Pretty sweet Polearm for a SAM. Thanks to the higher delay on this weapon, with Store TP IV all you will need to achieve a 6-hit build is 12 points of Store TP in equipment ^^
Actually, if you have Store TP IV and 2 Store TP merits, you should already be getting a 6-hit build(StoreTP+29)
Now, a 5-hit build should be possible with Store TP+54.
With Store TP IV, 5/5 merits and this weapon you get StoreTP+36, leaving you to find 18 Store TP in equipment.
If you have a Rajas Ring then Hachiman Feet and Gloves should see you there.
Although, this calculation doesn't include the extra 1.5 - 6 TP you can get from the additional hits in Penta Thrust. You'd only need StoreTP+46 if your Penta Thrust is 100% accurate^^
No real reason to use this on DRG. A Tournament Lance is insanely cheap and has better DPS. Only a stepping stone to get to either an Imperial Neza or Mezraq, depending on how much gil you have to waste.
Very good for WAR at Colibri camp. WAR has the same polearm skill as SAM, and more accuracy on account of aggressor, plus more double attack. Unsure why it's considered a SAM thing.