One of the best cheap and economically advantageous weapons on FFXI. If you can't afford a Harpe, Blau Dolch, Batardeau, Adder Jamiya +1 or a Mandau AND don't have the time/patience/friends to get X's knife or Sirroco Kukri then this is your friend.
proc rate is 0-20%,depending on mob.with enough haste / triple attack the next proc will occur before the other one wears off.
turned VT with no evasion comment MMM mobs into VT mob with low evasion comment.
nice offhand weapon for exp pt because all pt member will benefit of this effect
This is a great knife to have for farming and even DD if you prefer that route too. And even with a -10 evasion, which won't show too much if you do have evasion capped and also have both evasion merits or armor (boxer's mantle, SH, etc) in your arsenal. And the fact your able to slow down a mobs movment (note; not attk speed) is a wonderful trade off in case you run into trouble while soloing.