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While I agree with the OP's comments to an extent in that FFXI is more than a game to a degree in which there is a very real sense of connection with other people which can reflect upon one's social responsibilities. The fact remains we are human beings interacting with one another, where real time, emotion, and responsibility carry over despite being played out through a somewhat superficial medium.

Online socializing unfortunately has obliterated our social skills out in the real world, and because of the anonymous identity we hold online, our sense of decency and personal responsibility has been thrown out the window, giving everyone an opportunity to be whatever they feel like. Unfortunately 99% of the time this choice people make is to be a douchebag to others and getting away with it for the simple fact that they're behind a computer screen and feel they hold no liability for their actions.

Who you are online is not who you are in real life despite your best intentions of keeping a true reflection of yourself through your choice of words and actions. You will find the words we say and the choices we make because we are on a computer are quite different than if we were in person making the same set of choices within real life circumstances.

I have little to no respect to those who use online interactivity as their excuse to display their arrogance and false-superiority and would alienate, ridicule, or otherwise abuse or condescend others and act above everyone else who in essence are quite an equal. We all play the game, and we all pay the same fee and sit down in front of a screen to play. Nobody is above one another because of their level, skill, or shiny leet gear as much as people want to use that as an excuse.

However, half of me disagrees in that there is an overall superficial purpose in playing this (what is indeed a) game. We play because we want to have fun and advance ourselves in this fictional reality and world we call Vana'Diel. The bonus is that it is online and we get to interact and do the same enjoyable things with random strangers and friends we make along the way. For that reason I find it funny for anyone to let themselves let what should be a fun and enjoyable video game get to them personally. If things take a turn for the worse for whatever reason, I find it best to log out.

Keep in mind though while Q_Qing over someone else's douchebaggery can be dismissed as sad, stupid and/or pathetic, the same can be said for those who would resort to being an *** for the above stated reasons.

There is a thin line between what is considered ridiculous and unnecessary as far as displaying emotion for other's given actions and what is considered a legitimate display of emotional retaliation. I suppose the best way to sum up all this is a quote someone once said that was along the lines of (in a 6 man party): "Yeah, you pay $12.95 because this is your game, but in reality it's our game and we all paid $64.75 to deal with you when we shouldn't have to."

Edit: I apologize for the sloppiness due to my current hangover, but I wanted to get my 2 cents in there on this subject and you have every right to quote me with tl;dr lol.

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