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Yasko said:
I was a troll today. I was afraid to ever be one. But the topic, as well as d/c circumstance, demanded it of me. So I caved in. It felt amazing. I got rid of so much anger, frustration, and pain and transmuted it to laughter. Can't say that is exactly true for everyone involved, but I will not lie. It felt good. Everybody got worked up and over by me just being an idiot/jerk/*** to nobody directly... whatever. It solicited those who do isolate, and forced open a dichotomy of human persona. It was rather intriguing.

Pretentiousness is, in itself, an intelligence because it reveals those who will follow the lead, as long as someone takes some sort of outrageous stand. We are so interesting, with our open wounds, and how we'll let anyone, anything touch them.

People are just afraid of fili, because they don't understand her. Lack of understanding should provoke a desire to learn, not a desire to judge, criticize, and condemn. ne?

Back on topic. SE is totally lacking in it's original "soul". It's been progressive in that manner since FFVI, and eventually, they'll fade into something else. The company used to approach the fan as if the fan is the only thing that mattered. So the story, the play, and even the marketing all reflected the soul of the one person, the player. But now they have their hands full with such a huge database of statistics... and no longer is there simply one fan. They are now focusing on the one, as many. And some of those many, aren't even incorporated yet. (like Wow players)

FF used to be a game the bound all people who knew about it together. Being a FF player, finding someone else as a FF player instantly brought about a recognized connection.

FFXI is kind of doing the opposite.

My friend had ordered a token, and it's been approximately 8 weeks before SE decided to send her a new one. In my opinion that is too long of a wait for anyone who could appreciate the digital luxury of the mog satchel.

Personally, I have an issue with how much exp i have not recieved because of d/c issues during campaign. I understand that when you force log out, not everything can be saved. But come on. When I've been playing a campaign battle for over 40 minutes and then d/c, I cannot be credited with even 10 minutes worth of effort I put into it? To me, that's just lazy. They've demonstrated their capabilities, but they are taking more and more shortcuts simply to solicit the emotions and feelings of it's fan database.

Now watch the power of Tl: dr at work

Korpg said:
Yasko said:
I was a troll today.

All I needed to know.

yes its all we read

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