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Amael said:
I putted a Platinum Beastcoin in AH for 8k and someone by the looks of it mistakenly bidded 60k on it. I send him/her a tell in game, though s/he didnt ever responded, i told the best i could that i understood the mistake and send her back 52k. People may call me dumb for things like this. So i wonder, would you return the money?

We need guys like u on Hades.I'll buy u a world pass anytime^^

On the other hand,its not only the players who are greedy and keep the mistakes.
I remember as I got my first 75 i ran off towards the <Auction house> to pick up 10 stacks of Imperial bronze pieces to obtain the Walahra Turban.Yea I know:O its 1000, but I think I had a moment of brainfart in all the excitement of finally obtaining it myself XD sooooooooooo...i traded my stacks to Gajaad and all i got in return was the walahra water;S. I was like <Ummm..> SE getting greedy on me.
I took a 180 to pick up another stack and traded Gajaad my overpayment.As I got the turban it hit me. 99 x 10 = 990 meaning I gave him 89 bronze pieces too much><
If it were a <Mithra> I would let it slip,a taru would be too cute for punnishment, but this guy..oooohh

I did several double/slap,ran my elbow+1 in his forehead in emote but nothing seemed to have an effect whatsoever.He wasnt even bothered with the 5% haste I had from the silly headwear.He just glanced at me like nothing had happened pretending he'd gotten the excact amount.RUDE!

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