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>Ballista/Brenner incentive. Give an EXP/gil bonus for participation/winning. Seriously Ballista is fun, give players a reason to play it with me ***.

>Allow Chocobo training to last longer and not to deteriorate over time.

>Changes in NPC pricing on sales of many items/Influx of reasons to start crafting.

>Changing old content to match existing content: Such as revamping old EXP spots so that they can be a viable option again(perhaps increasing EXP yield for those harder mobs, or making chain easier to keep?. Changing/adding the way HNM/kings spawn or can be spawned.

>Job changes: Allow DRG to have more control over their Wyvern; wyvern customization outside of /sub.

>New face option/customization. (Tattoos, Hair Color, Face) This could be initiated by a quest that would pull more gil out of circulation/cost to change, I'm sure SE would like this.

>Revamped UI: The UI in XI is pretty clunky, and is especially *** if you're a non windower user.

>On screen maps.

>Ability to turn down number of PCs displayed on PS2/360 version and turn down/off shadows.

>Quest system revamp to have more description.

>PC/360 engine recode. Higher resolution detail/anti aliasing/BLOOM LOL. Upgrading from DirectX8 to 9 or 10. Various graphics changes and upgrades.

>Expanded storage: Increase MH/Storage/ML/inventory to 100 each. 500 inventory, that should be great.

This was posted by my LS members awhile back

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