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The console players can learn accept the limitations of there system and deal with it. Allow the PC users to enjoy the full use of their hardware to at least up to DX9. For Pete's sake Xbox has HD graphics and its a toaster oven. Just share the visuals with the original user of the game.

A system to get land kings. BC/ENM/ZNM/Trigger set or maybe even a new form of a Beastman,Kindred Seal from 70+ level mobs only, something other than needing to be watching the clock for 12hrs of 15sec windows with 300 people lagging out the zone.

Blm really could use more dark spells and a non-elemental based spell.

The Rdm phalanx being under-minded by SCH is really crap and cant believe is has been this long and not fixed.

I would like to see base level merits expanded to include:

These could be like the stat merits sets 3,6,9,9,9

5 more of any of those stats is not gonna break the game just be nice to have.

I'm sure most players would love to see this and gladly pay 360k xp to cap them.

Also maybe even make more Job traits allowed to be merited for jobs.

The loss of WoTG badges is kind CRAP. maybe just make it so you only go to the lowest level of the badge set you have.

The macros are very limited. SE knows and intended on us to have more than one set of armor for a job. They are addressing the gobbie-bag now just double the macro lines and we'll be set.

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