Attack+24.7% as opposed to 23% from NQ, however the cap is still 150 attack.
If you can't hit 652 base attack (jobs such as THF spring to mind, or when you don't have buffs such as stalwarts, COR/BRD buffs)) then these will be better.
If you're a job with high attack (like MNK, DRK, WAR) or you have alot of other buffs then the NQ will do the same thing for you.
The HQ gives 2 more AGI than the NQ, which makes them superior for RNG or COR. Whether that's worth the increased price is up to you, but there is a difference.
With Red curry being a mat on this synth you can expect this to be at a higher price due to this. All cooks know that Red Curry alone is expensive to craft and used mainly in the 99-100 range of skill up.