While some would be tempted to see +2 MACC and go pfft... Understand that it will not only help lighning element based nukes land BUT it will also help Stun proc as well.
I don't know why everyone marked down Malekith's comment. It's a very valid point, and many people do look at +2 MACC and dismiss it as a waste of gil. For those who struggle with gil, I wouldn't recommend the entire range of these grips, but at least get the cheaper ones. Assuming you have the inventory space that is.
These are not only a great option for BLM nukes, but also RDM enfeebles. Pick them up if you can spare the gil and inventory space.
Unfortunately, despite the comments here, these (the elemental grips) are not ideal nuking pieces. The stats offered by Bugard +1 are significantly more useful to a Black Mage. 2 MACC isn't going to make a substantial enough difference to out weigh +1 int, and that is supposing you don't believe that Int affects MACC. The main draw of the grips is their use for debuffs, NOT nukes; since the only thunder based debuffs are Shock and Stun, this piece sees little practical use.
However, this piece can be equipped by all jobs and also converts HP to MP, making it a very ideal (pricewise) piece of gear for, for example, a Black Mages convert macro for Sorc's ring.
So, yeah, if your initial response is to look at this gear and go "pfft," as Male states, then it is a well founded pfft. True, it has uses, but in all likely hood, if you're in a situation where you absolutely need MACC to help Stun land, this piece is not going to make such a substantial difference.
When I look at the elemental grips, i think of them in the same aspect as the HQ staves. If your going to get any of them, get the Big 3 first, Thunder, Ice, and Dark for BLM. Ice, Earth, and Dark for RDM.
The biggest problem with all of the elemental grips is the same problem the elemental staves have: inventory space. Staves' damage and accuracy bonuses are worth the inventory spaces. macc+2 is not.