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I didn't take time to read through everyone's responses and opinions but I tend to want to agree with having an agreement for accepting a d2/tele/retrace/escape. Sure there's enough time to disband, leave pt, or run out of range for some random douche that would commit this trickery on you, but why should you have to resort to such actions on someone who was let into your party in the first place?

The range of people who have the ability to do this is vast, so any jerk off has the power to pull an act of mischief just to piss you or other people off who happened to find them trustworthy enough to let them into their party.

I understand escape/tele/d2 has it's place as an emergency GTFO before we wipe kind of purpose, however, I dont see why pushing one button to say yes or no would slow down anything, and this would simply leave anyone who was afk and shouldn't have been left to die.

This could also prove handy to teleporters who are providing taxi service who don't want to have to cast that extra warp to get back to business or having to zone into their MH then back out.

Unfortunately the only major downside I can see to this is in dynamis, when anyone has free lotting rights in or out of the party or goes afk during a really bad time when time is short and there's relic/coins in the pool. However a strictly enforced hourglass @ bazaar rule can end this. Anyone who wouldn't adhere to that obviously has some malicious intent and doesn't deserve to be in your dynamis shell anymore.

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