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Well in my experience (Although I haven't hit a 75 yet) Nin flaw is it's strength. Fast attackers double attacks and aoe can easily cause even the best nin to fall. PLD has the same problem on the different spectrum. They take less damage then even one else, but against mobs that could two shot anything, will be able to take out a PLD if the attacks are randomly double and interrupt a spell cast will knock the PLD down. The point here is that PLD has more survivablity when sh*t hits the fan, but nin can survive in normal issues better. A Poisonaga then Sleep can easily wipe a party with a nin tank even if hate isn't switched but a PLD will be able to take those free hits the mob gets plus wake up the healer and/or support. PLD has cover as I believe was stated before which is a lovely move that makes benediction useable with out a WHM wipe. PLD is more a party supporter then a nin is overall especially in comparsion of the two hours. Now Nin can work well even when cursed, debuffed def, and has a spammable chain with the ninjutsus to gain hate back with out DD holding back (Supposedly I am unlucky and So when I take hate because of a stun the nin gains it back I crit like three times in a row and then the mob rushes me). Also the gear supports speed and evasion over criticals and parry. That is good compared to the PLD where the gear they have access to with good crit, evasion and parry is weak compared to the pure agi, shield block and vit combonations.

If I have to say design wise PLDs are tanks from the gate. NINs were made to be tanks by the players. BLUs are IT mobs with player models so what ever they are is what they choose to be. RDM tank mage is a front line mage. Adding this to the argument is good, but it will require some acceptance of RDM as a frontliner for some of the information to be accepted. Lastly sam well come on at this point they have a mini version of every move only thing they are lacking spells, which ironically an update is right around the corner. Seriously though a Sam is what I think a nin was originally planned to be, a a versitile bridge, a mage defender if you will. That can deal alot alot of damage but then quickly switch to defense sparing mp and hate on the mages, with out needing a gear switch (I still wish they had a move to sac there weapon for massive amounts of damage though ^_^. PW is at 99% HP SAM 1 destroys his Hagun, PW dies....welcome to the NHK).

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