With the 8/6/13 patch, this staff and its HQ are the undisputed king of BP Rage Magical Pacts. While Yaskomo still carries the +18 M.Acc., the difference of +63 Avatar MAB is just too much to give up when Avatar M.Acc. can come from multiple other sources.
Love Mine! This is the 1st major boast to SMN in a very long time. If anyone on my server needs it made I'll do it for free if you have the materials but only if you play SMN and you plan on using it. Tired of making things for people for free only to have them sell it and undercut the heck out of the price that I make my gilz on!
While this is still a great choice for SMNs, Eminent Pole(while having a bit less Avatar: MAB) could be a cheaper choice and will hit harder with DMG 186. one makes you hit harder and the other makes your avatar hit harder. 50/50