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I play Monk because it's fast paced and high impact damage from using your fists. No other job is like it. Same goes for samurai, no other job specializes in great katana which is frankly my favorite weapon. No other class gambles for dynamic buffs that vary roll to roll and specializes in guns other than corsair.

These are the reasons why I play the jobs. Unless SE took away the primary function and purpose of utility the job contains I have no reason to complain. Even if SE took something away from them that they felt deemed necessary I'd go with the flow and keep playing it. You'd have to take away alot for a job to lose it's direct purpose or reason of why you enjoy playing it to begin with.

I quite frankly feel bad for bandwagon players to take a class to 75 just to be "king" of the updates and then get their hopes and dreams shattered when something gets changed.

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