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Aramina said:
Also, do people find that "attacks evaded" is a good one to have filtered or not?

I know that if you have it filtered, you don't see Utsusemi shadows taken, as well as parries, dodges, or enfeebles resisted/evaded.

Would'nt make much difference if your just on WHM, being NIN main it's no good filtering that. I use the text colour of grey for "Enemy misses player". I have it about 8 clicks up from 0 on the text RGB configuration. One I do have filtered is the "Player misses enemy" filter, if nothing connects it wont clutter your log but when it does connect your "Player hits enemy for.." just shows anyway.
On my WHM I prefer healing as green, any dmgs in red, detriments are purple, enhancements are dark blue

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