Finally found it this morning. Gold Box Upper Delkfutt's Tower.
Was a pretty quiet zone but I predict it's gonna be farmed like mad now that we know where this comes from. Thew Bomblet just got pushed out of the way by this for MNKs.
Think i just spent the best part of a week getting treasure casket finder prowess up and spamming countless brown boxes for this. Finally walked away with mine just now and my girl's a couple of days ago.
If i can pass on one thing i've learnt it'll be the following:
Even Prouesse Ring has nothing on this thing's stupidly low appearence rate.
Make the gil for this thing.
Sell your body in jeuno if you have to, do NOT purposely farm this thing.
So is it just my server or are there crazy people that buy for 10mil sell for 6mil? Same guy and its mule seems to buy for outrageous ammounts of gil then sell for cheaper, even buying from them self for 4mil and selling for 1.5mil? I have contemplated why this is going on but can not reason why...........