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DPS: 585
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Taux Lent (0.257 Vendu/Jour)
M 100,000
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Max 100,000
Mini 90,000
Moyenne 99,400
Dernier 100,000
Historique des prix
1 Days Ago100,000
1 Days Ago100,000
2 Days Ago100,000
8 Days Ago100,000
GilPrice History12/151/11/251/303/150k100k25k50k75k125kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Historique des prix (25)
Mar. 21, 2025AsiripaGusteaux100,000
Mar. 21, 2025YorukenGusteaux100,000
Mar. 21, 2025YorukenHoodrat100,000
Mar. 15, 2025HyoraDolcex100,000
Mar. 15, 2025MaauxDolcex100,000
Feb. 13, 2025TakyonKalidan100,000
Feb. 4, 2025JohForganix100,000
Feb. 4, 2025JohForganix100,000
Jan. 30, 2025HawterMittensromney100,000
Jan. 30, 2025SlipshotMittensromney100,000
Xnm (1)
Commentaires (5)
Ragnarok.Bsphilar[Report] Score: 13
"The Trailer's Kukri on the other hand gives +28 Ranged Accuracy. So you lose out on 4 Ranged accuracy but you gain other Agility based Stat, like every ranged weapon skill and agility"

At 61, AGI+4 only adds ONE base damage to Sidewinder 90% of the time. 10% of the time, it does absolutely nothing. Spoilers: Ranged hit rate +2% > base damage +1 on WS only.

2x Hawker +1s would VERY SLIGHTLY edge out 2x Trailers, so it's up to you if you want to keep hawker +1s on hand for level caps or something. I wouldn't bother, the damage increase is so incredibly minimal that it's not worth the extra few hundred thousand gil.
2008-08-18 23:08:47
Asura.Riddick[Report] Score: 11
Corsair or Ranger / Ninja. These are a must have. Very low cost for very big results.
2007-06-03 11:26:25
Siren.Enternius[Report] Score: 1
Awesome for the ranged accuracy, but at this point in the game, LV60-70, R.ACC is just horribly easy to get and R.Attack is so rare for RNG. Recommend swapping at least one weapon out for Francisca at 63, and if you can afford it, get a Kriegsbeil at 70.

For COR, these are almost essential. Also might be a good idea for lower-level THF solo, for the R.ACC for Bloody Bolts. Needless to say, no other job should use these.
2009-02-24 05:16:50
Ragnarok.Azzo[Report] Score: -8
i pretty much doubt it that a rng/nin will be seeking 4 more agi for the so called added dmg , if he wanted dmg as /NIN in the 1st place he would be dual weilding kriegs/fran or just go staff/grip, anyway mostly when a RNG is subbing NIN obviously dmg isnt his priority.
2008-09-29 20:44:11
Asura.Darkmessenger Montrer Score: -18
Well reading the 3 comments off the top. It's been a while since anyone's replied. All the arguments here have also been based off the NQ Hawkers.
Now in theory again 2 AGI = 1 Ranged Acc. So looking at the Hawker's+1 you're getting AGI/CHR+3 (/NIN = +6) Meaning 3 Ranged Acc from AGI alone. Then you get the +24 from the Ranged Acc on the Knife. Making it a total of, again in theory, 27 Ranged Accuracy and the WS boosts from AGI+6. Making the Hawkers+1 Better than Trailers, in theory.
--- But looking at it, Hawkers+1(x2) is gonna cost you quite a bit on most servers. Msking Trailers the easy choice for Acc+, but I myself will opt to get the Hawkers+1 even if it does take me a while to save the gil to buy 2.
2008-03-23 11:14:34
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