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DPS: 869
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Commentaires (21)
Midgardsormr.Mayareira[Report] Score: 22
Rare/ex equivalent of Eurytos' Bow. Drops from Eastern Shadow at Fei'Yin.
2007-12-24 07:16:46
Phoenix.Rajah[Report] Score: 7
I went 1/6, a friend went 1/6, another friend went 1/26. Of the dozen or more other times I saw east shadow, he dropped twice. Window begins at 16 hrs after death, commonly pops before 24 hrs pasts. If he's not killed for 32 hrs (of whice twice I saw), he'll force pop. The placeholder is the RNG, the DRK does not need to be killed, and they pop after 16 min. Plenty of time to afk ^^ Good luck!
2007-11-22 16:58:31
Lakshmi.Lilman[Report] Score: 4
Camped Eastern Shadow for 9 days straight and went 0/9.. On the 10th day while I was waiting for window for Eastern Shadow to open I did some nyzuls with a group shouting.. We killed Eastern Shadow on one of the floors and I clicked box and got ??? item.. Went to appraise and it turned in to Vali's Bow.. What a way to get the bow while your bored waiting for window huh? lol.. Is a poor rate from nyzul though.. ahve only heard of people getting it from there twice on my server.. (2nd one being me)
2009-06-22 02:22:52
Ragnarok.Whitehawkx[Report] Score: 3
1/1 from floor 38 of Nyzul Isle. HATE ME.
2010-02-03 01:30:23
Fairy.Ashers[Report] Score: 0
1/10 tonight, I'm an happy RNG now...
2009-01-27 09:57:52
Cerberus.Ultimatrunks[Report] Score: 0
1/8, 200 hours camping, last pop after 44hours straight camping. Repop time is rather 16-52 hours for me so far...
Should camp while you do Capricious Cassie with friends or share afks with someone who is going after Western Shadow.
Don't ever lose ToD if you once got it I spent 80% of my time getting the damn ToD, ask friends to help out if you can't keep going.
RNG rocks for claiming, check the compass and when you see a red dot appearing, turn and shoot shadowbind.
Good luck and happy hunting!
2009-07-15 08:11:57
Leviathan.Rander[Report] Score: -1
Just got mine from a ??? bow dropped from Eastern shadow on floor 38 of Nyzul Isle assault.
2008-12-28 17:15:27
Phoenix.Xxmchenryxx[Report] Score: -1
Obtained this via Nyzul Isle off Eastern Shadow,same NM in nyzul also drops ungurs boomerang.

Vali's isnt listed as a drop from nyzul, so this would indicate a very poor drop rate considering how much the assault has been done since the update.
2008-11-11 06:29:03
Valefor.Zentausken[Report] Score: -1
1/65 here with TH3 on all kills. guess SE hates me :(
2010-03-25 10:27:16
Caitsith.Aredhel[Report] Score: -1
Camping this wasn't quite as bad as I had thought. The painful part is getting the first ToD. After that it's just an endurance test. Ended up going 1/3 on this and 1/3 on retaliators at the same time. Was relatively easy to camp them simultaneously, with little to no competition other than a BLU doing sword trials.
2010-10-19 23:48:01
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