The FFXIclopedia entry for Tiphia is incorrect - Tiphia CAN run out of MP. Tiphia rages after about 10 minutes, and its attack and defense starts to slowly increase after this time. By bringing it to the Rolanberry zone, a NIN or /NIN can slowly wear it down until it finally runs out of MP (2 or 3 rage/zone cycles), then kill it outright. Note that even if you let it regen to full after zoning, it will never regain any MP it used.
When combined with the Verthandi's Gem, this piece is great for Paladin's looking for a huge (55HP) bump for a cure IV macro. It also will not blink you so long as you don't actually remove the ranged item, just swap it.
Duo'd this NM 3 times. BLU/THF & MNK/DNC, BLU/THF & DRG/BLU & Finally as 2x DRG/BLU. Can be a long fight, but easy to tank as most 75 jobs. Also 2/3 on drop rate, funnily enough the none drop was with no TH. Good luck to any campers =]