Basic market skills -- undercut someone until they leave the market and move on, leaving you the only source for the supply. Exactly what RMT do -- they aren't stupid. Annoying yes, ignorant on how to make a quick gil, no.
Instead of complaining personal stories, why not store them on a mule or in your mog house until the price rises. Better yet just NPC them and keep fishing if you got time to spend~ 50k/hr selling to NPC is better than not selling and coming here to complain where it won't help the matters improve.
RMT's farm these fishing off the east coast of Buburium Peninsula they change the 2 or 3 char's they thave there every day, they are on the beach at the south most point. i know this will get rated down but if you don't believe me go look for your self i don't know about the other servers but it's on mine
People comment on things like NPC price vs AH price because other people are obviously too stupid to know any better. I see today someone sold an AH full of Shall Shells for 3800 a stack. At seven stacks that's 11k less than they would've gotten from the guild (13k less if you count fees). If I'd not been too late I'd have snagged them and NPCd them for some quick gil myself.
The hope is that the next time someone decides they want some super quick gil, rather than list for 2k or something, they'll have a look at the AH site and say "Gee, I could get more instantly by NPCing these!"
In truth, it has very little to do with controlling the market and much more to do with a lack of patience and foresight.
I don't think I've sold a stack of shall shells in over a year because its simply not worth my time to fish them. There are other things I can do for gil which are more expedient. I generally only break out the rogue rig when I need some small amount for
Robber rig seems to pull up shall shells with a much better bite rate than a Rogue rig. I was using rogue until I broke my line then switched to robber and couldn't be happier^^
low level bonecrafters use them and cooks for defense food recipes. the price should stay close to the price of nebonites to attract fishers to sell to the ah vs selling to npcs. if price drops continue the market will dry up as fisher A will sell to npc's before losing gil. (skill difficulty level range 35-50 fishing vs nebonites (20-30) which are much easier to catch). RMT fishing these died 3 years ago when they learned they could sell black pearls from hq'ing they stopped dumping the base resource on market.