The sale prices for the following items have been changed:
Black Ink / Bugard Skin / H. Q. Bugard Skin / Orc Piercer / Yagudo Freezer / Shellbuster / Leech Saliva / Bird Blood / Beast Blood
NOOOO!!! :( This is very bad news for us farmers... THANK YOU RMTs!!! From now on I will report every single one of them. NO MERCY TO RMT!!
seriously... I understand the need to nerf RMTs... but how are those of us that are NOT rmt supposed to make money now? i almost WANT to buy gil because SE is removing every method i have for making it.
And now, it's over: The Dec 2008 update slashed the NPC payout to 262~278 gil. Unfortunately SE has elected to go the "penalize everyone" route instead of the "find and crush RMTs" route, and damaged Zi'tah as a good farming zone. Oh well, back to Goobbues for me I guess...
The RMTs are starting to get into the Beast Blood action as well. On Cerberus there is Fightplones, Neptunesxx, Fredward and some Xiao-something. Two kill bats, Two kill goobbue. If you check out their AH dealing you can see they're very similar and their only in zi'tah 24/7! So heads up if you plan on farming Beast Blood. GL
I farm these and get 1-2 drops and easily make 2 stacks a night. And each sell to NPC with current highest fame for 559 gil each/6,708 gil a stack! not bad!
Thanks to the recent update the NPC price for these has been cut in half to 273 gil each or 3276 gil a stack. Thank you SE for screwing the community yet again.