiming/sweet spots, TP for timing a skillchain without 80 /p macroes, JA cooldowns, Time Remaining for Buffs, etc.

Would be wonderful if SE would sanction their own. Then they could say "Use ours or GTFO!" >.>

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