This fella isn't too bad for Pure DD purposes as Kenesu said, But that's saddly few and far between on BST, Anything you'll be doing BST on you'll be
A) Proc *** (Voidwatch)
B) Treasure Hunter Pet (Dynamis, Limbus, Everything)
Meaning Random Proc pets or Falcor are going to be the BST's two most used pets, So while he is pretty sweet, He's not worth the price tag at this time, Unless of course, You really just want cool fun pet :)
That, and the Tiger pet is still pretty effing beastly as far as DD Pets go, easily hitting 1.5k+ on Razor fang on a lot of enemies. Attack Bonus VI~ Really helps them Pets.
But in the end, Make the decision based on all Information, Not just any single experience. Your own Budget and judgement are the best tools.