Farming Item; These usually sell for a good deal of gil maybe around 10k or so, but when they are over farmed they can go as low as 3k a stack. Sadly, most people don't comprehend the simple ethics of Supply and Demand, you Supply more then Demand it isn't going to sell, so this makes people angry, thus they undercut around 500 - 1k gil, to make their's sell before the others because they don't have any patience. Now, it doesn't seem to hurt at all but when someone buys the undercutting item for less, other people who have that item for the original price will realize that they need to undercut as well because no one will pay the original price anymore. Eventually people start losing around 6k of their original profit because people are impatient, stupid and don't look at the AH before they go farming to see how many are up. However, it is a good thing though because after all the idiots are done wasting time and gil, they will change farming habits and go farm something else