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i would buy into the consipracy simply for the fact that when everything went down in 2001 , there was fanatical furvor about bringing people to justice , ending terrorism , and making america safe again . Is america Safer ? Have we found the people that were involved that didnt die in the planes ? Is terrorism down ? did we care before 9/11/2001 ? The answer is no . The powers that be used what happened to push thier own agendas , I.E. Taking down Sadam and takin control of his oil .
We are almost 8 years past it and have we truely gotten justice ? Have those responsible been brought to justice ? Are we safer ?
Again no . we have only reduced our population by the 4000+ solider who have died in Iraq for what reason ?
there is no justification for the invasion . We have opened a can worms not easily closed , and now we the american people , have to pay for the mistake GWB knew he was makin , just so he can feel that he actually did something with his time iin office (His daddy tried and failed to depose Sadam . yay for him .)
Everytime we ask about Iraq the reason for invading changes . first it was Al Queda , then it Was WMD , them Chemical weapons , then nooks . Did we find any of these things ? how long have we been there ? if there was a legit reason for goin there wouldnt we have found it by now ? Oh i forgot , that Administration is gone so we dont care anymore , we have a new crisis to divert our attention that the Government perpetuates as another system of control . Look at AIG and the other places that got money that are still pissing it away and yet we do nothing .
i am gunna stop now cuz i can seriously go on and on and on .
Dont let the Government Pull the wool over your eyes . we are screwed for at least the next 8 years if not longer .

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