My Koggel dropped last night. Set-up was: Tabula M03; Voucher 07; and Runes 05, 013 (resonating with earth), 017, 018, 041, 075, and 094. PT was PLD/BLM/RDM/RDM/BRD/WHM. Slow and steady magic damage (particularly ice) was the key. (A run before with a slightly different tabula set-up and melee heavy PT ended in a loss.) Our PLD also appreciated Stun on Banishga III.
Hi, it seems a lot of rune set ups allow this to drop. Mine was Great Warrior, Lizard, Warrior(job), Might, Supreme Might, Force of Will, and Lost and Found.
Koggelmander can drop from both chests if 2 happen to pop, so be sure to check the second chest before lotting on the one that falls into the treasure pool in case you get lucky enough for that to happen (it happened to me, we lost a koggelmander this way).
I got my drop last night, was 1/3 for my maze. Maze setup was Tabula 03, Voucher 07, Rune 05, 13, 17, 18 on earth, 043 on ice, 075, 094. Firesday, 76% moonphase, face north when opening hoadbox.
Party Set up was Nin/drk straight tank w/ enmity setup, rdm/blm x2, sch/rdm, blm/rdm and Rng/nin. Fight took approx 15minutes. Tank only lost hate once and never took a single hit but he claimed mob didn't miss him much. Blm got resisted 50% of the time with Thunder without Elemental skill setup. Sch nuke with max INT setup got resist 80% of the time.
RNG did good damage, Sidewinders for 500 on average.