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Korpg said:
Reason 3: No matter what, your sleepga in any situation will suck. If you are in a BLM party, you are not going to sleep ***, except maybe something with a Sleep II (if somebody is stupid enough to have /autoattack on still in events like that). Sleepga II > all. Einherjar = BLMs use ES + Sleepga. Even when I was the only BLM in this one run for Einherjar (which was a pain in the ***, I had to D2 30 people afterwards) I still had a great sleep rate over RDMs and SCHs in the same group. Without ES also (using ES ment that they slept for a lot longer, which ment that they didn't rape me when they woke up afterwards). The time for RDMs to sleep ***is over. BLMs > all.

Oh, and another thing. Who ever uses Phalanx II on a BLM? Any BLM worth his/her salt would have /RDM. Let the BLM cast his own Phalanx (saves you MP, and helps them survive on their own).

@Reason #3, I've never had a problem with my sleepgas, but that could be due to 314 Enfeebling Magic & lots of +INT... I've rarely done Dynamis where the BLM's are the ones doing sleepga (or are good at it). =/

@Phalanx thingy - almost always the BLM's I've done events with are /WHM because they're too cheap to buy reraise items.

I do agree with asking your shell's main RDM about their merits. I'm my shell's main RDM at the moment so I didn't even think of that. @_@ Personally I <3 my Phalanx 2, Slow 2, Para 2 and Blind 2 merits...taking out Dia 3 and Bio 3 so I can enhance my enfeebs.


Earth 2/5, Ice 2/5, Wind 1/5 potencey and 5/5 Convert merits are the way to go if you're doing a wide span of events and soloing.

Taru RDM... may wanna do 4/8 HP and 4/8 MP merits. 8/8 Enfeeb, 8/8 Enhancing. 4/8 Spell Interuption Rate will help too.

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