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Racine » Scrolls » Black Magic
Info [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
Stock 7
Taux Moyen (1.580 Vendu/Jour)
M 205,000
Max 300,000
Mini 150,000
Moyenne 221,400
Dernier 150,000
Historique des prix
8 Hours Ago150,000
8 Hours Ago150,000
20 Hours Ago150,000
1 Days Ago150,000
GilPrice History3/13/83/113/143/160k50k100k150k200k250kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Prix des vendeurs
Nom Zone Prix
Brave Ox Rabao 64400 - 80704 gil
Shohrun-Tuhrun Windurst Waters 64400 - 80704 gil
Zafif Bearclaw Pinnacle 64400 - 80704 gil
Historique des prix (25)
Mar. 16, 2025CadimusGarukoh150,000
Mar. 16, 2025CadimusHuntaroo150,000
Mar. 16, 2025DexproziusAtombaby150,000
Mar. 16, 2025CaiziKatnipsuru150,000
Mar. 16, 2025CadimusSupesupport150,000
Mar. 15, 2025SairosAlfortasu200,000
Mar. 15, 2025LionazusaRenneberg200,000
Mar. 15, 2025VixioGustus200,000
Mar. 15, 2025NempemGeomancerer210,000
Mar. 14, 2025SairosRajan200,000
Commentaires (8)
Odin.Tsukiji[Report] Score: 17
I don't see why people are unhappy about the price drop. For those of us starting over, this is honestly a GREAT break. One of the things I dreaded the most about starting over (aside for not having an Airship pass anymore) was having to farm to buy Dispel again, since this is one of the few must-have, extremely expensive (for a new player) spells that literally halt your leveling until you get it. If you can spend 60k to make a profit on a spell, you probably have a high enough level character to earn money a different way, as well as enough start-up capital to take up any craft you like. It wouldn't kill you to move on, and be happy that the relatively low-level RDMs can actually continue leveling and being helpful to their parties without having to farm for ages just so you'll make a profit. I've always found this spell's value to be severely disproportionate to its usable level; RDM is a base job after all, many people choose it as their first job ever.
2008-10-14 05:38:47
Seraph.Rhiaelle[Report] Score: 12
Sells to NPC (in Windurst) for 3,166g.
2008-05-15 03:13:24
Remora.Samiam[Report] Score: 6
The Minimum price for these from a merchant is actually 63,700G rather then 64,400, Not much of a difference but still better. :)
2007-06-08 15:01:16
Shiva.Lchan[Report] Score: 2
Price drop? I'm unhappy about the price RAISE. Thanks to a shortage of supply, the price for Dispel here on Shiva has almost TRIPLED from what it was in the span of a couple days. I'm not gonna waste my gil on this hyperinflation & will wait 'til stock replenishes & the price returns to its original. 10k - 12k may not seem much, but that 6k - 8k wasted on inflation could be saved for more scrolls & gear.
2009-06-10 21:26:02
Fenrir.Axima Montrer Score: -17
can you blame all to the gill sellers? I mean I've seen a lot of price droping thanks to ppl in general and not only to gillsellers
2008-02-05 19:01:24
Garuda.Wumpscut Montrer Score: -29
Ya umm on Garuda this is it 5k.
i bought it for 75k months ago. >.<
2007-08-23 11:21:13
Siren.Cucamongan Montrer Score: -31
On Siren, the price dropped to 9K - don't know why - I used to buy in
Rabao and sell in Jeuno, but not now!
2007-07-05 13:51:25
Siren.Gandhi Montrer Score: -38
These things were like 80K+ on siren less than 6 months ago, now they are 5-6K, thank you gilsellers!
2007-09-24 01:37:26
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