This really isn't worth the gil people are dishing out for it.
For one, you could quest an adaman ingot and log a j. log to have synthed into lumber. Buying the remaining adaman ingots and gold ingots or mining enough ores to synth them and having it crafted would make much more sense than buying one off the ah for these prices.
Besides, there isn't some tough HNM like Cerb to kill(Algol), or tons of IS to spend(Perdu), or annoying BCNMs to do(Subduer). It's simply a matter of farming materals.
Yes, it's a brand new item and people want it right away, but with time and a bit of effort, this is free or very cheap, saving gil that could be used for more worthwhile pursuits.
If this were the best GS out there, I'd understand more, but it's not.
smithing these swords is impractical due to material costs of the 7 ingots and wood being higher then the ah price and the sword should be selling at least 275k considering you would need
4 adman ingots at 3 adman ores. = 12 adman ores, 4 iron ores and 8 fire crystals
3 gold ingots
and wood.
the markets adman ore prices are what drive this.. not the high leveled smith marking anything up.
however the demand is still high because of value of sword to drk at the 70-78 level range and mean look of the sword. the dps isnt horrible for a pld but the loss of shield makes it impractical and the sword is a definate no-no for a warrior to be using since great axes out dps and outclass this.
This sword has a lower delay and same damage as the Bahadur, aswell as +4 STR and +2 INT. Clearly a better choice and overall 400kish cheeper (on asura anyways).