I don't see why people are unhappy about the price drop. For those of us starting over, this is honestly a GREAT break. One of the things I dreaded the most about starting over (aside for not having an Airship pass anymore) was having to farm to buy Dispel again, since this is one of the few must-have, extremely expensive (for a new player) spells that literally halt your leveling until you get it. If you can spend 60k to make a profit on a spell, you probably have a high enough level character to earn money a different way, as well as enough start-up capital to take up any craft you like. It wouldn't kill you to move on, and be happy that the relatively low-level RDMs can actually continue leveling and being helpful to their parties without having to farm for ages just so you'll make a profit. I've always found this spell's value to be severely disproportionate to its usable level; RDM is a base job after all, many people choose it as their first job ever.
Price drop? I'm unhappy about the price RAISE. Thanks to a shortage of supply, the price for Dispel here on Shiva has almost TRIPLED from what it was in the span of a couple days. I'm not gonna waste my gil on this hyperinflation & will wait 'til stock replenishes & the price returns to its original. 10k - 12k may not seem much, but that 6k - 8k wasted on inflation could be saved for more scrolls & gear.