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Let's play the wait game and see how hard we get screwed this time around

I mean c'mon its bound to happen :3

Its normal to see people brag about FFXI what did you expect people to say :o

"oh the new FFonline is coming out im gonna buy it and play both?"

Also some people are tired of the game but can't drop it since they put so much time and

effort into their char that's it not just "another game".

So lets just say they are trying to build enough reasons to stop playing FF 1 step at

a time >.> you can compare it to smoking I guess xD

but all in all we all hope 14 is new and improve and that its not another crap ***

broken game that will be gimp/RMT/SE face raping us o.o/...

So in the end stfu and wait?

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