Thou i do agree with Celebrindal to an extent about all the work you put into crafting. I also agree with people who synth for free. I do the same thing if people seek me out and ask. AH is for profit, talk to me personally and i will synth stuff for no fee. A lot of people do insist on giving a reward when you do favors, but honestly...its not expected.
As for this synth, my cloth mule can help out anyone on Bismarck. Look me up!
If people want to donate 30 seconds of their time to someone who can provide them the materials, that's their choice. Who is anyone else to say they shouldn't do that?
Ok I gotta say it after all these years- Fellow Crafters (and in this situation specifically, fellow clothcrafters!), do not devalue the time, gil, and work you've put in to leveling your craft! Stop offering your services for free just to level up! We all want to level up, but we all have worked to get our crafts up. So stop with the "will craft for free" BS. Take pride in the time you've put in to your craft. Time is money, and don't give away your time (and not the 30 seconds for the synth, but the months of leveling) for free.