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COR wishlist
Single target phantom roll JA
Replace BRD roll with +running speed or +haste
More quick draw shots for damage and/or status ailments
More gun options
Dual wield guns :3
Make Marksmanship skill better than dagger cap -.-

RNG wishlist
Give us that bizarre unused WS that remains hidden in the dats but is not featured or usable in game.
Make all craftable forms of ammo quiver-able
More bow/gun/xbow options that compare to obow, e/vbow & hellfire +1
Make scavenge find better items
Wide-scan in real time!

As far as other stuff in game, some more pop item NMs/HNMs would be nice. Anything that doesn't make camping against 2390482358 linkshells so painful, especially for kings/dynamis.

Moar jug pets for BST, and let em zone with you!

Last but not least, give old zones more incentive to be visited. Not sure how this could be done, maybe more unique NMs, or higher level mobs that make soloing or PTing last longer in different areas to spread the overcamped areas thinner.

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