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DPS: 1796
Info [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
Stock 0
Taux Hyper lent (0.003 Vendu/Jour)
M 750,000
List Characters: [Owned] [Equipped]
Max 200,000,000
Mini 700,000
Moyenne 19,084,545
Dernier 700,000
Historique des prix
87 Months Ago700,000
131 Months Ago750,000
139 Months Ago750,000
139 Months Ago750,000
GilPrice History4/258/251/220M50M100M150M200M250MExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Historique des prix (11)
Jan. 22, 2018InkyfunkEternia700,000
Jun. 28, 2014ArisuchanDaijiro750,000
Oct. 24, 2013AzardSqualleonhart750,000
Oct. 18, 2013TyataAosan750,000
Sep. 14, 2013KettyaArisuchan750,000
Aug. 25, 2013VitusUnpe750,000
Jul. 22, 2013RaxsasZiharku1,000,000
Jul. 3, 2013SatellitetRaxsas1,480,000
Jun. 29, 2013IchirohEstyll1,500,000
Jun. 28, 2013IchirohVitus1,500,000
Commentaires (4)
Leviathan.Egonn[Report] Score: 5
Same damage, less delay than a Borealis with all those stats... plus WAR can wear it. Not bad.
2013-04-04 09:52:19
Odin.Jassik[Report] Score: 5
war finally gets a decent gs again besides ragnarok
2013-04-04 12:37:15
Cerberus.Detzu[Report] Score: 3
Good GS to spam Resolution with on WAR. Gogo epeen Mighty strikes!
2013-04-28 07:19:55
Leviathan.Mrowmrif Montrer Score: -11
Well... Rag was the made relevant when resolution came out... Hope no one gets too emo over this new hotness! Also hope it sells for a gazillion gil >:)

Yay smithing
2013-03-28 07:04:42
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